Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 167: Run to head

   Chapter 167

  The Zhou family found that the beating from Zhou Dayuan’s house tonight was even louder, and they could hear Zhang scolding the children, and the cries of dog eggs.

  Little Qian was taking the children to string yam beans. Hearing the increasing movement over there, he couldn’t help frowning, “What’s wrong with Sister Zhang? I’m so angry tonight.”

  It’s getting dark this day, usually at this time everyone is ready to go to bed after eating dinner.

He sneered and said, "Why? It must be because our fourth uncle got a good lottery. Sister-in-law, you didn't see it today. As soon as the fourth uncle's bamboo stick was drawn out, she immediately turned blue. Without saying anything, she can get angry even if she doesn't have anything to do with his family."

   Xiao Qian snorted, put the stringed yam beans aside, and said, "Don't worry about her."

  At least they have implemented it, haven’t they? She was dissatisfied with the beating, and finally got angry with herself.

   Zhou’s family is very busy this year, and there is no time to deal with such trivial matters.

  The stones in the homestead have been picked up, and the grass roots have been dug out. You can dig the foundation tomorrow.

  The village has to cultivate 40 acres of wasteland for Chengding this year, so it is very busy.

  I was too busy to take care of the digging of the yam. In the end, Man Bao asked the friends to dig up the mature yam and picked all the yam beans on the vine.

  Although the yam is a bit small, it is still quite a lot. On Thursday, Lang eagerly rushed to ask his mother, "Mother, is my debt going to be paid off?"

  Qian raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and said, “Well, it’s almost there, but you haven’t paid the two or two of the money for building the house yet.”

   Chu Lang's excitement vented, he pulled his head and said "Oh", ran back to find Man Bao, "How do you sell this yam?"

  "Sell fresh ones," Man Bao said, "It's too bad to sell medicines dried in the sun."

  Thursday Lang also felt a loss, so he rolled up his sleeves and said: "I will sell it myself, Man Bao, you have to help me speak nice things in front of my parents."

  Friday Lang was not happy, and said: "When I go to sell ginger, I just sell it on the way, why do you want you to go?"

"What do you know, I know a few friends, I sell them faster, and this year we will save more seeds. Next year, we will choose a better piece of fertile land to plant, and we will definitely get more. Then we will eat it. What should I do if I can’t go down so many yam? I still can’t get people out of it?”

  Man Bao lifted his spirits and immediately said: "Yes, I want to sell it overseas. I also want to tell my father that we will save some more seeds this year, and next year we will choose a few fatter and more breathable land to plant."

  Srirou scratched his head and asked, "Then, do we still have a share?"

   "Nothing." Man Bao said, "That's not the fourth brother's own land, it's the family's land."

  Man Bao knows that only the ones that are grown on the ground he cultivated belong to him.

  Wu Lang immediately looked at Chu Lang and asked: "Four brother, what do you plan to use that wasteland for?"

No need to think about the Ding Tian who was assigned to Thu Lang. It belongs to the whole family. Unless the family is divided, the actual control right will not be in Thu Lang's hands.

  The only land that really belongs to Chu Lang now is the land that they worked together to open up.

  Thursday Lang rolled his eyes and said, "I think growing **** is better than growing yam."

  Frirou also agreed, "I think too."

  Then the two looked at Man Bao together.

  Man Bao nodded solemnly, "Then we will save more **** seeds this year."

  Ginger is sold without worries, and its shelf life is also very long. As long as it is buried in sand, it can be stored for five or six months without a problem. It can also be dried into dried **** and sold in medicine shops. In short, they don't think it will lose money.

They also told Lao Zhoutou about this idea. He smoked a cigarette and thought for a while, "Yam and **** are looking at making money, but these things can’t be eaten by themselves. If one day people outside don’t buy them, then I just smashed it in my hand, so I still need a variety of grains. I think the family will use two acres of land to grow yam, and another two acres to grow ginger."

  Old Zhoutou said: "I don't care about the two wastelands opened by the fourth and Xi, you can toss as you please."

  He said: "Anyone of you who has the ability to open wasteland can grow according to your own wishes, but I will leave it here. If you want to be a wasteland, you have to finish the work at home first."

  As soon as these words came out, it meant that they were allowed to open up wasteland, and the Zhou family brothers were a little moved.

  Especially Wednesday Lang. He is the least capable and the least earning among the grown-up brothers. What he is good at is farming.

  The harvest from farming is for the public, and that is not what can be used as private money.

Different from the extra income of Dafang No.2, Sanfang’s private money was mostly earned by Wednesday Lang’s help for Mr. Bai’s house. Last year and this year, because he was going to cook for the Laudings, he earned a little extra. , Otherwise he might not be able to get two or two of the money last time.

  So as soon as Old Zhou let go, he wanted to open a wasteland by himself and plant some ginger. Maybe he could earn a little more next year.

  He thinks so too.

  But the seeds still have to be taken with Man Bao.

  So, as soon as the meeting was over, Wednesday Lang approached Man Bao and told her about it.

  Man Bao had no problems at all, and he agreed, "Okay, brother, how much land do you want to open and how many seeds do you want?"

Wed Lang thought for a while, he couldn’t take care of it too much. There was still so much land to cultivate at home, so he said: "Just open a piece of land that is about the same as Shiro’s. It’s about 70 or 80 cents. When the time comes, all **** will be planted. That's a lot."

  Man Bao said that there was no problem, and he patted his chest and said: "The third brother, please go choose the land, and I will help you open up wasteland when you choose."

  Wednesday Lang was happy, touched her little head and said: "Where can I use you."

  Zhulang’s Dingtian was to be reclaimed, and Zhou’s family had to produce at least one Laoding. The old Zhoutou sent Thulang to go. After all, it was his own land.

  Then the other brothers, except for the fifth and sixth, everyone else will stay at home to build a house.

  So Chu Lang still failed to completely take over the yam business, but he still took Zhou Lang to the county town and sold a half of his family’s yam.

  Most of the rest is reserved for seeds, and the rest is handed over to Friday Lang and the others to sell them.

  But in the county town, there are not many people who really know yam and eat it. The audience can’t compare with ginger, so it’s a bit difficult to sell.

  However, only to find the customer base, the business trip of Friday Lang and Saturday Lang is still very smooth. The brothers can bring back five or six hundred liters of income from the county every day.

Looking at   Wednesday Lang, he became more determined to open up wasteland.

  Even Zhou Dalang was a little tempted, and he discussed with Xiaoqian to open a piece of land.

  Xiao Qian said: “Didn’t the third child say that he wants to open it? If you open it again, will all the work at home be spread to the second child?”

   Although Xiao Qian’s heart is also moved, but, "Father will not agree, all four are three years old, I think the three younger siblings will have them again, then the stall at home will be too big, will it not waste it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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