Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1381: Into the city

  Chapter 1381 Entering the city

  When you leave Mianzhou City, you have to go all the way to Liangzhou. Last year, Manbao and the others walked once, but it was summer, and it was a hot time.

  At this time, it was still in the first month, and the weather was warm and cold, and they themselves couldn't tell which time it was harder to rush.

  Man Bao occasionally picked up some medicinal materials and boiled it into a pot of medicinal soup for everyone to drink. For the prevention of the epidemic, everyone drank it obediently, even she herself drank it bitterly.

  This is to prevent the epidemic, otherwise it will be easy to get sick.

  But the more I went to the capital, the weather became more stable, and the weather remained strong and cold for days. Man Bao and the others only run their horses every day when they start their journey after noon, and they also sit in the carriage at other times.

The passion of Santo Sanya and Sitou who went out for the first time for the first time also slowly cuts down. Along the way, they will also stop and rest. At night, they may live in inns in small towns and county towns, or in inns outside the city. .

  Only when they traveled from Liangzhou to the capital, they slowed down one night, couldn't reach the in front of the station, and missed the village behind, so they could only sleep in the wild.

But the three of them brought a lot of people. They sat together and were not afraid of several big fires. Mrs. Liu, Mr. Zhuang and Zheng slept on the carriage, while the young ones of Bai Shan and the others were excited about the fire. After having fun with the barbecue for most of the night, everyone was lying in the carriage and couldn't get up the next day.

  But the carriage was bumpy and they couldn't sleep well.

  Bai Shan and the others already have experience. They got out of the car to ride a horse if they couldn't sleep well, and got rid of the doze. They decided to get a good night's sleep when they arrived in the capital.

  But they didn’t have the three heads, and they couldn’t help but sleep when they were sleepy. It was the sister-in-law who asked them to sit on the shaft of the car to refresh their minds, saying that it would be easier for them, and they were not happy.

  Rather than blowing in the cold wind, they are more willing to hide in the car and sleep.

  Then they have back pain and neck soreness. Anyway, they feel uncomfortable everywhere.

  The three people came to Manbao to see a doctor crying, Manbao could only look at them regretfully and said: "This medicine is useless, you twist slowly, I teach you?"

  Shirajiro gloated on the sidelines, "I said that I can’t sleep in the car. You still don’t believe me, have you suffered?"

  Three heads said: "Have you not slept in the car?"

   "That's different," Bai Erlang said, "It's called nap, you know? It's just like going to sleep, it's not called sleeping at all."

  The three of them were shocked, even Bai Shan and Man Bao were shocked by these remarks, and then after thinking about it carefully, it was really true, so they nodded in agreement.

  Three heads have no choice but to gently turn their necks and rub their lower back from time to time. Occasionally, Man Bao will press for them.

For this reason, she went into the teaching room while closing her eyes and rested in the car to ask Teacher Mo about the massage method, and then tried it on the three of them, but the effect seemed to be very ordinary, and she even accidentally took the four-headed neck. Press more seriously.

  The four heads were about to cry. Man Bao couldn't help but dare not press it anymore, so he could only use acupuncture to relieve it.

The three of them arrived in the capital in this painful state. They had a lot of complaints, but from afar, when they saw the tall walls of the capital, the three of them lost their words and felt that their necks were not sore. The lower back doesn't hurt anymore.

  The three people lie down at the window and look forward, staring intently, "It's so big!"

   "It's so tall!"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao have seen them several times, and they still feel that this city wall is very majestic.

  It was almost noon at this time, and there were a lot of people queuing in and out of the city. Their motorcade looked quite large elsewhere, but it was not obvious when compared with the motorcades converging on all the avenues.

  They slowly merged into the traffic and into the convoy.

  Bai Shan sat in the car and waited for a while. He felt that the speed was extremely slow, so he jumped out of the car and went to look for his grandmother. "Grandma, Man Bao and I will ride home first. Have the house packed up and wait for you?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu also knew that they could not sit still, they were all at the gate of the city, and didn't want to restrain them too much, so she waved her hand and said, "Go."

  Bai Shan became happy, and immediately ran back to find Man Bao and Bai Erlang, "Go, let's ride into the city."

  The three heads in the carriage behind heard it, and immediately leaned on the window and said, "Sister, are you going to leave us?"

  Man Bao: "Fifth brother is behind."

  Four heads squeezed out the third brother, and went up to say pitifully: "But sister, we want to be with you."

  Bai Shan pointed to the guard who had brought the horse over, "Simple, you ride with them."

  Originally, there were only two guards who came to see him, so he immediately called another guard over.

  Nine people and six horses left the convoy, ran to another small gate in front of the line, and soon it was their turn to enter.

The three heads and three sat behind the guards, with a look that they had never seen the world. After entering the city gate, they looked around, seeing the old and wide streets in the city, and seeing the weaving pedestrians on the road, the three were amazed. Endless.

  When they saw a few hustlemen who were obviously different from them, the three of them opened their mouths even more. Although restrained, they couldn't help but stare at people again and again.

  The Huren walking on the road noticed their gaze and turned to look around. Seeing that they looked like they had never seen the world before, they murmured, "Hillboy."

   Then he shakes his hands and walks away with his head up and chest tall.

  Sanya swallowed her saliva and asked, "Sister, is that a nonsense?"

  Man Bao glanced at it and said, "That's a businessman from the Western Regions, and it's also a Huren."

  She said: "Don't always stare at them, they will be embarrassed. You take a look first, remove your eyes, and then turn your head and look back, so they won't notice."

  The three people felt that what she said made sense, so they did it when they saw rare people and things on the next journey.

  Wu Gonggong, who was waiting for them in the city gate, happened to have a panoramic view of all this, quite speechless.

  The soldier behind him bowed and said, "My lord, they have gone far."

  Duke Wu reacted, and immediately went downstairs and got on the carriage to chase them.

  There are many pedestrians on the road, and they don't dare to ride the horse, but let the horse trot forward. If they encounter a congested section, they have to restrain the horse and move slowly.

  But the way people walk is separate from the driveway, so it’s okay.

   A horse-drawn carriage chased up from behind, Man Bao did not look back, and directly pushed the horse to the side and walked slowly, avoiding it.

  But the carriage drove with her, the window opened, and Duke Wu’s smiling face poked out from inside, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, don’t be unharmed."

  Man Bao looked down and saw that he was surprised, "Wu Gonggong, what a coincidence, are you going out of the palace to play today?"

  Wu Gonggong smiled and said: "Dr. Zhou Xiao is joking, where can our family go out to play casually? Our family is waiting for you at the gate of the city on the order of your Royal Highness."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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