Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1652: A trip to the grassland

  Chapter 1652 Journey to the Grassland

  Man Bao and Zhou Lijun came over soon.

  Thursuro looked at their mouths and asked, "What is delicious?"

  Man Bao looked at the faces of Chu Lang and Xiang Mingxue, and asked, "Four brother, why are your faces so bad?"

  Thursday Lang waved his hand and said: "Don't mention it, we walked all the way back from the grassland. Isn't it bad?"

  Man Bao heard this and was stunned, "Four brothers, have you been robbed?"

  Zhou Lijun couldn’t help asking, “Uncle Si, all the money and goods you brought with you are gone?”

  Thursday Lang: " can't miss me, okay?"

Xiang Mingxue couldn't help laughing. On Thursday Lang said: "I was not robbed, but I bought some cows back. The cows are not easy to transport, so I can only take them slowly to the pass, almost all the way back. ."

  Man Bao asked, "How many cows did you buy?"

  Thursday Lang said with pride: "It's not a lot, 100 heads."

  This time the group of them led about five cows back. If it weren’t for fear of being robbed on the road, he could actually buy more.

  However, it was the first time for him to take this road. Even if Xiang Mingxue was carrying it, he did not dare to carry too many such conspicuous goods at once.

  Man Bao exclaimed: "Four brother, you are really amazing. You have all gone to the grassland. By the way, are there many people on the grassland, and are there many good things?"

   "Not much, sometimes you may not meet a person in ten and a half months," Chu Lang said, "I wouldn't dare to enter the grassland if it wasn't for brother Xiang Xiang this time."

  Xiang Mingxue smiled and said: “The grassland is different from Guan’ai. When we entered, we were encountering sheep and cattle migrating, so it is difficult to meet people if we are not in a place with beautiful water and grass.”

  Thursday Lang said to Zhou Lijun: "Go get some food, I'm hungry."

  Man Bao said to her: "Just get some steamed buns and light dishes, they are too tired to eat too much oily food at once."

   Zhou Lijun gave them a basket of steamed buns and desserts, plus a bowl of soup, which was full of vegetables.

On Thursday, Lang and Xiang Mingxue didn’t dislike it. They started to eat and said while eating: “After a trip to the grassland, I finally know why Aliudun and the others like tea so much. That place doesn’t grow vegetables at all. They eat vegetables. It's all dug wild vegetables."

  He said: "But there are only a lot of wild vegetables, it is not enough to eat, the most eaten every day is milk and meat, I have only been in the grassland for 20 days and can't pull it out, cough and cough."

  Xiang Mingxue continued to eat without being affected.

Chu Lang continued: "I still feel that I have a bad appetite. I obviously like eating meat, but if I eat too much, I can't eat it anymore. Many of the three of them are not satisfied with it. In the end, you took it and you brought us. The medicine was good, and then we handed a cup of tea every day, and even chewed the tea dregs and swallowed it, almost thinking of ourselves as savages."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan listened with gusto.

Chu Lang continued: "Originally, we wanted to buy medicinal materials and left, but we were late with Aliu Dun. Many of the medicinal materials of their tribe were taken away. We only received a small amount. If we just turn around and come back. Although this trip won’t go in vain, and it won’t make any money, I happened to see that they had a lot of cattle and they were cheap, so I bought a hundred of them."

  He pointed to Xiang Mingxue and smiled: “I didn’t even dare to take the three of them on the road. Thanks to the brothers for helping us, we can come back safely.”

  Xiang Mingxue smiled and said, "It just so happens that we are going back to Beijing too."

  Bai Shan looked at Xiang Mingxue and asked with a smile, "Why did Brother Xiang go to the grassland?"

   "Go to meet a few friends I knew before," Xiang Ming learned: "I owed favors before, but this time I settled them."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao glanced at each other, guessing that most of them were people they had known before to deal with King Yizhou. At this time, the enmity had already been reported, so naturally there was no need to pursue the previous one, so the two smiled and did not ask any more.

  Zhou Lijun saw that they were okay, and immediately asked his most curious question, "Uncle Si, how do you sell the cows on the grassland?"

  Thursday Lang immediately said: “There are two methods, one is to kill and weigh the meat, and the other is to divide the size, estimate how many catties there are, and then calculate the price. Anyway, it is much cheaper than the ones sold in the customs."

"But the cows on the grassland are raised to eat meat and drink milk. They are not very good at work," he said. "Fortunately, I have seen how Mr. Bai's cowboy wears nose rings and trains cows before. , Otherwise we won't be able to bring these cattle back this time."

  The cattle and sheep on the grassland are all stocked. Who would wear a nose ring for them?

  The reason why Chu Lang went for two months was to put on nose rings for them, and after a simple training, he dared to bring them back.

   Zhou Lijun asked: "How much did it cost to buy cows?"

Chu Lang touched his body and found out a crumpled piece of paper on which was his account. "No, it's all written on it. Niu's words are two hundred and thirty-two taels. I guess it will be raised. In a few days, when they become more vigorous, they are divided into three classes and sold at different prices."

  Man Bao immediately said: "I will come first with twenty heads."

  Thursday Lang glanced at her and said, "What do you want cows for?"

   "Occupational field," Man Bao said, "Four brother, I have already agreed with the household department. We will manage the 1,000 acres of occupational field allocated to me, as well as my husband's 200 acres."

  Lang Yi stayed on Thursday, and quickly asked: "So parents and they came to the capital..."

   "My parents have decided to stay in the capital, and the eldest brother and sister-in-law are also staying, how about it? Are you happy?"

  To be honest, I’m not too happy!

  Thursday Lang thought of smashing down the four mountains on his head, he couldn't be happy.

  Before his parents and his eldest brother and sister-in-law came, he was the most unique person besides Man Bao in Beijing, now...

  Thursday Lang Yu pulled his head and said: "Okay, I see, I'll go and say hello to my mother first?"

"Let’s go and say hello to Dad first." Although Man Bao understood his frustration at this time, he still couldn’t conceal his happiness. NS."

Man Bao stretched out his hand and patted Bai Shan's shoulder, and said with a smile: "You take my fourth brother to see my dad. By the way, let my fourth brother go to offer a glass of wine to brother Bai. Don't let him drink too much. They are the best. I don’t drink too much. When I go back, I will make a soup for them.

  Bai Shan responded with a smile, and pulled Chu Lang and Xiang Mingxue to the front. ,

  Thursday Lang sighed for a while, then he cheered up and asked, "Is this house, Lord Bai rented or bought?"


  Thursday Lang turned his head and Xiang Mingxue smiled: "You originally said that you bought this house after earning money from the grassland, but you were one step ahead, right?"

  Xiang Ming Xue said: "This is also fate and cannot be forced."

  Bai Shan turned his head to look at Xiang Mingxue, and asked, "Is Brother Xiang going to settle in Beijing?"

  Xiang Mingxue shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't count, it's just that the farm at home needs a lot of money to grow, so I plan to stay in Beijing to make some money temporarily."

  (End of this chapter)

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