Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1778: On duty

   Chapter 1778

   But in front of people, Man Bao couldn’t ask too much. But she had already hinted at the other party, and asked her to look at the doctor again.

  She feels that there is nothing simple for the wives of life. In front of them, she is almost like a child, so she didn't realize that they didn't understand.

  She consciously fulfilled her obligations, so she happily led Doctor Liu to the palace gate and said to her: "You can go back to class for a long time. The winter holiday will be on tomorrow."

  Doctor Liu responded, bowed down after saluting.

  Man Bao returned to Chongwen Hall, but unfortunately she will take turns tomorrow and cannot go out of the palace.

  This is the first time that Man Bao has been on duty at the Taiyuan Hospital.

  In order to make it easier for people to call, she had to bring her own bedding to sleep in the hospital for one night. There was no way. Although there were ready-made ones in the hospital, she didn't want to use the ones they had used.

  Xiao Yuanzheng also understood that she was a girl, and asked someone to clean up a small room for her alone.

  It just so happened that Doctor Liu was in line with her for one night.

  As soon as the night fell, many lights were turned off in the palace, and the hospital only turned on two lights. The medical assistants gathered everything together, and then they brought the brazier and sat in the office of the hospital to talk.

  Doctor Liu didn't know where to fight and found out a small bag of soybeans. He grabbed a handful and put it on the stove. After roasting for a while, he invited the dumbfounded Man Bao to eat it together.

  Manbao is the first time to participate in a night party like this. It is very novel to pick two soybeans to eat, and then nodded and said: "Similar to the beans fried by my sister-in-law."

  Liu Grand Physician smiled and said, "Emperor Zheng has a good mouth. If you run into duty with him, he will roast the dried meat."

  Man Bao thought about it, "Then I have to prepare something for the night next time?"

  Doctor Liu happily said, "How many times are you on duty in a year? No need."

  Only when she is on long vacation, she is on duty. One is to prevent emergencies that need her in the palace, and the other is to block other people's mouths.

  He smiled and said, "You are still young, so you don't need to stay with us. You can go to bed after eating and resting later."

   "What about you, Doctor Liu?"

  Liu Grand Doctor smiled and said, “I’ll watch two more hours and go to sleep when I’m fine. There are also medical aids. If there are patients in the palace, they will call us.”

The medical assistants beside    also quickly stated that they would be on duty separately and would not miss a little movement.

  Everyone is accustomed to duty, and will never dereliction of duty in these matters.

  Man Bao nodded, and ate beans with them around the stove, talking by the way.

  Emperor Liu mainly talked about the students in the Imperial Medical Office, “There are a few students who are really good. They have learned a lot outside, and they can be taught in another class, and they will be able to teach in two or three years.”

  He said: "I and Xiao Yuan are thinking that it won't take them too long, so we want to bring one to teach each other, so that we can get a teacher faster, and they will be able to help in the next year."

  Man Bao turned her eyes and recommended her apprentice, "Doctor Liu, what do you think of my Zheng Gu and Zheng Shao?"

  Doctor Liu:...

  They want to bring people around and teach that it means to accept disciples, which is the kind of disciples who bow their heads and offer tea to the beginning. What do you mean by introducing your disciples to them?

  Mr. Liu simply commented: "Zheng Gu is really good, he can be a teacher outside, Zheng Shao, he has to study for a few more years."

   but did not say anything about the income.

  Man Bao looked at him suspiciously, Doctor Liu raised his eyes and glanced at her. Man Bao understood at once, "Are you going to accept disciples in the Imperial Medical Office?"

  Mr. Liu coughed lightly: "I don't have any apprentices. Isn't this reluctant to meet Liangcai?"

  They actually didn’t even think about accepting apprentices from outside. After all, each of them had a lot of nephews, and there were a lot of things in the hospital. It would be a lot of effort to teach their nephews.

  It can be seen that Zhou Man has accepted four disciples, one is his niece and not to mention, the remaining two, Zheng Shao, are less qualified, but Zheng Gu and Sanniang have made great progress.

  Leave aside Zheng Gu, Liu Sanniang is his granddaughter. He watched her improve at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Now, she has been able to enter and leave the back house of a wealthy family to see a doctor, and was honored as Doctor Liu, but his son and her uncle are still less famous outside.

   Zhou Man’s rapid development with Ji Shitang still gave them a sense of urgency, so they also urgently need some outstanding disciples.

  Man Bao didn't think there was anything, and nodded in agreement, "Okay, then Zheng Gu and others can only bring it by myself."

  Doctor Liu heaved a sigh of relief, while Man Bao sighed, "I don't have enough time."

  Doctor Liu laughed, "You are clamoring that there is not enough time. When the local medical office is opened, it will only get busier."

  Speaking of this, Dr. Liu thought of something, lowered his voice and asked, "I heard that Mrs. Yang is going to be released. Is it true?"

  In this regard, the hospital is a bit slower than the ministers in the court.

  Man Bao nodded, "I'm already eight points accurate."

  Liu sighed, "I don’t know which adult is taking over. The office of the Physician has just opened, but I dare not cut off the funds, or I will give up all our efforts."

  Why did the former imperial physician's office gradually disappear after only a few years?

  Isn’t it because you don’t have money?

  The emperor fought for money, and the Ministry of Households directly cut off the supply of the Imperial Medical Office. Later, the Imperial Medical Office kept on cutting food and clothing for two years, and finally released the students, and the Imperial Medical Office survived in name only.

  This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Yuanzheng and Liu Taiyi were most worried when Zhou Man said to open the imperial medical office.

  What's more, she wrote not only for the imperial medical department, but also for the local medical department, which would only cost more than before.

  Man Bao was also worried when he heard the words. He didn't know if the things Yang Xuexiong gave them could make them pull out the money from the Ministry of Households.

   But for money matters, the boat will go straight to the bridge head, and Man Bao really wants to drive.

So she comforted Doctor Liu, "It's okay, there are the emperor, the queen and the prince, and the sky has fallen, and there is a high roof. The construction of the imperial medical department and the medical department has already spent so much money, if your majesty is abandoned halfway, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts? "

   She confidently said: “I don’t believe him. It doesn’t hurt to think that the money in front of him is spent in vain. As long as he feels bad about the money in front of him, he will continue to invest, which is the same as gambling.”

  Doctor Liu:...

The medical assistants beside    were also dumbfounded, and then lowered their heads silently, only when they heard nothing.

  The two talked a lot of gossip around the stove, and the medical assistants also listened to a lot of "secrets" with relish, and then the time for the biological clock full of treasures came, and they couldn't help but yawn.

  Liu Grand Doctor took a look at the time, and said to her: "You go to wash and sleep, I'll sit down for a while."

  Man Bao asked, "Is the chance of going to the doctor at night?"

Taiyi Liu thought for a while and said: "There will always be one night out of three nights. I think it should be fine tonight. The main reason is that the three women are a little uncomfortable during the day. Square."

  So they know the patients in the palace.

  Man Bao nodded, and went to sleep in peace.

    see you tomorrow, watch a movie tonight



  (End of this chapter)

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