Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1866: Because of treatment

  Chapter 1866 Because of treatment

  Zhou Lijun took a probe into the room, turned around decisively and ran to find Liru, “Don’t ask your sister-in-law to ask questions, and ask other gentlemen when you go to school tomorrow.”

   Seeing Zhou Liru looking up at her questioningly, she said: "My sister is not in a good mood right now, I don't know what's wrong."

  Clearly, Zhou Man was not the only one who was in a bad mood. After a while, Bai Erlang rushed into the main courtyard and went directly to knock on Man Bao’s door.

  Man Bao hadn’t even opened the door, he shouted: "Zhou Man, you go and comment on us, he got angry outside, come back to me to give up..."

  Man Bao opened the door and asked him curiously, "Why did he get angry with you."

  Shirajiro pulled out his clothes and showed her, "He said he was going to practice swords with me, but he cut my clothes and accidentally kicked me. He still didn't admit that he was asking me to give up!"

   Bai Erlang stared at her and asked, "Didn’t you go to Wei Yu? Who is angry with him?"

  Man Bao's eyes were a little erratic.

   Baijiro understood, "Have you quarreled?"

  Indignant, his face flushed with anger, "You quarrel and take me out? I am your junior, not your son!"

  Man Bao slammed the door shut, leaving a sentence, "I change my clothes, you go back."

  Hakujiro opened his mouth wide, and couldn't help knocking on the door several times, and shouted, "You open the door!"

That is impossible.

  Man Bao is hesitating whether to find Bai Shan, but she doesn't want to be softened. It is obviously his fault. Why should she be softened?

  Hey, what did he do wrong?

  Bai Shan was also sitting on the steps with a sword in a daze. Mr. Zhuang walked not far in front of him, only glanced at him and shook his head and left.

  He secretly said with his hands behind his back: The children seem to have really grown up.

  After all, the two of them did not stay up until the evening. In the evening, Bai Shan took the initiative to find Man Bao and invited her to eat together.

  Man Bao prefers to eat the meals made by his sister-in-law, but he still agrees, so he goes over to eat with Bai Shan.

Mrs. Liu apparently also knew about the awkwardness of the two children this afternoon. When she saw Man Bao, she smiled and waved, holding her and smiling: "If Shan Bao bullies you, you tell your grandmother and your grandmother will teach him for you. "

  Man Bao glanced at Bai Shan, then bowed his head a little embarrassedly, and explained: "He didn't bully me."

  Bai Shan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. After eating, he took her back to the study and poured a cup of tea for herself and her. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper with you today. I will apologize for you.”

  Man Bao took the tea, "This is what you said, I didn't force you."

  Bai Shan couldn't help laughing out loud, nodded and said: "Yes, you didn't force me."

  Man Bao only drank happily, and then whispered: "Actually, I was also wrong..."

When Bai Erlang came over eating the fruit after the meal, he saw the two of them apologizing for each other. He stood at the door and looked for a while. Seeing that they hadn't seen him before, he coughed heavily. The result was too hard and almost gave him a throat. Hacked.

Bai Erlang covered his throat and couldn't help but coughed twice, and his throat felt comfortable. Seeing that both of them finally looked at him, he raised his chin and asked, "It's over if you apologize to each other? You haven't apologized to me yet. ."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at each other, then turned around and saluted him together, "How about making a chat with you?"

  Bai Erlang hummed, waved his hand: "Forget it, forgive you for the difficulty, next time you have to fight again, fight yourself, don't ask me to give up."

  The two couldn't help saying: "We never fight."

   "It's fine to tell this to others, tell me, do you think I will believe it?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao thought about it, so they stopped explaining.

  Shirajiro curiously asked the two of them, "Why are you arguing this time?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at each other, and finally she said, "How do I know?"

  Bai Shan:...

  He turned his head aside.

  Man Bao said: "Well, because he is jealous."

   Shirajiro got excited when he heard this, and asked, "Whose vinegar is to eat?"

   is still full of treasures: "Wei Yu's."

   Shirajiro frowned, "What's so delicious about his vinegar?"

  He turned his head and looked at Bai Shan up and down, and asked, "Is he more knowledgeable than you?"

  Bai Shan: "...Am I the kind of jealous person?"

"Then why are you jealous of him?" Bai Erlang wondered: "Is he more handsome than you, or better than your family background? If there are other things in his body that can attract a lot of treasures? But no matter how good he is, he can still have Yang Xue Brother and Tang Xuexiong are good? You don't even eat their jealousy, you eat his jealousy?"

  Bai Shan: "Don’t guess, is Man Bao that kind of person? Yang Xuexi and Tang Xuexi are married, what is it like?"

   "Wei Yu has also made a kiss. By the way, there is still me. No matter how bad it is, there is still Yin or, why don't you eat our jealousy?"

  Bai Shanfei glanced at him, turned his head and said to Man Bao: "I didn't take his jealousy. I just think you don't care about me enough. You still care about Wei Yu so much for Changyu, why don't you care about me?"

  Man Bao felt that he was making trouble unreasonably, “I asked Wei Yu those questions because Changyu didn’t know them, but don’t I know all of your questions?”

  "Do I have to ask you nonsense, what do you like to do in your free time, what kind of snacks do you like to eat on weekdays, and what dishes?"

  Shirajiro interrupted in the side: "I know, he likes to eat fish, and he likes..."

"Shut up," Bai Shan and Man Bao turned their heads together to stop him, and then Man Bao looked at Bai Shan and said: "Look, he knows, can I still not know? Why take time to ask You once, are you boring?"

  Bai Shan: "Then you can ask something else?"


  Bai Shan opened his mouth and found that he couldn't think of it, so he was discouraged: "It seems that childhood sweethearts are not good either. I have nothing to say with you."

  Man Bao:……

  Hakujiro: "...Who was talking outside my door in the morning, huh, huh, huh?"

  Man Bao had directly defined that he was making trouble unreasonably, so he turned to leave.

  Bai Shan gave Bai Erlang a sideways glance, then turned to see her off.

After turning around the corridor, they did not go directly, but went around to the garden before returning to the main courtyard. Bai Shan said to her, "You shouldn’t be too involved in matters between other people’s feelings, Princess Changyu and Wei Yu's personalities are too different, and the husband and wife may not be able to reconcile in the future."

Man Bao said: "I think feelings can be cultivated, and people can be changed. Not to mention Wei Yu, Princess Changyu is only sixteen. I think if they are willing to work hard, they will not be able to play and sing in the future. At least we can respect each other as guests."

  Bai Shan is very curious, "Why are you so concerned about their feelings these days?"

  Man Bao said: "I'm treating Princess Changyu."

   "Princess Changyu is also sick?"

  Man Bao whispered: "Yes, but it's not very serious. It's a mental illness. I'm not very good at curing this disease now. Fortunately, Changyu is willing to cooperate with me in the treatment, so I want to try it with her."

  This is what it means to try hands.

  It turned out to be for the treatment of illness, and Bai Shan felt comfortable in his heart.

   See you at 11:30 in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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