Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1811: Self-discipline?

   Chapter 1811 Self-discipline

  Man Bao also took up the stove in the office of Doctor Liu, and the two stoves were used together. After lighting the charcoal fire, she placed the steamed meat and meatballs carefully on the shelf, closed the jar and waited.

  She didn't eat lunch, and she was so hungry now that she just squatted in front of the stove and watched, and she was able to catch the heat for a while.

  Boiling the water, you can hear the gurgling sound of water in the jar, and then slowly, a trace of fragrance comes out from the jar...

After it was steamed for a quarter of an hour, the aroma filled the whole room. The medical assistants had been sitting aside and waiting. Even the doctor Liu, who was in his office, drinking tea and waiting for food, couldn’t help but walk out with his hands behind his back. , After turning around the room for two laps, he simply pulled a stool and sat beside Zhou Man.

  He asked: "This is made by your cook, using the recipe from your south?"

"My sister-in-law made this," Man Bao and he praised her sister-in-law. "My sister-in-law made the best food. I grew up eating the food she cooked, and I have never eaten better than my sister-in-law. Something to eat."

  Liu Taiyi said: "I also think that my mother's food is the best, but it is only in my opinion."

  Man Baodao: "This is not favoritism. I still have five sister-in-laws. They do not make as delicious as my sister-in-law, especially my second sister-in-law..."

  Man Bao thought of Ersao's craftsmanship, and sighed: "My Ersao is good at everything, it's the cooking craftsmanship...Oh."

  Doctor Liu became slightly interested, mainly because now the jar is gurgling, and the aroma is constantly coming out of it. The smell really makes people want to eat.

  Emperor Liu swallowed unconsciously, and asked, "How long will it take to steam?"

  Man Bao wanted to eat more than he did, pulling the stool closer to the stove, she said: "It's going to be a while, my sister-in-law said that it will be delicious when it's hot."

  Talking skills, the in-house waiter sent their meals to the hospital.

  One food container per person, with different grades and different dishes.

  Man Bao took the food box and immediately said: "It should be okay, quickly open, quickly open."

The three medical assistants beside    immediately stepped forward to help.

  In a short while, two imperial physicians and three medical assistants sat down around the table. In front of everyone was their own meals, and in the center was a bowl of steamed meat and a bowl of meatballs.

  Man Bao first put a chopsticks on the steamed meat for Doctor Liu, and then said to the other three strong doctors: "Everyone, eat."

   Zhou Man is of higher grade than them, and the three medical assistants kindly gave in and let Man Bao move his chopsticks first.

  Man Bao was not welcome, and put a large piece of steamed meat on the rice. Then the other three moved their chopsticks.

  Educational doctor Liu took a bite and couldn't help but squinted his eyes. The mouth was soft and glutinous and fragrant. After chewing, the doctor Liu looked at the bowl, and then took the time to finish eating one piece and another piece...

  Eating and drinking enough, the doctor Liu sat beside Man Bao drinking tea, and politely asked her to drink the tea she collected, and said with a smile: "My mother's craftsmanship is very good."

  Man Bao just remembered that, yes, my sister-in-law is Lizhong’s mother-in-law, and that is indeed in-laws with Dr. Liu.

   So she said: "Wait for Lizhong to pay you New Year's greetings, I will ask my sister-in-law to bring you two bowls."

  Mr. Liu gave a hypocritical refusal and then responded, and then said to Man Bao: "Pork has the function of strengthening the body, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, and enriching the skin. It is very suitable for those of us on night shifts."

  Man Bao glanced at Dr. Liu. Although he felt that what he said was wrong, after all, it is not good to eat meat when he is old, but he would not be ignorant of this basic problem, so he also nodded.

  The two imperial doctors sat in the imperial hospital, waiting for it to get dark, and then guarded the stove to continue chatting and staring in a daze.

  Man Bao touched his sleeve, took out a purse, and opened the dried venison inside.

  Mr. Liu thought for a while, and felt that this was already the case tonight, so he could just eat more, so he reached out to Zhouman.

  Man Bao gave him a piece of meat, and after eating a piece of meat, he asked, “Doctor Liu, don’t you prepare some snacks on duty?”

  Doctor Liu said: "I only prepare some snacks and beans to satisfy my hunger. I am not a child, so there is no need to prepare too many snacks."

  Man Bao looked at the jerky in his hand.

  Mr. Liu paused for a while and said, "Occasionally, it’s okay to eat."

  But after eating so many good things from others, he is not good not to respond, so he said: "We are on duty, I will bring you delicious food."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, "Then I'll wait."

  Liu’s doctor said: “You can also bring some steamed meat and meatballs into the palace. You should eat better on New Year’s Eve, and there will be a palace banquet that night. We must be more alert and sober when eating.”

  Man Bao thought for a while, and felt that what he said was reasonable, so he nodded.

  The two stayed in the middle of the night, until the night was cold, then they got up and went back to their hut to sleep. This time, Man Bao was not woken up in the middle of the night, and fell asleep until dawn.

  Educational doctor Liu was also very satisfied with this, and said to the old doctor Lu who came to take over: "There is no patient, you should rest earlier tonight."

  Lu Taiyi said: "Tough hard work Liu Taiyi... and Zhou Taiyi."

   Zhou Man and Liu Taiyi returned a gift, and politely replied that it’s not hard work, and then they went out of the palace with their own things.

  Liu Grand Doctor saw the carriage coming to pick Zhou Man at the gate of the palace, waved her hand and smiled: "See you tomorrow."

  Man Bao nodded, "See you tomorrow."

  Man Bao walked towards his carriage and opened the curtain. Two heads were quickly protruding from inside and shouted "Wow". Man Bao was so scared that he almost fell on his back and was supported by Da Ji standing aside.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang saw that she was frightened, immediately laughed, and said happily: "You know you will definitely be frightened if you didn't sleep well last night."

  Man Bao: "...Keke, why didn't you tell me?"

  Keke: "This will not endanger the host's life, and I have not noticed malicious in them. If every behavior is announced in advance, the host's life will lose a lot of interest."

  Man Bao's heartbeat calmed down after touching it, An thought: This is not interesting at all.

  Bai Shan smiled and stretched out his hand at her, "Come on, take you home to rest."

  Man Bao put it on his hand, and after getting into the car with his strength, he asked, "Aren’t you going to play?"

   "You still don't go with your tired face," Bai Shan smiled: "And now the shops and businesses are closed, where can we go to play?"

  Man Bao nodded, and quietly said to him, "I have a secret to tell you when I go home."

   Baijiro on the side said: "I heard it."

  Bai Shan glanced at him and ignored him, and said to Man Bao: “We went to the open house in the garden and said that there was no one there.”

  Hakujiro: "Do you want me to show you the wind?"

  Man Baodao: "No, you don't have to come to eavesdrop on it."

Bai Erlang hummed, "I don't know how to overhear. What secrets can you tell? The left is just a matter of the court or the palace. Anyway, it is something that takes a lot of effort to do. Don't listen."

  After listening, he has to work hard, why did he bother?

  Man Bao thought for a while, and found that he had guessed all right, so he gave him a thumbs up.

  Shiajiro raised his head proudly.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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