Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1367: End and start two

  Chapter 1367 End and Beginning Two

  Since that in October, he knew that the young master had reported the imperial law, and the king of Yizhou had turned against him, he had put down half of his thoughts.

  Later, it was learned that King Yizhou had died on the battlefield. The old case 13 years ago was completely revealed, and the rest of his thoughts were gone.

After   , he lost the will to survive. He kept holding on just wanting to see the old lady and the eldest brother to make sure that the matter was true.

After   , he has been groggy. He felt that he would not survive the New Year, but he felt that it would be unlucky to die at the end of the New Year.

  Although he was only a subordinate, it was too unlucky to die in the mansion, so he kept his breath.

  As a result, the eldest brother told him yesterday that the young master and Miss Man were married, and he felt that he was light and light. He knew that this was the end of the day.

  The servant who had been taking care of him also noticed it, and quickly invited Mrs. Liu.

  Man Bao took two steps forward, reached out and touched his pulse. After a while, she withdrew her hand and shook her head sadly with everyone.

  Daji's eyes were hot, he resisted the tears, stepped forward and picked up Erji's upper body to show him Bai Shan and Zhou Man, he whispered: "Young Master and Miss Man are coming to see you."

Erji opened his eyes slightly to look at Bai Shan and Zhou Man, his eyes paused for a long time on Bai Shan, and he murmured "Young Master", then slowly rolled his eyes to look at Zhou Man. Half a moment, he He whispered "I'm sorry".

  Man Bao shook his head slightly, and whispered: "I don't blame you, and my parents' death is not your fault."

  Er Ji twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he was a little pleased, and he went down in a moment of energy. He leaned more softly in the arms of his elder brother, and his voice was barely audible, "I, I want to go home..."

  Da Ji nodded with tears in his tears: "Big brother sent you back to Longzhou, don't worry..."

   Erji let go of his heart, exhaled a long breath, and slowly closed his eyes...

  Man Bao shook his hands to touch his pulse, and shook his head in tears after a while.

   There was a low cry in the room.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao’s eye sockets were a little red, and at the same time they were a little startled. They were the first time they saw such a person who died of illness.

  The last time I saw death was an assassin who came to assassinate them...

  But the death of those people did not make them feel too uncomfortable, this time it was completely different.

  The two looked at Erji on the bed blankly.

  Lao Liu was mentally prepared, and she wiped her eyes when she was hurt. She turned her head and said to Grandma Liu: “Get the shroud prepared for him and let him go.”

  Grandma Liu responded with tears and turned to go out.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan stood by, tears falling in large drops, shoulders twitching and weeping silently.

  Everyone only cried, and no one shouted loudly. Mother Liu took the shroud, and Da Ji wiped her eyes and said to everyone: "Go out, I'll change clothes for him."

  Man Bao stretched out his hand and took Bai Shan out. The two stood silently under the corridor, feeling sour and astringent in their hearts, feeling that even their mouths had become bitter.

Mrs. Liu turned her head and saw the two of them were crying, she pulled them to her, wiped their tears with a kerchief, and said, "This is not a bad thing. He lived too hard and died, but he escaped. It's a sea of ​​bitterness."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan's tears fell even more fiercely.

Mrs. Liu touched Man Bao’s head, her eyes fell into the void in the sky. It seems to be cold today. There is still some sunshine in the morning, but now the dark clouds cover it, and the whole sky is faint. It's just past noon.

  In the room, Daji put on Erji's shroud and tidyed up his hair. Then everyone went in to see him.

  Lao Mrs. Liu stood by the bed and took a look at Erji, who was fairly peaceful, and said to Daji: “Let’s collect it when it’s night. The coffin is already ready, so don’t worry.”

  Daji knelt down and kowtowed to Mrs. Liu, Bai Shan stepped forward and pulled him up.

  In fact, there are not many things that need them to be busy. Er Ji has been sick for too long. When he arrived in Yizhou City last year, the doctor said it was not good, but he has survived until now.

   But Mrs. Liu is prepared, so everything is prepared.

  The subordinates silently set up a mourning hall in the main courtyard of the courtyard, because Erji is a subordinate, and it is the next year, so he has no intention of doing anything big.

  Lao Mrs. Liu stood in the yard and watched for a while, then stretched out her hand to support Mother Liu’s hand and left slowly. Zheng looked back at the house where Erji lived, and silently followed her mother-in-law.

  Only Daji and Bai Shanmanbao were left in the house for a while.

  The three of them sat on the pedals together in a daze, while the neatly groomed Erji was lying on the bed behind them.

   After a long period of silence, Da Ji said abruptly: "Master, I have to send him back to his hometown. I'm afraid I can't go to the capital with Master."

  Bai Shan asked, "Is it land or water?"

  They will be on the same route by land, while the waterway will be separated, but the waterway should be faster and more convenient.

  Longzhou is still to the north of the capital, and it will take another two days to walk. If it is by land, even if it is cold now, the corpse will have a smell after ten days.

  Good luck: "Waterway."

  Bai Shan nodded, and said, "I will tell my grandmother to prepare more ice for you."

Daji’s tears almost came down, he got up to kneel, Bai Shan quickly grabbed him and said: "Daji, you and Erji are not the same, I have never seen you as a servant, you and my father, and I lived and died together. Originally, my father had released your book..."

  So you are not a servant.

  Good luck: "After I settle down at home, I will go to the young master and Miss Man."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded, the three of them continued to sit on the pedals in a daze, looking back at Erji on the bed from time to time.

  After death, it’s best to put it aside for a long time before converging. Some wealthy people may have to put it on for a day and night.

  It’s because some people are in feign death, they just shut their breath, but the doctor can’t tell them, and they may live again.

But as a subordinate, Daji knows that they don’t have this preferential treatment. They are basically buried in a coffin when they die. Some big clans, unless they are particularly dignified, would have been wrapped in straw mats before they died. It would be too unlucky to die at the mansion.

  It’s still alive, let alone dead.

  Should be collected by the people of their own family. Those who have money buy a coffin, and those who don’t have money can wrap up a straw mat and bury them.

  Not to mention that the coffin has been transported home for thousands of miles. Transporting a coffin back home is more expensive than pulling ten carts of goods.

  Daji got up and twisted the quilt for Erji. Although his face was blue and white at this time, I am afraid that he could not feel the cold, but he still covered him.

  He couldn’t help asking Man Bao, “Miss Man, Erji’s injury, if you treat it now, can it be cured?”

  Man Bao thought for a while and shook his head, “I don’t know if I can be cured in the future, but it’s definitely not possible now.”

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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