Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1451: Bet to lose

   Chapter 1451

  Man Bao doesn’t know anything about it. She has recently been mixed up in the beauties in the capital, even Zhou Lijun is very happy.

  It is spring when the flowers begin to bloom, and among the flowers, the most famous one is the peony.

Man Bao entered the palace with a peony flower in his arms, which was considered to have opened up his reputation in the capital. Within two days, first Liu Huan asked Liu Huan to go to Zhou Man's house to choose a complex peony, and then Li's wife sent it. Someone came to choose a Yaohuang...

  In fact, they want to buy potted flowers more than they buy blossoming branches.

  But because of lessons learned from the past, Man Bao did not dare to sell to them, only willing to sell flowers.

  For this reason, Zhou Lijun deliberately left the restaurant's collection of money to Zhou Lizhong for the time being, and she ran back to take care of Manbao's flowers and trees.

  I don’t know where Sister-in-law found the flower field. Anyway, she and Bai Shan can always buy good flowers from outside.

  She is responsible for leading the various servants who come to pick out flowers.

For those who want to buy potted flowers, she said, “For a famous peony like this, a potted flower is at least a hundred taels out there, and you can enjoy it once a year. Only a few peony flowers can reach your head. ?"

She said: "It's better to buy a flower branch. A flower is expensive for five taels, and you can buy a cheap two taels. The ladies just change the flower every day. How much can you spend? Not to mention the cost of taking care of it. It may not necessarily be able to grow the primary colors."

  Seeing the fate of the mutant chrysanthemums that my sister-in-law brought back, she felt that she didn’t dare to sell it, and she still had to pay attention to credibility when she sold potted flowers. What's the matter if people can only keep them for one year after selling potted flowers?

As for people who implied that the price of flower branches was too high, she said, "My sister-in-law raised flowers with care. This pot is a famous product, and some varieties have not even been seen. A famous product goes to the banquet. Walk up a circle and use flowers to line up people. The girls must be very eye-catching. Is it expensive for just a few taels of silver?"

  She said: "You must know that if it is a potted flower, it may not be possible to buy it in hundreds of thousands."

  Anyone who can choose flowers on behalf of the owner knows the owner’s mind well. The reason why they come to Zhou’s house to purchase flowers is not to show off other people beautifully?

  So even if it is too expensive, they will buy it.

However, their words and deeds reminded Zhou Lijun. She said to Man Bao: "Sister, we can't be responsive. You can't sell too much of this flower. Otherwise, the street is full of famous products and you won't be able to sell the price later. We will do this again next year. Door business."

  If the money made by ten flowers is the same as the money made by selling one flower, of course she is willing to sell one flower.

  So, if someone came to ask for flowers, Zhou Lijun wouldn’t sell it to everyone. He always had to shirk twice, saying that there is no one today, or that the color you want to buy is not available, and it’s not ready yet, so you have to wait two more days...

  Anyway, there is no reason she can't find out.

  Man Bao thought she would offend people like this, and people would be unwilling to come and buy with her again, but she became even more touted.

  More people begged to come, even Mr. Zhuang looked at Zhou Lijun in amazement, and then said to a few apprentices: "Unexpectedly, there will be a female Tao Zhu in our yard."

  Zhou Lijun reads little, and is writing a flower-selling account book by stroke. Hearing this, he raised his head and asked curiously, "Who is Tao Zhu?"

  Bai Erlang said on one side: "Doesn't Tao Zhu know? Tao Zhugong, Fan Li, a celebrity in Chu State in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is said that he is very powerful. He became a huge wealth three times and lost his wealth three times."

  Bai Erlang said here, he glanced at Zhou Lijun suspiciously, turned his head and said to Mr. Zhuang: "Sir, are you too acclaimed?"

  Man Bao was displeased when he saw him belittle his niece, so he pushed him and said, "You shouldn't say this, it's right for Lijun."

  Bai Shan put an article in front of her and said: "This is my article, and the doctors in the school have also reviewed it."

  Man Bao looked down and was startled, "Why did they approve excellent?"

  Bai Shan proudly said: "I have said that, my article must be passed, you see the seal behind."

  Man Bao turned to the end to look at the rows of excellent characters and seals, and could not speak for a long time.

  It has been twenty days since Bai Shan’s article was written. The reason why he has only given it to Man Bao now is because he wants her to be convinced of the defeat, so as not to make any excuses not to admit defeat.

  After his article was written, it was first presented to Mr. Zhuang.

  Mr. Zhuang was very satisfied after seeing it and gave him an excellent.

  Bai Shan asked Mr. Zhuang to write excellent characters at the end of the article.

  At that time, Mr. Zhuang took a look at him, and he probably knew about his bet with Man Bao, so he wrote it down, perhaps to increase credibility, he also stamped it with a private seal.

  Bai Shan took a look and opened the door to a new world. When he took it to the school to show the doctor, he also asked him to write down the assessment, and then press a chapter.

  The doctor who was unwilling to follow the chapter heard that he had bet with someone, and when it was a transcript, he was happy to press his private stamp.

  Not only that, the doctor also helped Bai Shan find several doctors with special diligence, and everyone shared the assessment together.

  The final article was passed from Guozixue to Taixue, and then to Simenxue. I heard that it was also passed to law and arithmetic. After a round, it fell into Kong Jijiu's hands.

  Kong Jijiu looked at it carefully for two days, so he also wrote an excellent on it and pressed a private seal.

  So at this moment, Man Bao wanted to find a reason for rebutting, after all, this slip of red seal was behind it.

   So she had no time to talk to Bai Erlang, and asked unconvincedly: "Why?"

  She took the article and asked Mr. Zhuang, "Sir, have you ever thought about the consequences of abandoning farming?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "Farming is not so easy to go to waste. Besides, this is an article. I will only read this article. He convinced us and we gave him an excellent. If you are not convinced, you can also write. An article refuted him."

  Bai Shan stood beside her and turned to ask her, "Are you going to write an article to refute me?"

  Man Bao: ...Where is she free now?

  But she was still not convinced, so she nodded fiercely, "Refuse!"

"Then you can write it," Bai Shan said, "but we are betting on whether this article can be passed by me. Now gentlemen have not only passed it on to me, but also gave me an excellent one. That is why you wrote an article that refuted my article. That's another thing, you have to admit your bet."

  Zhou Lixue asked Bai Erlang very curiously, "Sister, what are they betting on?"

  White Erlang shook his head, "I don't know, I'm not interested."

  Bai Shan already smiled and asked Man Bao, "I will take a rest the next day, how will we go the next day?"

  He said: "In a while, the peach blossoms in the mountains will be all over."

  Man Bao nodded: "Well, then the day after tomorrow."

  Although she was very unconvinced in her heart, she thought she was willing to bet.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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