Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 158: Yam Bean

  Chapter 158 Yam Bean

  I want to encourage her to walk around in the mountains while it’s not cold, and find the families of rare species by the way:...

   Forget it, the host is still young.

  Keko felt that if it was also a human being and had a human body, it should now silently swallow a mouthful of old blood.

   But it did not let Manbao plan to continue like this, because he knew that her money would not be able to save, so he still earned more.

  It reminded: “Host, didn’t you want to make candied haws with yam last time?”

  Man Bao recalled the yam bean stewed chicken a few days ago, and said: "Stewed chicken is also delicious, better than sugar."

  Because she has been sugary since she was a child, and Manbao's love for sweetness is limited, she still thinks stewed chicken with yam and beans is more delicious.

  Thinking about this, she immediately said: “Let’s go pick yam beans and kill chickens to eat at night.”

  Keko: It knew it would be like this, so it still wants to save money? it's out of the question.

  Man Bao immediately ignored her room and ran back to find her mother, "Mother, let's kill the chicken tonight."

  The reason is also very good, "You see that the fourth brother is so thin that he needs to maintain his body, so he has to stew a chicken for him."

  Qian thought for a while, and felt that the fourth child had suffered too much during this period, so he nodded, "Okay, go and ask your sister-in-law to come back and kill the chicken."

  Man Bao immediately turned around and ran.

  Qian Shi smiled and shook his head. He picked up the needle and thread in the basket and continued to make clothes for her. Bao Bao must be greedy again.

  Man Bao ran to ask Xiao Qian to go home and kill chickens. By the way, he called Da Tou Da Ya and his group of children to go to the field to pick yam beans together.

  A group of children carried two bamboo baskets and screamed and ran towards the ground. Most of the **** in the field had been sold, but only some of the yam was taken.

  At first, it was because they thought the yam was a bit small, but after waiting for more than ten days, it was obviously past the harvest season last year, but they took a closer look and found that it did not grow much, and they knew that the yam was just as big.

  Keke said that the genes of the seeds are not good enough. This is the original species, the seeds have not been selected and optimized, plus various factors such as climate and soil fertility.

  If they want a better harvest next year, they have to choose the seeds this year.

   But of course Manbao can't do this kind of thing. She told her sister-in-law and let them do it.

  Man Bao has to drool over the yam beans on the vine and the yam in the ground.

  Because they wanted to keep a good seed, they didn’t dig much. Zhou's family unanimously decided to wait until it was old enough to dig it together, and choose the best one to save, eat, sell, or dry in the sun.

  Yam can be stored for a long time. In winter, the temperature is low. Keke said that it can be stored for six or seven months in a well-ventilated place, but why not eat it up for such a delicious thing?

Man Bao rushed to the ground, stood on tiptoe and picked the yam beans that he could get. Da Ya saw that she saw everything she saw and pulled into the bamboo basket, so she was so scared that she grabbed her hand quickly, "Sister, let's pick the big one. , Don’t pick the small ones first."

  Man Bao said, “I think it’s delicious even if it’s small, one bite at a time, one bite at a time.”

  Daya feels distressed, "I think they can grow longer."

   "Okay," Man Bao started to look for the bigger yam bean with his eyes widened.

  Daya thinks it's okay, she will call Manbao to go home, but Keke said in Manbao's brain: "Pick more. I can help you search for yam candied haws. You try to do it."

  Man Bao asked curiously, “Ke Ke, do you want to eat candied haws?”

  Keke: "...Yes."

  Man Bao immediately said: "Okay, let's pick a little more, and I'll eat it for you when it's done."

  Keke: "...good."

  Man Bao turned around and beckoned to big girl, "Come on and pick more, we take it back and make candied haws."

  The children's eyes brightened when they heard that, candied haws, they have never eaten them before, but they have seen them.

  A group of children rushed up, "Sister, can you make candied haws?"

   "No, but Sister-in-law will."

Da Tou and Da Ya both stared. Their mother could make candied haws, but they didn't even know.

  Children always have a special enthusiasm for food, especially sweets, so they are not in a hurry to go back, but are excited to shuttle between the vines, and when they see a larger yam bean, they pick it off.

  Waiting for them to shuttle out between the vines, only to find that they had picked a lot, and the two bamboo baskets they brought were all full.

  Because yam is more expensive than meat, the family has been reluctant to eat it, even yam beans, they picked so many...

  The big head subconsciously touched his butt, and after shaking it, he took the largest bamboo basket to Man Bao, and said, "Sister, this is too heavy. Will you carry it with me?"

  Man Bao was very considerate, lifted up and said, "Okay."

   Big head scratched his head and blushed before he said: "Then, sister, come home in a while, if mother asks, you must say that you asked us to pick it."

Man Bao is so smart, and she understood it immediately. She said with an "oh", "Are you afraid of being beaten by your sister-in-law? Don't worry, no, anyway, these yam beans will be eaten by us in the end. To eat late is to eat."

  Man Bao said happily: "Eat yam bean stewed chicken tonight, yam bean stewed meat tomorrow, and yam bean stewed bones the day after tomorrow. Anyway, it can be kept and it won’t be broken.”

   His head widened and his eyes widened, "Sister, didn’t you say you want to make candied haws?"

   "Oh, I almost forgot. Actually, I think yam and meat stew are better."

   "No," the big head shouted: "I want to eat candied haws."

  Daya, Ertou Erya and others also immediately stated their positions, "I want to eat candied haws too!"

  The minority obeys the majority, Manbao has no choice but to sigh: "Okay."

  Kekedao: "Host, the evaluation of yam candied haws in human records is quite high."

   "But you didn't mean that they said so well, maybe it is because there is no yam, and you can't eat it, so you think it is delicious?"

  Anyway, the candied haws she ate last time didn't taste good, but the fifth brothers liked it very much, so she felt that there might be some differences between what Keke said and her likes.

   Keke stopped talking. He felt that in this situation, the host should be allowed to eat once, and only after eating did she know whether she liked it or not.

Man Bao and Datou came home with a bamboo basket. Xiao Qian had already killed the chicken. When she looked up and saw the children carrying two bamboo baskets of yam beans back, she couldn't help but stare at her, and she was about to punch someone when she rolled up her sleeves. .

  "You skin monkeys, I asked you to pick a meal, but you picked them all back?"

  The big head had dropped the bamboo basket, jumped up and ran out, shouting: "It's none of my business, it's my sister who asked us to pick it."

  Man Bao happily said: "Sister-in-law, I asked to pick it. The big ones want to eat candied haws. Let's make yam candied haws."

In fact, the first time I ate yam bean candied haws was in Beijing. At that time, I bought hawthorn, which was not tasty and wasteful. Then my friend bought a bunch of apples, which was not very tasty. The seller of candied haws recommended the most. Expensive yam beans, I didn’t know why my brain was pumped at the time. We bought a bunch of yam beans when both of them were not good. Then we reluctantly threw the two in our hands and grabbed one. Skewer yam beans to eat

     is really delicious



  (End of this chapter)

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