Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1931: Ask for rent

   Chapter 1931

  Because many things have been discussed before, this time Zhou Man came here, one is that she is the Hui nationality; the other is to meet the Xia family; the third is to sign a contract and make various arrangements.

  But even if she came true by the time of the first or two, under the witness of Mr. Zhuang and the invited chieftain, Lao Zhoutou and chief Xia signed a contract together to ensure that the second child of Zhou Man's marriage would be the same as Xia's surname...

  After signing this, Man Bao said to Patriarch Xia: "Patriarch, I want to take a look at the two plots of Nanba and Dongling."

  These are two pieces of land that she can take back.

  An elder of the clan asked nervously: "Didn’t the lady in the Nanba piece of land tell the clan to run a clan school?"

  Man Bao smiled and nodded, "Yes, has the clan already decided to run a clan school?"

   Patriarch Xia’s face is not very good-looking, but the other elders nodded and laughed: "Yes, after some discussions in the clan, I think the children should go to school more, and they have already discussed the clan school."

  Man Bao nodded approvingly, "This is a hundred-year plan. I just went to see what kind of land my grandfather had left for me. Donate or donate."

When the elders heard this, they stopped stopping and asked the young people to show them the way. Of course, the elders with good legs and feet followed to see the excitement.

  Nanba is not too far away. Manbao and the others rode their horses directly for the convenience of travel. They were impatient and walked slowly with others, and ran first when they asked for directions.

  The wheat in the field is ready to be harvested, and even a lot has been harvested. Now the field is yellow, and even the rice is heading. It can be harvested in two months.

  Man Bao looked and nodded again and again.

  Waiting for the Xia family to accompany the brothers Lao Zhoutou and Zhou Dalang to the place, Man Bao and the others were already standing in the field, pulling wheat and squatting on the edge of the field.

   Everyone in the Xia family: ...I don't know why, but they look a lot like them.

  Man Bao got up, stretched out his hand and clapped his hands and said: "It's been a long time since I have eaten roasted wheat. We will pull some back to roast and eat?"

Although the words were spoken with Baishan Baijilang, his eyes looked at the Xia clan elder.

The    clan elder smiled and said: "Eat whatever you want, eat whatever you want, there are not many other places in the country, and there is still enough wheat."

  Man Bao asked, "Where is the land of Nanba?"

  She took out the title deed from her arms and said with a smile: "I don't know the place above."

  The people of the Xia clan gave her the way to go from where to go. She was a small piece away, and the dry land that was barely connected to the other side was also hers.

  Man Bao looked on his toes and found that this large piece of wheat had not been harvested, but there was not much wheat, but a lot of rice was planted, and there were a lot of beans on the dry land.

  It’s no wonder she said that she gave this piece of land to the clan to run a clan school. Patriarch Xia is not so happy. There are more dry land and few paddy fields. I am afraid that it is barely enough for Mr.'s repairs. Other expenses have to be paid elsewhere.

  Man Bao pointed to the dry land and asked, "Why is there more than that stated in the land lease? There is less paddy field."

The clan elder said: "In the past few years, our land was dry, and the fields could not even grow wheat. At that time, many people changed their fields to dry land to grow beans. The rainfall in the past two years has not been a lot. Especially last year, the drought has increased. so……"

  Manbao understood it, and then she remembered that there was a drought last year.

   She sighed: “I was thinking of collecting all the rent this year to subsidize some households, but now it seems that it’s impossible.”

  Clan elders:...

  They never thought that she would come to see the land to collect rent.

  Man Bao already sighed again and again, and said to them: "I also heard about the drought last year in the capital. Although our lumi is not small, the harvest on the field is much less."

Last year, Man Bao, who had no income from working land at all, sighed and pretended that he already had a clan school, and said: "The clan was going to build clan school, but there was a drought last year. Forget it, the rent paid by the clan leader is still for the clan school to build clan school. Use it, if you need it, you can also help the lonely widows in the village. I'm afraid they will have a hard time this year."

The young people following the clan elders heard it, and couldn’t help but look up at this cousin. The clan elders were also a little touched, and their grievances against Zhou Man dissipated a lot, but some people also raised doubts. , Yin and Yang asked strangely: "Cousin still lacks this rent?"

  Man Bao gave a ding-dong in his heart, and thought cheerfully that it was finally here!

   So she sighed again, shook her head, and said to them: "How come this is a bit of rent, this bit of rent is enough for several people in my family for a whole year."

She sighed: "Don't look at me as an official, but I am the most incorruptible editor and imperial physician. I can only get some salary, but it is not easy to live in the capital. I still have a family to support. Not to mention, there is a lot of social entertainment every month."

"Shangguan you have to go to a dinner party. You can't do it without a gift. If your colleague invites you, you have to call it back. The restaurant in Beijing is cheaper than the restaurant in Shangzhou, let alone invited. People eat, are you embarrassed to invite someone to a humble place?"

  Everyone shook their heads together, and they looked a little different when they looked at her.

  Man Bao said, “I heard that the land in Dongling rented by Xu Li has not been rented for more than ten years?”

  The elders are a little embarrassed, hard to say.

Man Bao sighed again: "I also know that he is still the chief. Although we don't care about us, there are still some favors. It’s not good to be too stiff, otherwise the clan will be affected in the future. Although it’s not so good, if he gets stuck with a document today, and he doesn’t survey the fields for us tomorrow, we will suffer."

The youths were a little bit angry, but the elders nodded repeatedly. Seeing their expressions, they couldn’t help holding Man Bao’s hand and sighed, “Good boy, you’re sensible. Yes, much better than your cousins."

   Then turned around and scolded the young people, "What are you angry about? Learn from your sister. You need to know that you can bend and stretch to do big things..."

  Bai Shan lowered his head. It was really hard to eat soft and hard. If he were to pull down directly, he could not. The Xia clan is the largest clan in Hongtian Village anyway. As long as there are enough people, what can't be done?

   Bai Erlang looked at the clan elders with surprise, and looked at the clan elders holding Man Bao’s hand with surprise, thinking that the direction of the wind has also become too fast?

Man Bao expressed his thoughtfulness, and went along to take a look at the land in Dongling. This land was worse than the Nanba land, especially last year when it was dry. At this time, most of the land was planted with beans, only seven. Eight acres are planted with wheat, not even rice.

Man Bao looked disappointed, and almost said that he should also donate it. When he opened his mouth, he was stared at by Lao Zhou. Man Bao pursed his mouth and said, "It's been down in the past years. This year, the renter should be rented. Can you hand it in?"

    See you at eleven o’clock in the evening, and when it’s late, go to bed earlier, see tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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