Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1631: Show off

  Chapter 1631 Show off

Five people moved carefully on the tree, constantly throwing green dates down. Zhou Liru and Zhou Ligu and Bai Shuping picked up two dustpans. Daji and two guards who were waiting on the side also bent over to help pick them up. Soon the dustpans were picked up. I can’t put it down anymore.

  It happened that someone came to call them, "Young masters and ladies, we are going back for lunch."

  Man Bao came down from the tree with a disappointed look, and then sat on the grass and put on shoes, “I only picked the dates. Let’s take a look at the pears after dinner.”

  Bai Shan responded, "Okay."

  A few people took the green dates back to Zhuangzi, soaked some of them in well water, put them in the basket after washing, and planned to eat them as fruits after lunch.

  It’s just a pity that the few people who planned to go out after lunch did not make it to the end, because they were a little sleepy when they were full. After all, the horses that ran for a long time were still a bit tired. They got up early this morning.

   Seeing them looking outside while yawning, Mrs. Liu said: "Now the sun is blazing, you should take a nap first, and wait until you wake up."

  Several people thought that the days were still long and that this was a good idea, so they yawned and went to bed.

But when they woke up, Lao Zhou stopped them to play. He said: "I have already asked people about it. The place where Shitian is located is not very far from here. The carriage arrived in about three quarters of an hour, so we Check it out now."

  Man Bao was still reading the pears in the orchard, and said: "Father, this is not a hurry, we still have four days of vacation."

   "Why are you not in a hurry," Lao Zhou was about to get angry, he said: "Have you not seen someone in Zhuangzi already planting winter wheat in the field?"

  "This capital is too north. Yongzhou is a bit norther than the capital. You can only grow wheat for one season. If you can't make the wheat green before it snows, you will have to wait another year before you can plant the wheat. Thanks."

  Man Bao said: "You can grow beans."

   “It’s even worse if you grow beans so well,” Old Zhou said, “Hurry up, don’t be lazy, why are you lazy than Dad.”

   Zhou Dalang smiled and said, "Father, she is not lazy, she just wants to play."

  Xiao Qian said to Man Bao: "You said you want to go to Yongzhou to see the lanterns. If you don't go today, how can you go to see the lanterns tomorrow?"

  Man Bao aroused his spirit, and immediately said to her father: "Father, let's go now, only three quarters of an hour. Soon, we may ride a horse faster, and we will arrive in two quarters of an hour."

  Bai Shan also pulled out their horses cleverly, and after asking Lao Zhoutou for directions, he mounted his horse and ran.

  Lao Zhou opened his mouth wide and turned to ask Zhou Dalang, “No one will give them directions. What are they running? What if they go wrong?”

  Qian had already cleaned it up, and heard the words: "There are people on the road, they know the name of the place, so they will stop them and ask, and there is a mouth under the nose, are you afraid that you can't find the way?"

  Old Zhou also thought about it.

  Lao Liu asked Zhuangtou to go with them. He knew the way and was familiar with the neighborhood.

  From the capital to Yongzhou, there are only a few low mountains along the way, and many areas have been opened up, becoming large tracts of farms.

Zhuangtou sat on the wheel of the car and chatted with Lao Zhoutou, and said, "Nearby, the villagers have only a few fields, and most of them belong to Shitian and the elders. Therefore, the villagers in this area are basically all It is a tenant farmer who only has a few acres of land at home, and the rest is rented from other people's land, or there is no one acre of land, all of which is rented."

  Lao Zhoutou asked: "How many years have passed since the Great Jin Dynasty, and they have lost all the land?"

Zhuangtou gave a wry smile, glanced at Lao Zhoutou's hand, then glanced at the back of the car, then lowered his voice and said, "I think you are a farmer like me, and I don't want to hide it from you. They were the ones who lost everything. Of course, there were also people who lost all their land, but most of them were bought back by the court to work as farms."

   "For some reason, the court has recruited so many officials, and there is not enough land every year, what should I do?"

  Old Zhoutou: "What should I do?"

"That can only be taken from the hands of ordinary people like us. Yamen took a small amount of money and expropriated the cultivated land we had cultivated to work as a job field, and gave some new land. But look at the land, there are so many vegetation, one year It may not be able to open two acres. If you open it, you can only plant beans first. People are going to starve to death. Who will open that little land? It's better to be a tenant farmer."

  Lao Zhou's head was dumbfounded, so this is how their Bao Bao Shi Tian came from?

  Zhuang Tou didn’t know the identity of Lao Zhou’s head, so he just smiled and asked, “Lao Zhang is going over there. Did the owner buy the land over there?”

  Lao Zhou turned his head back, shook his head and said, "No, it's my daughter who divided the job field."

   "Your girl?" The Chuang Tou was puzzled, "Your girl is a maiden in the palace? No, I don't see a Zhuang Tou who is in charge of Shitian near here. I have never heard of a maiden who has Shitian."

Lao Zhou became proud, and stood tall and said: "It's not a lady, it's an official. My daughter is an imperial doctor. She is still a book editor. As for the fifth grade, she became two officials, so she was divided. A thousand acres of vocational fields, we went to see that vocational field this time."

  Zhuang Tou opened his mouth wide in surprise, before closing it up after a while, "Here, this is the official man, alas, you have enjoyed the blessing of a girl."

Lao Zhou squinted his eyes and finally found someone who could talk. He and Zhuang Tou nodded and said, "Isn't it? No one of my sons can compare to my little girl. Just be filial. When she was a child, she drank egg water and wanted to secretly leave it to me to drink."

  Zhuangtou carefully recalled Zhou Man, and after a while, he said, “Is that young, so I’m an official? No, I remember that the old lady seems to have said that this is our future young grandmother.”

"Yeah, our two families have made a wedding. It is my little girl who has made a wedding with your young master. They are now working in the palace together. My girl is an official, and your young master is also very good. He is studying with the prince. "Lao Zhou added another point of showing off, lowered his voice and said: "Do you know the prince, that is the future emperor."

   And his son-in-law is now studying with the future emperor master. Rounding up is that his son-in-law and the emperor master are classmates. Thinking about Lao Zhou, I feel a sense of breathlessness.

  Zhuang Tou also felt a little breathless.

  Beijing, no, it was Mrs. Liu, the Zhuangzi from Yongzhou, who bought it to settle down and provide some fresh fruits, vegetables and food to the family in the capital, so there is no special selection and management person.

  In order to be able to integrate into the capital and Yongzhou with less trouble, Zhuangtou and tenant tenants are selected from the local area. However, she also sends subordinates from the family to the Zhuangzi to take care of or work in the Zhuangzi, and those are her confidants.

  Because it’s not a sell-off but an employment relationship, the dealer and tenants don’t know much about the boss, and the young master of the boss is actually studying with the prince...

  Zhuang Tou was in a daze for a while before he realized that his boss is also so powerful? He never knew.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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