Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1992: competition

   Chapter 1992 Competition

  The emperor also took his family in the palace to watch the lights light up. After the phoenix at the inner city gate was fully lit, the relatives of the emperor who accompanied him all wished him peace and happiness during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  The emperor responded with a smile, and watched the lanterns and moon with everyone.

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival is very simple. Because the Queen Mother was seriously ill, she did not entertain the Baiguans, and even the foreign domains who came to Beijing were not summoned. The emperor only called the royal family members who came to Beijing to enter the palace for a reunion dinner, and then looked at the moon together. Let them go out to play by themselves.

  Others can still run away in the past, but the unmarried princesses like Changyu and Mingda cannot go out. Prince Gong is still recovering from his wounds and cannot even attend the palace banquet.

  So the sisters looked at the prince eagerly.

Prince    didn’t pay attention. He was looking down at Chang’an as bright as the day. He was weighing whether he would go to his other courtyard for a while to drink, or call the fox friends to gather at his father-in-law’s house, or go out to the restaurant?

  Changyu saw that the prince died and did not look back, so he could only shake Mingda's hand.

  Mingda was really embarrassed, but she could only turn around to find the prince.

  The prince refused to take them out of the palace. “It’s a mess outside tonight. What are you doing out without a problem? Father and mother will definitely not agree.”

  Changyu did not dare to speak.

  Mingda smiled and said: "We will follow my brother and not run around, there will be no danger where my brother is."

  Prince: ……He is going to drink, what's the matter with taking two younger sisters?

   Mingda said: "Big Brother, as Zhou Man said, you can't drink too much. Although three people in the East Palace are pregnant now, they can't indulge."

  Yes, a few days ago, a concubine of the prince found out that he was pregnant again. Although the prince had no third child and did not know the sex, the prince and the princess were still very happy.

  At this moment, he was happy and discounted a little. The prince wondered whether he would not agree or not. Mingda is not afraid of him. She will definitely go to sue the father and the queen.

  The prince had no choice but to tell the emperor and empress that he would take Mingda and the others out for a walk.

The emperor agreed with one gulp. He looked at the two daughters and said with a smile: "You may not be out of the palace for a long time. You may go for a walk. Just bring the guards. Don't go to places with too many people to avoid crowding. "

   Then turned his head and said to the prince: "Take care of your sisters."

  The prince responded helplessly.

  As soon as she left the palace, she said: "Brother Prince, you can send us to the champion building."

  The prince glanced at them and asked, "Why are you going to the champion building?"

   "Zhou Man is there."

Prince    grinded his teeth and guessed that they were going to find Zhou Man. Zhou Manqi might have been leaving the palace.

Zhou Man, who knew nothing, couldn't help but sneezed.

  Bai Shan reached out and grabbed her hand and touched it, "Is it cold?"

  Man Bao shook his head, “Maybe it was a cold wind just now, so it’s okay to sneeze.”

  Night is coming, all the lights are on, everyone is eager to go to the lantern market, but the most important level on the first floor of the champion building has just begun.

The   Zhuangyuan Building posted a new topic. This time, it is to do policy theory. Policy theory accounts for a large proportion in the Jinshi examination. Bai Shan also wants to see his own level, and there are several people in Chongwenguan who want to try their own level.

  For example, Feng Zongping and Yi Ziyang, they also took paper and pen to directly occupy a table to write.

  Zhao Liulang and the others are not interested in this. They just watch the excitement and do not participate, but they lower their voices and speak.

  Bai Dalang and his classmates are also going to participate, Bai Shan took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Bai Dalang, lest they have to run downstairs.

  Zhao Liulang and the others were sitting at another table drinking and chatting. They didn’t know what they said, and a dozen people gave a particularly wretched laugh.

  Man Bao looked around and felt that he had nothing to do, so he simply ran to the window and looked at the question, and then ran back and sat down to write an article.

  The competitions are all time-limited. After a stick of incense, they knocked the gong. Bai Shan and the others handed over the written article to the guys and asked them to take it with them.

There are many people who will be on this topic in the Zhuangyuan Building. So many literati crowded here during the Mid-Autumn Festival to express their views on the national policy, so that the officials of the imperial court, the doctors of the Imperial College, and the nobles of the family can see their political opinions and articles. Make a name for it.

  After the appraisal, regardless of the ranking, the written article can be posted on the wall of the champion building and will not go for a month.

   wrote an article, Man Bao was successfully hungry, so he sat back to his place to eat food, Zhao Liulang and his friends called for friends, and wanted to change places after seeing the results of this scene.

   He winked at Bai Shan and said, "Do you want to go with us?"

  Man Bao curiously asked, "Where to go?"

   Diagonally opposite Lu Yue said with a smile, "Naturally, I am going to a fun place, I am afraid that it is not convenient for Master Zhou Xiao."

  The people at the table are all quiet, everyone can't talk, Zhao Liulang frowned, and Feng Zongping gave Lu Yue a kick directly under the table, "What nonsense are you talking about."

   Feng Zongping turned his head and Man Bao said: "We change places to drink, and you don’t like to drink, so let’s guess lantern riddles."

  Others also blamed Lu Yue in a low voice. Zhou Man was not another person. They were also members of Chongwenguan. Everyone did not go to class together. Not to mention that they had classmates. Zhou Man also had the job of editing.

  How can you make such a joke with her?

Man Bao glanced at everyone, then took a look at Lu Yue, reached out his hand to take the bottle with wine and poured a glass of wine, and said to him: "Lu Yue, you have to drink less wine, know? Your eyes are black and dark. The tongue coating is white and greasy, the kidney qi is insufficient, and if you become addicted to alcohol, you will have to come to see me in the future."

  She learned how he said with a smile: "After all, in the entire capital, I have the best cure for this disease."

  Now not only the people at the table here are quiet, but the people at the next table are also quiet. After a while, everyone can't help but burst into laughter.

  Zhao Liulang directly patted the table and happily said, “It’s okay, I will lend you the medicine if I don’t have enough money back, so I can just play around.”

  Bai Shan raised his lips and smiled.

  Lu Yue's face turned black.

  They may not know what kind of disease Zhouman is best at, but in her full capital, she has the best treatment and there are only two diseases that others can't help. One is a laparotomy, and the other is male infertility.

  Healed the prince, and he is well-known in the world.

  The atmosphere began to lively again. Everyone pushed a cup to celebrate, and Man Bao drank all the wine in the cup and concentrated on eating.

  The judges took half an hour to evaluate, and finally decided that the first place was a student of Guozixue named Wang Wenji.

  As soon as his name came out, everyone in the private room said, "So it's him."

  Man Bao has also heard of his name. I heard that he is very good in Guozixue, but this year is already his fourth year in Guozixue.

Feng Zongping said: "Originally, he was going to take the Jinshi exam last year, but I heard that his family wouldn't let it go, so he was pressured to stay in Guozixue for two more years. This year he let him go next year. I see next year. Most of the top pick is him."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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