Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1447: Don't interfere

   Chapter 1447 Don't Intervene

  Man Bao took out his hand and wiped the mud especially intimately to make it smoother.

  She pulled out her hand, looked down at the already muddy stone jar, turned her head and smiled at Mingda, "Wait for the mud to settle and the water will clear."

  Mingda stood on tiptoe and looked at it, but only a little water at the top could be seen, which looked very muddy.

  Man Bao jumped off the Hu stool, took down the Hu stool that was standing together, and contributed one to her.

  Mingda also stepped on the Hu stool, only to see that the water was not ordinary muddy.

  She was worried, "Can the water really become clear? Do you want to change the water?"

   "No," Man Bao was very confident, "When we were young, we went to play by the river. There was a lot of mud and sand in the river. When you step on it, it will become muddy. You will come out and wait for a while and the water will be clear."

  She said: "The sediment is heavy, as long as there is enough time, they will always settle down."

Man Bao put down her sleeves, only to realize that she was too close to the stone tank just now, and the clothes on her body were a little wet, so she thought about it, and simply wiped her wet hands on the skirt, and rubbed her hands after drying. After warming his hands, he said, "Let's go over there and take a look."

  The emperor, who had been silent, coughed slightly.

  The two people who were still standing on the Hu stool turned their heads and looked to the left. The emperor asked sternly, "Mingda, what are you doing?"

  Princess Mingda happily jumped off the stool, returned the tuber in her hand to Man Bao, and went straight to the emperor, "Father, why are you here?"

  Mingda just rushed forward, the emperor's face was uncontrollable, and he couldn't help showing a smile, holding her hand and saying: "Come to relax with Prince Feng and the others, and see you two being naughty here."

  Man Bao has walked aside to salute, "See your Majesty."

  The emperor waved her hand to get her up, and asked with a smile, "Zhou Man, why did you dig my lotus flower?"

  Man Bao:……

  She glanced at the tuber in her hand and hesitated: "I will plant it for you again?"

   Now it is the emperor's turn to be speechless.

  Mingda shook the emperor’s hand and said coquettishly: "Father, I want to give it to Zhou Man."

  The emperor clicked her nose and said: "The spring is cold, and the water is still cold at the moment. How can you touch the water?"

   "I didn't touch it, Zhou Man touched it."

The emperor turned his head and said to Zhou Man: "I also heard that you are good at raising flowers and plants. If you like it, I will reward you with a pot."

  Gu Zhong on the side took it down and asked him to send Zhou Man a cylinder of lotus.

  Manbao quickly thanked you.

The emperor led everyone down the corridor and walked to the side of the stone tank. He saw the muddy stone tank, but the soil was sinking and floating. He shook his head and smiled and said: "This tank of lotus flower has suffered a serious crime, so just keep it. Go ahead, go back and choose a better one and send it to her."

  Gu Zhongying down.

The emperor looked at this jar of lotus, and didn't know what he thought of. After a long silence, he suddenly turned his head and asked Zhou Man, "You break this lotus tuber into two, and you only leave this lot for this lotus. Can it live? "

  Man Bao was taken aback, knowing that he had watched it a long time ago. After all, it was someone’s flower. She was a little embarrassed, "Can you..."

She searched her belly and thought of good things, "The lotus is not only silt and not stained, but it is also very strong. I think, as long as we don’t interfere with it next, it will be able to survive on its own, and maybe it will grow better. Woolen cloth."

  There is soaking liquid on the side of the tuber. As long as no one wants to change the water and mud, she can guarantee that after one night, it will be a vibrant lotus again.

  The emperor stared at the already somewhat awkward lotus in the stone jar in thought, "Don’t you intervene?"

Man Bao nodded again and again, and saw that the lotus branches and leaves in the stone jar were a little faint because they were too strong just now. She immediately said, "This is only for a while. As long as you don't move it, it will be fine after a day or two. It can be as long as possible."

  The emperor thought for a while, then smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I will wait for two days to take a look."

  The prince standing behind dropped his eyes and glanced at the lotus in the stone jar.

  Feng Shangshu, Yin Li and others looked at each other, and stopped quarreling.

  Yes, they were quarreling in the study just now, and they almost started fighting in front of the emperor.

  A thief visited the Penalty Department last night, and the Penalty Department did not catch the thief, but was taken by Jingzhao Mansion.

  Feng Shangshu lost face and felt unhappy in the morning, but because Tang He persuaded him, he also felt that the Criminal Department was too negligent, so he held back his anger.

As a result, not only Yushi impeached him, but even Dali Temple came to join in the fun, stripped his lining, and put his face on the ground, so Feng Shangshu did not hold back the quarrel with others, and by the way Li Ji pulled in to make the water more muddy.

  In addition, the prince wrote a new self-examination letter, so everyone changed positions and went to the study to quarrel.

The prince    was never gentle. Not only did he join in, but he also put the fire on the side. Before they came, Feng Shangshu, who were blushing with thick necks from noisy, almost fought in front of the emperor.

   Zhou Man’s remarks may be unintentional, but they are exactly what the prince meant. The life and death of this tank of lotus flower is now very important.

  Manbao and Mingda didn’t know anything about it. Seeing that the emperor and the officials looked serious and thought they were not fun at all, they found a chance to say goodbye and slipped away quietly.

  Slid back to the Yuhuayuan, Changyu and their guests had arrived, and even Princess Yunfeng had come, sitting alone with a calm face.

  She quarreled with Changyu just now. Of course, she was quarreling with Changyu, but Changyu didn't quarrel with her.

  The queen had told them earlier that they would not be allowed to conflict with Yunfeng.

Her grandmother told her privately, "This is different from the past. You used to quarrel with Princess Yunfeng. She had the queen mother to support you, and you also had the queen to deal with. No matter how fierce the quarrel is, it’s okay. But now you quarrel with her, It can't help making people think you are bullying her."

  The mother said: "The princess has reached the age, so she has to choose a horse for the past two years. She is now a tile, but you are jade, why bother to touch the tile with the jade?"

  Changyu felt that what she said was right, so it was Princess Yunfeng who found the fault, so she didn't quarrel with her even if she was angry.

  The girls invited by Changyu and Mingda are not all their friends, at least they are still pretty decent, and they don’t like playing with Yunfeng, so they leave her in the cold.

  The little girls can gather together to talk and play as they like, but the princess can’t, so she sat next to Princess Yunfeng and talked to her with a smile.

In the end, she only spoke a few words. Man Bao and Mingda came back holding hands. Princess Yunfeng saw that, his face sank, and after staring at Zhou Man fiercely, he got up and left without even talking to the prince. The concubine retired.

  The princess's face was dark, but she put on a smile for a moment, waved to Mingda Manbao, who was running over, and asked with a smile: "Look at you, the clothes are stained with dirt, where did you go?"

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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