Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1813: Face-to-face consultation

  Chapter 1813 Face-to-face consultation

  Man Bao began to think, "Then you have to change the needle method. Now the weather is so cold, it won't be good if you accidentally blow the cold wind."

  Doctor Liu nodded, “By the way, you must remember to give the doctor’s advice and ask the queen mother not to blow the air, and not to overwork.”

   "But didn't you just say that the Queen Mother will attend the palace banquet?"

  Doctor Liu said: “That’s why you are allowed to give a special doctor's order.” Therefore, when something goes wrong, you can know each other well. It's not that their doctors are not good at doctors, but that you patients and their families are not following the doctor's orders.

  Thinking that being an imperial doctor is so good?

  Man Bao was taught, and nodded again and again.

  Doctor Liu said: "The prescription should also be changed. One person must be kept on duty at the hospital, so you can open the prescription by yourself. If you are not sure, please do not go down. Take the pulse plan and come back to discuss with me."

  Man Bao knew that he was afraid that she would make the wrong prescription. After all, the Queen Mother’s body is indeed full of holes, too heavy, and it’s not good if it is light.

  Every time I went down, Xiao Yuan had to discuss with the imperial doctors in the hospital for a long time.

  Man Bao brought the medicine box and a medical assistant to the palace of the queen mother, it happened that Princess Yunfeng and the others stopped crying and helped the queen mother to wander around the hall slowly.

  Suddenly face Zhou Man, the smile on Princess Yunfeng's face fell.

Man Bao turned a blind eye to her, and first led the doctors respectfully to salute the Queen Mother. After the Queen Mother smiled and avoided their ceremony, he slightly bowed down and saluted the King of Xinqing and Yunfeng, "Manny, the minister will give you the needle. Dressing."

  The queen mother nodded, and turned back to the inner room with the hand of Princess Yunfeng.

   Princess Yunfeng didn’t expect Zhou Man to see the Queen Mother now. She couldn’t understand, "Grandma, why is Zhou Man seeing you? How about Xiao Yuanzheng?"

  The queen mother didn’t speak, the grand palace lady beside her smiled and explained: “The princess, the doctor of Zhou’s medical skills is also very good, and the empress wants acupuncture, naturally it is the doctor of Zhou suitable.”

  I can’t let Xiao Yuan see the phoenix body right?

   Princess Yunfeng asked, “Didn’t it mean that there are doctors in the palace who have also learned acupuncture?”

  The court lady said: "Medical Liu and Doctor Xiao have all followed, but they only spend less time studying, so they can’t be compared with Doctor Zhou."

  Although the queen mother also accepted the needle from Doctor Liu, the maid knew that the queen mother actually agreed with Zhou Man more in her heart.

  It's just that the older the queen mother gets more stubborn, she is reluctant to say it in person, and they are not allowed to say it, so she will accept whomever the hospital arranges.

  But the palace lady felt that it was one thing that the queen mother was awkward, and that it was another thing to be held hostage by Yunfeng County.

  It just so happened that Mother Dou was absent today, and the lady of the palace directly replied with Princess Yunfeng, neither soft nor hard.

  The Queen Mother was silent all the time, and Zhou Man, who was behind the Queen Mother and Princess Yunfeng, was also silent, but she still couldn't bear to complain to Keke in her heart: "Can they avoid me when they say bad things about me?"

   Discuss in front of her, she doesn’t want face?

   Kekedao: "Aren’t you talking good things about you?"

  Man Bao thought for a while, it was really true, at least the maid was complimenting her medical skills, and the queen mother also acquiesced.

   So Man Bao felt better again, and when the queen mother sat down, he carried the medicine box and rushed forward to her joy.

   Queen Mother:...

  Man Bao took out the pulse pillow, and said gently to the queen mother: "Is there any discomfort in your mother today?"

  The queen mother looked at her smiling face and felt a little dazzling, so she said with a calm face: "The chest is tight, and she is a little weak and sleepy."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, looked at her face while feeling the pulse, and then said: "Manny, let me see your tongue coating?"

  The queen mother let her see, and Man Bao smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ll change a set of needles for you today. I will come to you for medicinal moxibustion in the afternoon.”

   There was no medicinal moxibustion originally, but since she agreed with her medical skills, she would bother to make the queen mother more comfortable.

  The Queen Mother nodded slightly.

  Man Bao looked at Xinqing County King and Yunfeng County Lord.

  Xinqing County King reacted, Zhou Man was about to give the Queen Mother a needle, he quickly got up and blushed and left.

   Princess Yunfeng did not leave. Instead, he held the Queen Mother’s arm and said, "Grandma, shall I stay with you?"

  The queen mother frowned, not wanting to let her stay, but seeing her holding her arm tightly, she sighed and nodded, "Then stay."

  The grand maid put down the curtains and went in to undress the queen mother.

Man Bao sat outside the curtain, opened the medicine box, took out the needle bag, and looked at Princess Yunfeng.

   Princess Yunfeng looked at Zhou Man after lowering the curtain. Seeing that she finally looked over, she provocatively raised her chin.

  Man Bao glanced at her face, then began to look at her up and down, after a while, he closed the medicine box and raised his eyebrows slightly at her.

   Princess Yunfeng received her provocation and was furious!

  Man Bao snorted softly, and raised his chin to look at her.

  The lady of the palace guarding outside the curtain looked at the two people and stared at you and me. She felt sweat on her forehead.

  Man Bao glanced at her waist again, heard the sound inside the curtain, got up and went into the curtain to give the Queen Mother a needle.

   Princess Yunfeng got up and went in too. The court lady guarding outside the curtain wanted to stop her, but after being glared at, she could only let her in.

   Princess Yunfeng opened the veil and went in. The queen mother frowned when she saw her and asked, “It’s fine if you are outside. What are you doing in here?”

   Princess Yunfeng said: "Grandma, let me accompany you."

  Man Bao has already taken the needle, and after looking at Princess Yunfeng, he said, "Princess should take more rest."

   Princess Yunfeng said solemnly: "Emperor Zhou will treat the emperor's grandmother well. We don't need you to take care of our royal affairs."

  Man Bao glanced at her again. He didn't want to pay attention to her, but it was contrary to what he had learned from Teacher Mo. He endured it, or did not hold it back, "Is the princess pregnant?"

   Princess Yunfeng was startled, "What?"

  "I think the princess's complexion is not good, maybe it is a tired journey, and there is a slippery look on his face."

  The queen mother's face changed when she heard the words, and she didn't care about getting the needle, and immediately said to Zhou Man, "You show her."

   Princess Yunfeng subconsciously said: "I don't want her to watch."

  Man Bao also nodded, and said to the Queen Mother: "Niang Niang, I am not as good as Dr. Liu in terms of fetal protection. Why don't I invite Dr. Liu to Princess Yunfeng?"

The queen mother frowned. She didn't think Zhou Man's medical skills were inferior to Doctor Liu. She thought it was because Princess Yunfeng resisted her and said so for the sake of thoroughness, so she sighed, "Well, come here. Go and ask Doctor Liu to come over."

   People also helped Princess Yunfeng down to rest, and the curtain fell silent.

  Man Bao was satisfied to give the Queen Mother a needle.

  The queen mother was not very relieved, she couldn't help asking Zhou Man, "Is Yunfeng's fetal image bad?"

  Man Baodao: "Niang Niang, I can only see it by looking at the pulse. I haven't got the pulse, and I don't know the situation."

  The queen mother nodded slowly, and then asked, "From your point of view, how long has she been pregnant?"

   "It should be soon," Man Bao said vaguely, "You still have to check your pulse and ask a doctor to confirm it, but it's definitely not a long time."

  Otherwise, the waist will not be so thin.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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