Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2015: Priceless

  Chapter 2015 Priceless Treasure

  The Queen Mother faintly called: "Zhou Man."

  Man Bao froze for a while and then stepped forward.

  The grand palace lady has opened the box, and the queen mother said: "You are a good boy, originally this thing should be rewarded to you later, but since you are here today, then you can take it together."

  Man Bao saw that there were several books under the box, and there were two big boxes on top. I didn’t know what was inside.

  The emperor took a look and couldn't see what was in the box. He couldn't help asking, "What did the queen reward her?"

The queen mother smiled lightly and said: "There are a few books about medical classics in the warehouse. It is useless to keep those books for the family. It is a waste for you. She is devoted to learning, and it is good for the country and the people to learn medicine. So the Aijia let people find out and give it to her."

  Man Bao's eyes brightened, and he knelt down sincerely, "Xie Niangniang for the reward."

  The Queen Mother looked at the other two big boxes.

  The grand palace lady took it out carefully and opened one of them.

  The Queen Mother looked reluctant, "This is the image of Lao Tzu that the Lao Tzu made people beat. I wanted to enshrine it by myself, but it's too late. You also worship Lao Tzu, so I'll give it to you."


  Man Bao raised his head to look, and saw that the maid of the grand palace carefully took out a statue of Lao Tzu, which was mainly white and dotted with yellow.

  Perhaps it is for health, so besides the whisk, I also hold a medicated gourd in his hand. The medicated gourd is yellow.

In addition, only the lips and cheeks are lit up with some red. I don’t know whether they were burned or decorated later, but they look good, even more than the usual statues of Lao Tzu made of black jade, white jade and sapphire. nice.

  Man Bao was stunned, and asked, "Is this porcelain?"

The queen mother stretched out her hand and gently touched the statue of Lao Tzu, "Yes, it was burned in the Xing kiln. The three statues of Lao Tzu sent here are the best. One."

  The emperor only felt that his mother was violent. He remembered that some time ago, he had heard that the Queen Mother had sent someone to Xingzhou to burn the statue of Lao Tzu.

  I heard that the Xing Kiln was started day and night, and a lot of things were broken. It turned out that this was being burned?

   By the way, who did the queen mother give to that kiln in Xingzhou?

  His eyes glided across the booklets held by several children.

  The queen mother also just looked at it, and signaled the grand palace lady to close the box and open the other one.

The other is a statue of Buddha carved out of jade. Not only is it lustrous and moist, Manbao can even smell a faint scent of sandalwood. The queen mother said: "The Aijia listens to the meaning of Master Zhishen. You and the Buddha are also predestined. This Buddha statue offers For more than 30 years, the incense has been scented every day, and it has been wiped every ten days. I dare not neglect it."

  Her gaze fell on Zhou Man, her eyes blurred, "Aijia feels that you are a very spiritual person, so this statue of Lao Tzu and a statue of Buddha are given to you. I hope you can pray for peace in the world."

  If the world is peaceful, then her children and grandchildren must be safe and healthy.

  Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief, not just let her become a monk.

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly and knelt down to thank the Queen Mother for her reward.

  The emperor didn’t know what to say, and his face was inexhaustible. How could there be a statue of Lao Tzu and Buddha together?

  The queen mother didn’t think there was anything, or she couldn’t think of it anymore at this time.

  She felt the strength in her body was losing, and she was not so energetic anymore, so she looked at the emperor and said: "You go out, Laijia is about to change clothes."

When the emperor heard this, his lips trembled, and he paused for a while before taking the children and grandchildren out, while the queen stayed with the maids to serve the queen mother.

  Man Bao hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help looking at Doctor Xiao. Doctor Xiao nodded to her and withdrew with Doctor Liu.

  Man Bao stayed and watched.

  The queen mother's clothes were put on layer by layer, but there was no makeup. She sat on the bed, leaning on the soft pillow, and smiled with the sad queen: "It would be great if the Ai family can leave decently."

   "Mother..." The queen smiled with a strong face: "Daughter-in-law called your Majesty and them in."

The queen mother nodded slightly, and when she looked at the emperor and the others hurriedly in, her vision was a bit blurred. She could clearly feel her heart seemed to relax abruptly, and then slowly, slowly, with a few bangs, already No longer as strong as before.

   And the body is very sleepy, it seems that the organs in the body have gone to sleep.

  The queen mother felt her hand being held, her eyes slowly fell on her hand, and she heard the emperor call out "Mother Queen!"

  The queen mother tugged at the corner of her mouth, raised her gaze, slid over the crown prince, Prince Gong, Mingda and Yunfeng, and finally settled on Yunfeng slowly, she said in a low voice, "You have to be good..."

   Obediently obedient, to keep her filial piety period...

  Unfortunately, this sentence was so low that even the emperor holding her hand did not hear clearly. The queen mother slowly closed her eyes, and the strength of her hand was gone.

  The emperor couldn’t help crying out in a hurry. As the imperial physician, Man Bao could only look up, and then knelt down and announced, "Your Majesty, the queen mother is scumbag..."

   There was a sudden cry in the hall. The queen led everyone to kneel and cry. The clan grandsons who were kneeling in the outer room heard the cry and immediately followed by howling, and the people inside and outside the hall suddenly knew that the queen mother was gone.

  After crying for a while, everyone started to operate in an orderly manner.

  The queen mother must dress up, arrange her remains, hang white linen in the palace, and prepare for the funeral.

  All these were done by the prince leading the ceremonial ministry. The emperor held the head of the bed in one hand and cried, while the queen stayed by his side to prevent him from being too sad.

  Man Bao had nothing to do at once, and retreated to the side hall with Taiyi Liu and others. The box the queen mother gave her was also moved to the side hall.

  Emperor Xiao and Dr. Liu both looked at her a little enviously, thinking that she would not be liked by the queen mother, and they did not expect that the queen mother would leave her with relics.

  Man Bao didn't expect that he took out the two boxes and saw several books under the box.

  She took it out carefully, and Doctor Xiao and Doctor Liu also stepped forward and found that there were six books in total, and one of them was almost shattered when picked up, because the paper was very old and Man Bao opened it first.

  Emperor Xiao’s eyes glanced over, and he froze instantly, his heart beating sharply, "This is...this is the hand-written "Qing Sang Sutra""

Man Bao was also taken aback, and then carefully distinguished the above text. It was scribbled, and it was damaged because of improper preservation. She stared at it for a while and said: "It doesn't seem to be the original. If it was copied by someone else, it might be There are errors and omissions." It may also be false.

  Emperor Xiao also suspected that it was a fake. Hua Tuo’s "Qing Nang Jing" was lost in Wei Shi. He only listened to the name and never saw the manuscript, but someone in the middle said that he had seen it.

  But most of them are unreliable, and some are proved to be false.

  But this...

  Doctor Xiao said: "Maybe the queen dowager’s hands are not fake?"

  All the doctors in the room stared at the broken book in Zhou Man's hand for a while, their eyes pierced, and they couldn't wait to burn her hand.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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