Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1371: God's blessing

  Chapter 1371 Tianzun’s Blessing

In   , the three Taoist leaders remained silent.

  Man Bao stacked the bowl aside, and said to him: "Have you had a nightmare? I'll go back and give you a prescription to calm the nerves later."

   "No," Baijiro refused, "The medicine is too bitter, I don't take it."

  Man Bao: "Then how many needles will I give you?"

   Baijiro even refused. Although she is now a lot more skilled, the needle is not very painful, but every time she sees her holding such a long needle dangling in front of his eyes, he is still very scared.

  Man Bao shrugged his shoulders and let him go.

  Bai Shan glanced at him and said: "If you eat too much and get angry, you must be really scared. Give you a talisman."

   Dao and said that there is no problem. He already knows how to draw talisman, and he can draw a picture for him without the master’s father.

  Taohe gave the book and the medical book to Master and Uncle, and simply got up and took them out to draw amulet.

   Seeing him studying ink and drawing runes that they couldn’t understand, Bai Erlang couldn’t help scratching his head and asked, “Does this thing really work?”

  Dao and nodded solemnly, "It works."

  He folded the talisman, led them to the main hall, then pressed the incense candle, sat cross-legged on the futon and chanted to it, with a pious expression on his face.

  The three people stood aside bored and listened. At first they were a little bored and irritable, but Man Bao listened for a while and found that he could also recite this passage, so he simply sat on the futon next to him and read it.

  Listening to these scriptures, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang's hearts also slowly calmed down, and they simply sat on the empty futon beside them, and then read them.

  Tao and recitation are the simplest scriptures. They happen to have read them all, and most of them can memorize them.

  No way, Qian believes, Man Bao also believes in Master Tianzun, she feels that what the mother said is right, Master Tianzun will bless each of them;

  On the one hand, he felt that Keke was right. There may be no ghosts and gods in this world. All this is just the sustenance of mortals.

  In order to trace the source, she looked for Taoist books.

Mr.    told her that Taoism and Taoism are not the same. Taoism belongs to Taoism and Taoism is cultivating Taoism. However, Taoism has its own view of governing the world just like Confucianism, law, and soldiers.

Because she was still young, her husband only gave her three books to read. Bai Shan and the books she read were almost the same. Both felt that the Tao Te Ching and a few scriptures were catchy, and they often used them in morning class to make up the numbers. .

  Shirajiro will be able to listen to it too much.

  Bai Erlang closed his eyes and read a paragraph, his heart calmed, and the sandalwood in the temple was floating, he couldn't help being sleepy, and his head started little by little.

  When he woke up, the three Bai Shan had already turned the futon and sat facing each other to talk.

   Seeing him get up, Man Bao turned his head and smiled: "Awake?"

  Bai Shan stood up, "Then let's go down the mountain."

  Shirajiro didn't know when he fell asleep with three futon mats under him, covered with a cotton coat.

  He scratched his head embarrassedly and got up, "I'm asleep, why don't you call me?"

  Bai Shan glanced at his eyes and said seriously: "We called, you didn't wake up."

  Shirajiro opened his mouth, "Am I sleeping so soundly?"

  Man Bao also followed a serious said: "This is the blessing of Lord Tianzun."

   Bai Erlang tilted his head to look at the statue of Taishang Laojun, with a look of awe, "Then I am asleep here, isn't it abrupt to Tianzun?"

   Dao He said with a peaceful face: "Old gentleman won't mind, you get what you want, it is old gentleman's merit."

  The three of them flicked at Bai Erlang, and Bai Erlang was moved.

The three of them couldn't help turning their round eyes, looking at each other, and they couldn't help lowering their heads for joy.

  Actually, they didn't call, but they really couldn't wake him up.

  The four of them were meditating on the scriptures. Suddenly, he headed little by little, and then fell to the side.

   fell to the ground, and didn't even wake up. At that time, the three of Bai Shan were shocked.

  Man Bao carefully stared at the slight blue under Bai Erlang's eyelids, and said to Bai Shan at that time: "It seems really scared, maybe I haven't slept in these two nights."

  Ten-year-olds are when they sleep the most, and they can’t sleep well for two consecutive nights. They don’t think they can wake him up.

  Bai Shan also simply added two futons directly under him. Sure enough, he moved his body particularly obediently, turned over and continued to sleep dimly.

   Dao He added a brazier to him, and Daoxu gave him a cotton coat to cover his body when he came forward.

  Then the three of them sat aside and talked. Daoxu listened for a while and felt that this was not a topic he liked, so he ran back to the backyard to have a fire.

  Bai Erlang returned the cotton-padded coat group to Daohe. Daohe got up and took the amulet on the incense table and gave it to him, saying: "Place it in his purse and press it under the pillow at night."

  Shirajiro now particularly believes in this amulet. He feels that he can sleep so soundly in the hall, and he didn't have any nightmares in the middle, because the Lord Tianzun has blessed him here.

   So he took it solemnly, and then put it in his arms.

Dao He smiled and escorted them to the door, thinking that this might take a year, so he said: "I will send you down the mountain."

The four of them went down the mountain while talking. When they reached the foot of the mountain, the people from Bai Shan's family drove up to the car. Bai Shan helped Man Bao get into the car. After Bai Er got in the car, he said to Dao and said, "If you have something to do, write to us. Goodbye."

  Dao and nodded, "Take care, I won't send you off tomorrow, I will cherish it all the way."

  Bai Shan nodded, climbed into the carriage and sat down, the three of them made a peace from the window of the car and waved, and the carriage started to walk.

  Road and watched the carriage go far, until there was no shadow, then turned back to the mountain.

  When Manbao returned home, Zhou Xi happened to be back with the child.

  She came back to give Manbao, Manbao and the others will leave tomorrow morning. She must not be able to come back so early, so she came back one night in advance.

She made Man Bao a dress and two pairs of shoes, and stuffed her directly into the box. She said, "You have to walk for a long time on the road. Collect the dirty clothes and wash them when you arrive in the capital."

  Man Bao responded.

She took out another small baggage, and pulled Man Bao in a low voice: "This is a dress. I think my mother and sister-in-law must have prepared it for you, but I still made two sets for you, both of which were used by you. Made of cloth, it's very close to the body and smooth, without hiccups, you can change and wash on the way."

  She put this small bag on the top of the box so that it is easy to take.

   Seeing her absent-minded, Zhou Xi touched her head and said with a smile: "Sister, there are some fun things here, do you want to listen?"

   "What's fun?"

  "Last year your nephew for a hundred days, Liu Dalang from Liujiacun came to the door quietly, but it happened that your brother-in-law ran into him, and your brother-in-law beat him up."

  Man Bao immediately became energetic, and asked with bright eyes: "What did he find for?"

  Zhou Xi knew that if there is something that makes Man Bao divert attention, then besides the delicious food, there will only be these gossips.

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    PS: See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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