Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1379: Liduo (Happy birthday to book friend "Miao Miao"

  Chapter 1379 Liduo (Happy birthday to the book friend "Miao Miao")

  Bai Dalang went to the silver building to buy jewellery according to his own mind, while Miss Cheng Er sat in the carriage but regretted it.

  She grabbed the veil to think about it, and felt that she was too impulsive today.

   Seeing the lady's face flushed, the girl comforted her: "Miss, I think the young master of the Bai family is still polite, so she shouldn't talk about today's affairs."

  Ms. Cheng Er said with red eyes: "After all, we were rude first."

   "Don't blame Miss, who knows that Young Master Bai is about to set off so soon? I didn't have time to invite someone for the ceremony, so I only had a meal at home." The girl still felt a little bit chilly.

  Ms. Cheng Er whispered: "Father said that he knows that he is making progress in his studies. This is a good thing. If he has delayed his studies for the sake of saying that his parents, he is not worth entrusting."

  The girl didn’t understand, “Isn’t it okay for Young Master Bai to value Miss?”

Miss Cheng Er grabbed the veil and said, "Okay, but it's not good. The matter here is too complicated. You don't understand it. You let the coachman hurry up. We may have been out for a long time. Zhuang chooses clothes. It's too late to go home, so my mother should be worried."

  They used this as an excuse to go out today. If they don’t know how to get their clothes, they will go straight back. Her mother will definitely know.

  The girl should go down.

Bai Dalang carefully selected the jade hairpin in the silver building, and he picked a jade hairpin that he felt was particularly suitable for Miss Cheng Er. After he was wrapped, he looked at the gold jewelry on the side and pointed out: "Wrap this too. ."

  The guy wrapped him up and sent him out with a happy expression.

  Bai Dalang and Xiao Si arrived outside the married house. He took out the letter he had been receiving in his arms, put it on the box, and gave it to Xiao Si. He closed his eyes and said, "Send in."

  The little girl hugged the box, and again confirmed with the young master, "Master, did I send it in?"

  Bai Dalang waved his hand and turned away from him.

  Xiao Si went to knock on the door, and couldn't help but wonder: Why didn't you give the letter to someone you saw just now, you have to go there again.

  Can Bai Dalang tell him, did he forget it?

  Of course it can’t.

Miss Cheng Er returned home in a depressed mood, and only finished talking with her mother. Before she could leave, someone brought two boxes over and bowed and said, "Madam, Miss Er, the young man next to the young master of the Bai family. Two boxes were sent, saying they were gifts for the wife and the second lady."

Mrs. Cheng glanced at her daughter and saw that she was stunned on the spot, she waved and smiled: "Send it to me to see."

  The next person sent two boxes, and a letter, and bowed his head and said: "There is also a letter from Young Master Bai, saying that it is for the young lady."

Mrs. Cheng accepted the letter and opened the big box with one hand. When she saw the golden jewellery inside, she laughed out loud, "I'm afraid this gift is incidental to me. It's true that I want to give you a gift."

  Miss Cheng Er's face was flushed, and she whispered: "Mother..."

   "Well, let's not talk about you, open it and see what it is."

  Ms. Cheng Er wanted to take it back to see for herself, but she still opened another small box.

Mrs. Cheng took a probe and saw that it was a jade hairpin with plum blossoms. She looked at the jade hairpin and then at her daughter, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, this jade hairpin was selected well, so I can see that she has taken care of it. of."

  Ms. Cheng Er couldn't help but smile, put Yuchai gently in the box and closed her eyes, looking at the letter pressed by her mother's hand.

Mrs. Cheng did not want to send her the letter directly. She had to know what Bai Dalang wrote in the letter and whether there was anything inappropriate. If this person Meng Lang, change it while the marriage can still be changed.

  So Mrs. Cheng smiled and handed the letter to her, and said with a smile: "Open it quickly, and see what he wrote on this letter."

Miss Cheng Er held the letter and didn't want to open it, so Mrs. Cheng gave the people a wink, and when they were all down, she took her hand and whispered: "What a silly girl, can the mother harm you? This word and letter The character can be seen best."

  She said: "Your father said that the Bai family is about to wake up, and he is interested in the future of the Bai family. However, we women marry a woman and we can't just look at the future, we also have to look at the character."

Mrs. Cheng took her to her and said earnestly: "I don't like the Bai family. I don't want to do anything else, so I dare to ask a matchmaker to come to our house and say you, your father is a long time. Shi, your uncle is also serving as an official, your character and appearance are not bad, even the son of the governor can say, but his father is a scholar, but he has no fame..."

"But then I saw Mrs. Bai, and I thought she was not very smart, but pure and romantic. I have also quietly heard Master Bai talk to your dad, but she is still a sincere person. You also think that the parents are kind, so I just let go. of."

  Ms. Chenger retorted in a low voice, “I’m not because he looks good...”

  Ms. Cheng looked at her, and Miss Cheng Er whispered: "He is not bad knowledge."

Mrs. Cheng said: "The eldest son of Geng Sima, his knowledge is not bad, his character is also good, and he is a classmate with your brother, why don't you look down on it?"

   After all, isn’t it because Bai Dalang looks better than Geng Dalang?

  Ms. Cheng Er blushed and said nothing.

   Madam Cheng pushed her and said: "Look at it quickly, what did he write to you."

Miss Cheng Er opened the letter and read it with a blushing face.

  This letter was written by Dalang Bai in the morning. It was revised many times in the middle, and it took a lot of paper. It was only confirmed after noon. The letter was written in a neat and beautiful seal.

  I wanted to buy a gift and give it to Miss Cheng Er, but he hesitated halfway. After meeting Miss Cheng Er, he didn't think of sending it, so he almost fell in his hand.

  Ms. Chenger looked at the letter and knew that he was not the one who wrote it. At least it says that since yesterday, he had written it.

  Miss Cheng Er couldn't help but lift up her mouth, the depression in her heart completely dissipated, and her mood could not help flying up.

She stopped covering up and showed her mother directly, "Hey, she didn't write anything, but just said his address in the capital. If I want to contact him, I can write to this place, or give the letter to his home. , Delivered by his family."

Mrs. Cheng looked at the first half of the letter. It was written by Bai Dalang why he agreed to the marriage. In other words, this is a love letter he wrote to Miss Cheng Er.

  However, she was still restrained and her language was beautiful. Madam Cheng pretended not to see it, and took the third letter with the address and nodded, "All right, you put it away."

   Seeing her mouth curled up, Mrs. Cheng said in a detour: "But I just made a marriage agreement yesterday, and I will send things to the house today. If you don’t know, I think you have been in contact before."

  Ms. Cheng Er immediately pressed the corners of her mouth and denied: "No, don't you know, mother, I haven't seen him before."

"I know, but others don't know. We are not the only mother and daughter at home. In order to prevent others from gossiping, do you still have to be more reserved in the future?" , But you are not allowed to interact with him easily, wait for the holidays, or give him something on his birthday. This is also famous for politeness."

    I wish the book friend "Miao Miao" happy birthday, happy every day, and smooth work

Goodnight everybody



  (End of this chapter)

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