Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1878: shame

   Chapter 1878

  Lian Chang Yu and Ming Da both stared at the empty run to watch the excitement. Chang Yu stretched out his hand to open the box in front of Lao Tzu's portrait, but was knocked out by Man Bao.

  Man Baodao: "You are not allowed to watch if the consecration is not completed."

  Mingda was very curious, "What's in it, why do you value it so much, and even give it a special blessing?"

  Man Bao smiled, just about to speak, Chang Yu stretched out his hand to rush to answer: "I know, there is your birthday gift."

   was a little unconvinced, "The gift you gave me last year didn't take so much time and effort."

  Man Baodao: "Do you know what courtesy is light and affection is heavy?"

  Changyu: "Don't you give Mingda more of courtesy and love?"

Man Bao did not talk to her, but explained to Mingda: "Did you not say that you envy us to go out to study? I just wanted to make something for you. Maybe it can protect you from your breath. At least It eases your qi illness, so I begged with Master Tianzun."

  Mingda always stays away from ghosts and gods, neither believes nor slanders, so he laughed out loud and said with curving eyes: "Thank you, but why bother?"

Man Bao knew she didn’t believe it, she didn’t believe it, but things were true. She smiled and said, “It’s OK to give it a try, but it’s more troublesome to get in and out of the palace. It costs an hour a day. ."

  Man Bao took the two of them to sit by the bed. There was no way. Her room was small and a small bookshelf was added. There is no place for extra tables and chairs, let alone wooden couches.

  She said to Changyu: "You are not sick again, I won't bother you with that."

  Changyu didn’t bother very much either. She kicked off her shoes, sat cross-legged on her bed, nodded, and then whispered, “You’re going to the Imperial Medical Office for class tomorrow?”

  Man Bao nodded.

  Changyu took out a fan drop to her, blushing and said: "Then give it to him for me when you pass by the Imperial College."

  Although she didn’t name her, Man Bao still understood. She was so surprised, "Why did you take the initiative to give him something again?"

   "What do I mean by taking the initiative, this time he took the initiative," Chang Yu said: "The old five went back to the palace after he left the palace yesterday and brought me something back."

  Mingda laughed out loud and said with a smile: "It's more than just a few, it's a lot."

  She said to Man Bao: "Maybe I didn't run into you yesterday, or knew that it was inconvenient to ask you to bring things, so he specifically blocked the fifth brother outside the palace to help."

  The five princes are about to get married. The emperor seems to want to marry the five princes before the queen the mansion, so he is preparing for his marriage recently. Even the date of the wedding has been set. The first day of June is a good day.

  Originally, because of Xu Yu's incident, the emperor wanted him to go to the feudal clan as soon as possible. Even the time has been calculated. The fifth day of June is a good day.

  The ministers of the Central Government also agreed. The Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Industry are preparing for his affairs with the faculty. The Ministry of Civil Affairs is also selecting the Royal Palace Long History and so on.

  Things developed too fast, and the five princes were full of heart and it was hard to say. Concubine Yang couldn't cry, but she didn't cry for the emperor, she looked for the queen to cry.

  After all, the queen pityed her, and after being crying for two days, she blew a pillow with the emperor. In the end, the emperor finally agreed that the five princes opened the palace and stayed in the capital for a month after they got married.

  Yang Guifei was better now and began to concentrate on preparing for her son's wedding.

  She only has this son. Originally, when her brothers and nephews were still there, he got married. The Yang family would definitely give a lot of gifts. That way, opening a mansion would be much more generous.

  Yang Guifei has a lot of money in her family.

  As a result, the Yang family was exiled, and those who were driven back to their hometown were rushed back to their hometown. All the family properties were also confiscated. The money that originally belonged to her naturally went into the emperor's pocket.

  If I don’t come back.

  So the five princes got married, Yang Guifei could only give out her own body and self to the five princes. The emperor and the Ministry of Rites prepared a little bit less betrothal gifts. The most important thing was that the children needed a lot of things to go to Jifan.

  Part of Concubine Yang’s body is in her own hands, and part of her body is in the hands of the queen.

  She was too young when she was given to the emperor by her father and brother. She was only thirteen or fourteen. At that time, the queen had already become a mother. It was when maternal love was overwhelming, so she brought Concubine Yang with her.

  Later, the Yang family continued to send money to Concubine Yang. The original intention was to let her manage the contacts in the palace, but the palace was taken care of by the queen very well, and she rarely needed to spend money.

  It happened that the emperor was only registered shortly at that time. It was the most difficult time when Concubine Yang didn't understand the outside affairs, but she could see the sadness in the palace, so she gave the queen a lot of money at that time.

  The queen remembered it for her, part of it was spent on the expenses in the palace, and then she made up for it when she got rich; part of it was used to run the outside industry and count her shares.

  Guifei Yang almost doesn't care about these things, because the Yang family is really rich. She has been worried about all kinds of things in her life, but she has never worried about money.

  Until her family was ransacked, she cried and went to get money from the queen.

Mingda knows more, but she rarely talks about people behind her back, but Changyu is very interested in the news and bit her ears with Man Bao: "This time, Guifei Yang gave the fifth brother a lot of money and asked him to go out and buy some things. Let someone take it to the fief first, lest there is nothing there."

  She deliberately lowered her voice and said, "I heard that I have bought a lot of things to send to the Yang family."

  The one from Guifei Yang’s family was ransacked. Although the family members and children did not need to be exiled, they were just driven back to their hometown, but the family property was gone, so life must be difficult.

   Although Concubine Yang is not familiar with world affairs, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t know these tricks, so she deliberately asked the fifth prince to take some money out to take care of her natal family.

  But she is still too tender. Who can hide these things?

  Thinking that the five princes used the stall to spend money outside the palace, don’t you know?

  But in fact, the emperor and queen, and even the prince and others know that even the two princesses like Mingda and Changyu can hear the wind, let alone the well-informed adults outside the palace.

Mingda said: "There are still people who have informed the impeachment of the father, but the mother and father said that the Yang family is sinners for us in Dajin, but Yu Yang Guifei is still her mother's family. If she is cruel, we should Saying that she is cold-blooded and cold-hearted, she is now taking care of her natal women and children, and if she wants to impeach her, why bother to criticize her?"

"That's why the emperor father suppressed the zhezi, and this matter will not stop," Mingda said: "Wei Yu should also know these things, so when he found someone at the market, he asked him to bring things to his sister. Enter the palace."

  Man Bao was very curious, "What did Wei Yu give you?"

  Changyu pursed his mouth and smiled, "It's nothing, it's all ordinary things. He made me a polo stick."

  All other things were incidental, and the polo stick was very much to her, so she asked Man Bao to hand over a fan drop to the other party.

  Man Bao watched her face twitching, Mingda found it funny, and she also tittered with her, and he was too embarrassed to hit them.

  The three of them laughed and made noises on Man Bao’s bed.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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