Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 163: Rarely confused

  Chapter 163 Rarely Confused

  Man Bao asked Xiao Qian for money, but Xiao Qian did not refuse to give it, but asked: "Then how much do you sell to me for a pound?"

Xiaoqian smiled and bargained with her, "Before Goro and the others picked yam beans and sold them, but the shopkeeper Zheng of the drugstore said that they had never heard of it being edible and could not be sold outside, so they ate it at home, so this price You can't be taller."

  Man Bao couldn’t help scratching her head. She really didn’t understand pricing. The things she used to sell, except candy, were based on market prices.

  Ke yam bean is not available on the market, of course, there is no reference price, and it is her favorite sister-in-law who buys things, and Man Bao becomes embarrassed for a while.

The little Qian gave her the calculation, "You and the fifth child brought back the seeds of this yam at the beginning, and they were planted and served by the fourth and fifth children. They also have a share of the big head. Everyone who gets the money Score, yes, since you took the money for yam beans from your sister-in-law, you will have to pay your sister-in-law if you eat yam beans candied haws in the future."

  Man Bao wrinkled his little nose and said: "Sister-in-law, I used to eat, you never want me to pay."

   "That was before, now don't you ask me for money?"

  Man Bao lowered his head and thought, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Little Qian raised her like a girl. When she was a child, she fed her more than three heads. Seeing her distress, she took her in her arms and taught her slowly, "Man Bao, we are a family, brothers are You have to settle the accounts clearly, but that's about the big things, and the family can live in harmony only if the little things are confused."

  Man Bao looked at his sister-in-law suspiciously.

  Xiao Qian asked with a smile, "Then I will ask you, who is working on the vegetable garden in the field?"

   "Mother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, and sister-in-law."

"Look, you didn't grow vegetables, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth did not grow them either. Do they still have to pay for the family's vegetables in the future?" Xiaoqian smiled: "Money is not counted like this, one family, this kind of You don’t have to worry about little things at all."

  Man Bao seemed to understand a little bit, and it took a while before she touched her palm and said, "I see, this is what Da Yuan wife often said that you can't get a bowl of water."

  The expression on Xiao Qian’s face was a bit difficult to express. She asked: "When did you go to talk to Sister Zhang again?"

  Because of the homestead, the relationship between Zhou's family and Zhou Dayuan's family was a bit stiff. During this period, Xiaoqian saw Zhang walk by without squinting, and didn't even ask.

Man Bao said cheerfully: "I'm not talking to her. It takes too much effort to talk to her. She was talking to people in the village. When she saw me coming back from school, her voice was so loud, she said, Their family has only one son. No matter how eccentric they are, they tend to lean toward the donkey. Unlike some families, where six or seven children have been born, their hearts are all over the horizon..."

  Man Bao squeezed his throat and learned so vividly that Xiao Qian was stunned, as if he saw a disdainful Zhang swaying in front of him.

Man Bao also learned that Zhang’s body twisted, and continued with a loud voice: "This bowl of water can’t be leveled. The children are still young. When all six become biological children, they will be old. See them. How do you live this time?"

Man Bao put down his hands, re-entered his sister-in-law’s arms and sat down, and asked with a smile, “Sister-in-law, is it just like Da Yuan’s wife said, when there are many people in the family, we can’t have a bowl of water, and we have to learn too. Confused, otherwise you will be too careless and there will be no harmony at home."

  Little Qian was stunned for a long time before clarifying the causal relationship. Let alone, it was like Man Bao said, so Zhang said that their parents-in-law’s partiality was still correct?

  Little Qian looked down at the little man in his arms, couldn't help but uttered "Ouch", hugged her and said, "How come our family Manbao is so smart, it's rare to die."

  Man Bao laughed and said proudly: "I know that my sister-in-law must love me the most, even more painful than the three heads, so my sister-in-law is also partial."

  Since this is the case, of course Man Bao has to be partial to his sister-in-law, so she decided not to have the money, and the yam beans in the field were picked as they pleased.

  When Xiao Qian and Man Bao were talking in the inner room, Zhou Dalang made a wooden stroller toy for his little son in the outer room, which he promised him a long time ago.

   Hearing the conversation inside, Zhou Dalang felt for the first time that his wife's eloquence turned out to be so good that he could persuade Man Bao.

  You must know that Man Bao’s mouth is the same as her father. Since childhood, they have only been able to persuade people. How can anyone else persuade them?

  Waiting for Man Bao to leave happily, Zhou Dalang put down the wood in his hand and walked into the interior room, "You are really smart enough to pull out money from that kid."

  Xiao Qian threw the clothes to be folded on him, and said angrily: "You can shut up, is there you who said that your sister? Man Bao is filial."

  That’s true, you can tell from her attitude towards her mother and Little Qian, this child is really a ghost.

  Things are set, no one talks about the price of yam beans anymore.

  Manbao is no problem here, and Chulang and others naturally have no problem. In their own hearts, they also think this is normal. Like Manbao, every division is clearly divided, but it is fresh.

  But this is also good, avoiding the uncertainty of dividing their money every time they pay for work.

  The principle of distribution has been set, and every time they pay the public money, the rest of the money will be paid in proportion.

  Although sometimes some people can only get a few cents, but a few cents are credited every day, and a lot of them are accumulated.

  Especially this is in the country, you have to walk a long way to Daji or wait for the salesman to come.

In the past, as long as there were shopkeepers in the village to buy things, the big heads could only watch behind the adults’ buttocks, watching the stuff on the shopkeepers’ burdens, drooling and having no money to buy, but now it’s different, every time the shopkeepers Again, they are the new force of sales.

  You don’t need to buy sweets anymore. They are not as delicious as my sister-in-law, but they are very popular like other toys or small cakes.

Man Bao even encouraged Chu Lang to be a salesman. In Man Bao’s words, “It’s so fun. You can go out of the village every day. You can go wherever you want. You can see a lot of people and see a lot of strangeness. Plants and animals."

Chu Lang sneered at this and said to her: "You think the merchandiser is going to play, he has to carry the cargo and go to the West Village and the East Village. It is very tired. If you are not careful, you may encounter robbery. Then I will If you were brave enough to protect the goods and refuse to pay, you would lose your fourth brother."

  Man Bao was stunned, and asked: "There are still robbers on the road?"

   "Yes, there are bandits."

  Man Bao wowed, and quickly asked curiously: "Where are the bandits and what do they look like?"

  (End of this chapter)

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