Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1386: Addiction

  Chapter 1386 Poisoning II

  The prince walked straight to a multi-treasure shelf, stretched out his hand to remove a rooster-like colored stone from above, turned and put it on the desk, and then looked at Man Treasure.

  Man Bao is dumbfounded, how can you look at this?

  Keke was rare and generous once, and directly gave her a conclusion, "This is it."

The prince has stepped back two steps, and his face faintly said: "This is the only thing, because the lonely mood is not good, and the people underneath are offering a gem to please the lonely heart. This stone is natural, it is not visible in the day, but at night. It will shine after dark."

  He pointed to the green, red and brown on it and said: "The color of the light is not the same. It is particularly beautiful when reflected together."

  Man Bao looked at it carefully and said: "Sure enough, good-looking things are poisonous, and my teacher really did not teach it wrong."

  The princess went to pull the prince over and asked nervously, "Yes, poisonous?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, its light is poisonous."

  The princess was very suspicious, "How can light poison people?"

  Man Baodao: "The sun shines on people, it will darken people. Visible light has an effect on the human body, but sunlight is non-toxic, but this light is poisonous, and it will naturally be poisonous when it shines on people."

  The prince's face was condensed, and he asked, "What will happen after taking a long time?"

  Teacher Mo has already sent her the relevant information, and Man Bao glanced through the ten lines and said: "Probably it will gradually weaken, and then I can't find out the cause of death."

  The prince sneered, "The third child is vicious enough."

  The princess held the prince tightly, and only asked Man Bao, "Doctor Zhou Xiao, can you cure it?"

  Man Bao said: "I have to take this thing and go back to study."

  The princess was naturally willing, but the prince did not stop.

   So the princess looked around, and refused to let the palace people come in, she found a small box and put the things in.

  She was afraid of being poisonous, so she would not let the prince move.

Man Bao knew that it was not poisoned for a while, and she was quite interested in this thing, so she went to move it by herself, and took the opportunity to feel it, not to mention, it was slippery, and it felt very comfortable to the touch. , I don’t know if it has been polished.

  Man Bao closed the box and coughed softly: "His Royal Highness, when I make the antidote, can this thing be given to me?"

  The prince frowned, "This thing is poisonous, what are you doing with it?"

  Man Bao said with a serious face: "Because it is poisonous, it shouldn't exist in the world. Then I will find a way to destroy it so that it can no longer do evil."

  The prince looked at her suspiciously, “You don’t think this thing is expensive, so you secretly store it yourself?”

  Man Bao: "...Am I that kind of person? Life is comparable to a stone that cannot be eaten or worn. Is it not expensive enough?"

  The prince thought, too, Zhou Man should not be such a nonchalant person, so he waved his hand and agreed.

  The things were closed, and Man Bao immediately said: "His Royal Highness, let me tell you about the treatment plan with the princess. I will go back and think about the detoxification. When the results are obtained, I will enter the palace."

The princess felt that the room was very uncomfortable, for fear of not knowing where the poison was not found. The most important thing is that the stone is still in the box. As long as she thinks that it is poisonous, she doesn't want to stay in the room anymore. .

   then proposed: "His Royal Highness, let's go back to the main house."

  The prince did not speak.

The princess    hugged his arm and cried: "His Royal Highness, no matter how much you plan to do, you must be healthy. Wouldn't it be the intention of those people if you broke your body at this time?"

  The prince turned around to put on his shoes, and the princess did not dare to ask too much, so he quickly pulled out a cloak from the ground to put on the prince.

  The two went out like this.

  Man Bao thought of the cold outside, and shuddered to help the prince chill.

   But obviously the prince himself didn’t care. After opening the door, he strode out and said to Wu Gonggong, who was waiting a long way outside: “Seal the study room. No one is allowed to enter. Violators will be cut off without pardon.”

  Duke Wu bent down and immediately responded, not daring to lift his head.

  He heard the sound of crackling and smashing things inside. Although the prince often smashed things recently, he was still frightened every time.

  The prince and the princess went to the main courtyard together, Man Bao ran out of the study, and gave him a wink when he passed by Wu Gonggong.

  Duke Wu tightened his neck and did not follow them closely. Instead, he planned to stay outside the study and stare, and no one was allowed to go in.

  The prince and the princess had long legs and walked fast, and Man Bao could only keep up by trotting behind.

  The palace man in the house of the princess also quickly raised a brazier in the house, and the house was warmed up in a short while.

The prince untied the cloak and threw it aside, sitting cross-legged on the wooden couch. The princess took the veil from the maid’s hand and wiped her face, then twisted a veil to wait for the prince to wipe her face and hands, especially It was to wipe her hands, she just wiped it red.

  If this hand is not the prince’s hand, she can directly scratch the skin.

The prince    also felt that she was rubbing the pain, so he took off his hand and said: "The lonely slept holding it in his arms two days ago. Would you like to peel off the skin on the lonely chest?"

  The princess finally stopped and smiled soothingly at the prince, then handed the veil to the palace maid, and whispered: "You all go down, close the door, and retreat far away."

   sat aside, and at some point when he touched a piece of snack, Man Bao immediately said, “Get another set of pen, ink, paper and ink. I want to write something.”

  The lady of the palace looked at the princess, the princess nodded slightly, and everyone retreated.

  After a while, the two maids offered a set of pen, ink, paper and ink to come up, bowed back and gently closed the door.

  Man Bao gave the prince pulse again and re-prescribed a prescription for him, saying: "Acupuncture and moxibustion will not be pierced for now. You will wait for me to make the antidote, but I will tell you about the process first."

She said: "When the poison is detoxified, I will always give you needles every other day. You have to save your abstinence. You can't drink at all. Similarly, don't have sex. When I say yes, you will have **** again. ."

  Then the princess, "I will also prescribe a prescription for you to regulate your body and prepare for pregnancy."

  The prince stared at Man Bao, frowning slightly, "Why do you think you know how to deal with the poison? How can you be sure that you can deal with this poison?"

  Man Bao was silent for a while, thinking about various reasons, and finally said with a serious and sincere expression: "His Royal Highness, I can't tell you, but I have great confidence to make the antidote."

When   the prince heard it, he didn't pursue it any more, and after a wave of his hand, he ignored it.

  Man Bao began to tell the two of them what they should pay attention to during this period. She was afraid that they would not be able to remember, so she wrote them all down, and then handed the thick stack of paper to the princess.

   A new month, hello everyone, I am a respectable and lovely deposit box

     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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