Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1899: Kick people

   Chapter 1899

   looked at the queen, and then she held Concubine Gong’s hand and interrupted them and said, "Bring the people to the back hall and let Xiao Yuan look at them."

  The emperor then remembered the matter, and now it is still important to see the injury, so he hastened to let Prince Gong be carried to the back hall, Xiao Yuan was waiting outside with them, and went directly with the king.

  Before leaving, he gave Zhou Man, who was kneeling on the ground, a worried look.

  As soon as they left, the emperor sat back on the chair and said in a deep voice: "Okay, now I can tell, what is going on?"

  Whoever reports this matter will be biased, and in the end it was reported by their guard leader.

From the prince and King Gong to discuss, to the Princess Mingda asking Zhou Man to see the King Gong, to not knowing what the prince and King Gong said, King Gong was so angry that he kicked the table and broke his leg, until they decided today temporarily Return journey.

  Although they are all superficial things, this is enough for the emperor to understand the whole story.

  The emperor was furious at the prince. Saburo was not good at martial arts at all. He was panting when he walked. In the end, you pulled him to learn martial arts. Didn’t you deliberately find an excuse to beat him?

  The prince stood and listened to the curse, but did not respond much.

  The queen also felt that the prince was deliberate, so she did not stop the emperor from scolding him.

  After cursing the prince, the emperor went to Zhou Man.

   He squinted his eyes and looked at Zhou Man suspiciously, “As a doctor, you let King Gong break his leg under your nose?”

  Man Bao lowered his head.

The emperor snorted coldly: "Go out and kneel outside."

  Man Bao obediently got up and exited and knelt down. Bai Shan hesitated for a moment. After taking a look at Princess Mingda, he also retreated.

  Bai Jiro can only follow, he didn't expect to watch the excitement by himself, and he actually got a kneel.

When    and Man Bao were kneeling outside the temple, he was still a little confused, turned his head and asked Bai Shan, who was a man of treasure away from him: "Why are we here?"

  Bai Shan glanced at him and said: "You are leaving now and no one is stopping you."

  White Erlang pondered for a while, and finally shook his head, "Forget it, it's all here, I'm kneeling."

  I always feel that it’s worse to go now.

The three of Zhou Man were punished to kneel outside. The guard leader and the servants all retreated. Only their family was left in the house. Princess Gong followed King Gong to the apse. There were no outsiders, so the emperor went from above. He rushed down, kicked the prince, and directly kicked the man to his knees on the ground.

  The prince knelt, and stood up again with his hands supported.

  The emperor saw that he was so awkward, he stretched out his foot and kicked again. The queen didn't stop, and Huarong turned pale with fright on the side of Changyu.

  Mingda rushed up and stopped the emperor’s third foot, "Father, no one would have imagined that the third brother broke his leg. You can’t blame it on Big Brother..."

  She held the emperor’s arm and cried: "Father, are you going to kick the eldest brother's leg?"

Only then did the emperor endure his anger, pointing outside and saying: "You also go out and kneel!"

  The prince turned around and went out.

  The three people kneeling outside were shocked when they saw the prince limping out, and then moved quietly and squeezed together. Even the prince was beaten...

  The prince didn't even look at them, and knelt directly three steps in front of them.

  Aunt Shang hurriedly took a futon and chased it out, but she put it under her knee for the prince.

  Man Bao three saw them, and they moved their knees involuntarily, feeling that the already tough bluestone slab was even harder.

  They want a futon too...

In the hall, Mingda was soothing the emperor's chest and calming down his anger, and by the way, quietly interceded with the prince and Man Bao, "Father, it is true that Brother and Man Bao can't be blamed for this matter."

  The emperor was very suspicious in his heart, "What did they say in the room? Why did Saburo kick the table with anger? He has always been good-tempered, but he wouldn’t kick the table if he was not in a hurry."

  I feel that Prince Gong has a good temper, and the whole family may hesitate except for his father.

  Mingda knows the temper of the third brother, and the queen knows it better. She raised her eyelids and glanced at the emperor. She didn't bother to pay attention to him, and asked Mingda directly, "What kind of injury is there besides the fracture of Saburo?"

"No, what he and his eldest brother fell out were all skin injuries. Man Bao said it doesn’t matter." Mingda paused and said, "Father, you know the martial arts of eldest brother. If he really wants to fight the third brother. There was more than that scratch when I caught him to discuss."

  The emperor blew his beard and stared: "Then you have to thank his men for showing mercy?"

Mingda suddenly said frankly: "Father, what the third brother did was too much, not to mention the battle between him and his eldest brother in the court in the past four or five years, just look at the things he did to the eldest brother in private, the eldest brother lost the previous year That child..."

  The emperor was speechless for a moment, and after a long time he said sullenly: "I have already punished your third brother..."

  "But if the eldest brother is angry, they can't reconcile, Father, they always face each other like this, what can they do in the future?"

The emperor's eyes were red, and he said sadly: "Yes, but what can I do? I am Da Lang's father and Saburo's father. The palms and backs of the hands are all meat. Should I cut Saburo and plead for him? ?"

  The more the emperor said, the more angry he became.

  The queen said: "If you can't get a bowl of water, then don't intervene in the children's disputes, let them fight on their own, and everything will follow the law."

  The emperor sat silent.

Mingda also took his hand and knelt at his feet and said: "Father, this time is an opportunity. Bai Shan and Zhou Man said, this time let the eldest brother and the third brother express the grievances in their hearts. The relationship can always be repaired."

  The emperor gave a cold snort, obviously not convinced.

  Mingda repeated what Bai Shan said that night. She said: "Father, you never thought about it. What will the third brother do when the eldest brother takes over in the future?"

  The emperor was silent. He had obviously thought about it, but for the current situation of the two sons, he obviously had no better way. He just hoped that they would not have a bad relationship in the future.

   Mingda said: "Bai Shan also asked the third brother this question."

The emperor raised his head and looked at Xiang Mingda.

  Mingda nodded slightly, and said: "The third brother is a smart man, he naturally thought about it, so he wants to have a good relationship with his eldest brother."

  The emperor immediately patted his thigh and said, "I knew that Saburo was the best behaved, but now it is your elder brother's stubborn temper..."

  Mingda immediately said: "Big brother has also softened his attitude."

  The emperor looked at Mingda suspiciously.

Mingda nodded very affirmatively, "Man Bao said that the other day, the eldest brother didn’t know why he scolded a stupid man. It was because of this sentence that the third brother kicked the table out of control, but Man Bao said that he felt that the eldest brother’s sentence was not scolding the third brother. It was like scolding myself. Later, my temper with the third brother became much better. Not only did people give them good medicinal liquor, they also let them arrange a frame for the third brother, and they would even have to say a few words about small things like food."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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