Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 151: Manuscript (from the cloud recommended 115,000 plus more votes

   Chapter 151 Manuscript

   "Mr.'s request is too high, otherwise you said where did you not write it?"

   "If I know, I'll fix it right away, can I still come here? I just came here because I didn't know, and I'll change it when I find something bad."

But Man Bao obviously couldn't convince Bai Shanbao. The more the two children talked, the more angry they were, and they quarreled in front of a group of adults. Finally, Bai Shanbao angrily said, "Then you return the part that I wrote, and I won't write it with you. NS."

"Just give it back, I don't want to write it with you yet." Man Bao pulled the cloth shoulder bag hanging on his chest. He made another one with the accumulated rags as she said. This one is much larger. It can hold a lot of things and is more convenient than a small book box.

  Man Bao opened his shoulder bag, took out a stack of thick paper from it, unfolded it very simply, and found out the paper that Bai Shanbao had written.

  But this article was co-written by them. Sometimes Man Bao read it and Bai Shanbao wrote it. When he was tired from writing, he changed to Bai Shanbao to think and read it to Man Bao.

  So the two people wrote a piece of paper, which can barely be regarded as an article when combined, but it is nothing if they are separated.

But Man Bao and Bai Shanbao obviously didn't care at all, and it was not the first time they had quarreled like this. The two of them skillfully put all the manuscripts on the ground, and then you took them away one by one. There were several sheets of paper. There are two common handwritings on it.

  Bai Shanbao is tired of writing, or Bai Shanbao is tired of writing. The two were also very simple. You and I divided one by one. When it was the last one, Man Bao's chubby hand pressed the paper first.

  Bai Shanbao exclaimed, “You took this one last time you quarreled, this time it’s my turn.”

  Man Baodao: "I wrote the most on this. You only wrote three lines. I should have taken it."

   Seeing that the two children were about to fight for a piece of paper, Fu County could not help but say, "Let me see."

  The two children looked up together and were surprised to find that, ah, the county magistrate is here.

  Fu County Order:...

  Everyone suppressed their laughter.

Then Man Bao and Bai Shanbao reorganized the manuscript. After arguing several times and dividing the manuscript a few times, they learned well and wrote numbers at the bottom of the manuscript, so that they can be sorted by page without having to read it. They are organized.

  Bai Shanbao showed the compiled manuscript to the magistrate Fu, and looked at him eagerly, "The magistrate, did we write very well?"

  Where can the articles written by children who have just started studying for less than two years get better?

  The whole story is childish, very straightforward, and there is no beauty in the prose, but there is content.

In fact, this is an article suggesting that the county government provide sufficient hot water for the serving Lauding. The article first talks about how hard the serving Lauding is. Of course, there is no gorgeous rhetoric. The text is straightforward and childish. If you want to, write straightforwardly: "They are so poor."

  Fu County Order:...

  But there is not only such a language in the text. The most important thing is that it gives detailed examples to show how pitiful these Laudins are.

Who has a few people in the family, what is the family situation, because they have to serve, how is the family, what to eat in the morning, how much to eat, the food and amount of each at noon and evening are also listed, and the food provided by the county government at noon and evening is also listed. Obviously, this is not an article written out of thin air, but written after investigation and evidence collection.

  Looking at this childish language, I obviously feel the same.

  The official of the county magistrate was tested. Of course, he knew what the main points of writing an article were. It can be said that this article has all the main points except for the lack of literary talent.

  And if two children under the age of seven are writing this article, then the last shortcoming is not important.

  A surprise flashed in the eyes of the magistrate Fu. He looked down at the two children in front of him, then took another look at the article. He folded it and put it away, and asked, "Can this article be given to me?"

  Man Bao asked, "Sir, do you think we wrote well?"

   County magistrate Fu touched his beard and praised: "Good writing."

Man Bao was happy, and a little regretful when he was happy, "When will the county government prepare meals for the Laudings? How much can each person eat? Is it prepared with breakfast? Can I have enough? I have the data, the county magistrate Sir, do you want to?"

   County magistrate Fu opened his mouth wide. When did he say he was going to prepare meals for them?

  Looking at the manuscript in his hand, he realized that, he coughed lightly, he clearly said that the article was well written, but he didn’t say...

  Well, the other party is still a child, the question asked is ambiguous, and his answer is also ambiguous.

  The article is well written, but it is impossible for him to prepare enough hot water for the serving Laudin, because the county government does not have this budget.

  Currently, there are precedents for the expenditure of service. If he increases his investment, where does the money come from?

  Can face two pairs of shiny eyes, Fu Xianling found out that after a light cough, he didn’t know what to say.

  Xian Cheng answered with a smile, “Little girl, didn’t you just say that Zhou’s booth belonged to yours?”

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes."

  "If the county government provided Lauding with hot rice and hot dishes, wouldn't your family's goods be sold out?"

  Man Bao sighed, "Yes."

   "Then do you still hope that the county government will provide Lauding with hot meals?"

"Of course," Man Bao said, "Although it's a pity, it's a good thing. Just like I like to eat fish so much, I was expecting the river dam to break every day, so that we can go down to the river to fish and eat it every day. But my father said, if the river dam is not repaired, and heavy rain falls in the coming summer, the river may flood our crops. Maybe it floods me. So although it is a pity, let’s repair the dam."

  Fu county magistrate and everyone:...

  After a short period of time, they heard more than once that they said that the river dam was broken.

  Xian Cheng looked at Bai Shanbao and asked, "Does Xiao Lang Jun think so too?"

  Bai Shanbao said: "Yes, it's just making money. You can't sell food to make money. You can sell other things to make money."

In the summer, the two children ran out as soon as the end of school time. Mr. Zhuang tried to open a small stove for them and couldn't recruit anyone. Later he noticed it and found that the two children were braving the big sun to pluck the Centella asiatica. Only after I asked, they planned to dry it and sell it to Ji Shitang. Man Bao asked the treasurer Zheng that some Centella asiatica was not enough, so they had to buy some separately.

At that time, Mr. Zhuang told them the story of cutting trees with dull knives and sharpening them, and told the two children that sharpening knives does not cut wood by mistake, and they read books just like sharpening knives, if they want to earn enough money in the future Nowadays, it is still time to focus on reading, because after reading a book well, money comes from it.

  In addition to the knowledge that Keke imparted to Man Bao, Man Bao also talked to Bai Shanbao, so after a solemn discussion, the two children felt that there are many ways to make money in the world, and they don't need to worry.

So at this time, the two children can confidently talk to the magistrate and the county magistrate: “There are so many ways to make money in the world, and not all Lauding can buy food. Those who don’t buy can only drink cold water. What a pity to eat cold cakes."

   Lauding: Yes, we are very poor, please give us feedback



  (End of this chapter)

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