Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2192: Treasure Hunt Five

  Chapter 2192 Treasure Hunt Five

After that, he glanced at Man Bao, who was squatting on the side of the box, and said with some dissatisfaction, "You all know to please her, can't I please her?"

  Bai Shan knew that the last one he said was Princess Mingda, and said with a smile: "When the Western Regions take you to find them, I heard that there are so many gems in the Western Regions. There will definitely be more suitable princesses."

  Man Baodao: "Mingda prefers jade."

   "Impossible, she prefers gems," Bai Erlang affirmed: "The last time I gave her pearls, she was happy when she saw them. Who wouldn't like such shining gems?"

  And the opal is still the best, he still thinks that opal is good.

  Bai Shan thought for a while and then said: "If you really like it, we can discuss it with the governor in private."

"How to discuss this? The value of that opal is more expensive than the sum of the things in this box." Shirajiro also feels that these horse thieves don't know the goods, so good things are not put separately, but they are stuffed together in it. , It's too violent.

  Bai Shandao: "Don’t you have another treasure in your hand?"

   "Su Hexiang? Can that change the opal?"

  Bai Shan said: “This kind of thing depends on personal preference. Opal is valuable, but unless you like to keep it for your own use, you have to realize it. I’m afraid it’s not as good as your box of Su Hexiang.”

He said: "Such a large opal can't be sold in Liangzhou. It is impossible for the merchants who are going to go to the Western Regions or the Central Plains to pay so much money, so let people bring them directly. There are many who can afford to sell it in the capital, but not many who are willing to spend such a large sum of money to buy this opal."

"He is an official of the DPRK and China, and he uses his name to deliver food. High prices and low prices are not good. Without his name, how do you know that you will not encounter strong buyers and strong sellers?" And the governor of Yizhou, especially Liangzhou. The provincial governor in remote places obviously doesn't have much face in the capital.

  Now the Cishi is very excited, and when he calms down, he will know how difficult this thing is to realize.

  In contrast, Su Hexiang is very simple.

This incense is precious, and the nobles like it very much, and it’s piece by piece. People think it’s too expensive. You can cut it into a few more pieces, even if you don’t borrow his name and let a businessman pretend to be from the Western Regions. Can shoot.

  Don't talk about the capital, when you enter Xiazhou, people buy many of these good things, and most of them can afford to pay.

  There is only one opal, and it cannot be divided. The price is high, but it is also because of the high price that ordinary rich and powerful people will not buy it.

  For Bai Shan, Bai Erlang believed very much, so he became happy again, squatted down and looked through the jewels in the box with Man Bao, "Why are these people stuffing everything inside?"

  It’s not easy to count the caves, so Man Bao chose a few of his favorites and put them in a separate box to distinguish them. The entire box was asked to be carried out by the soldiers.

  Bai Shan handed the box to Duan Cishi’s guards, saying: "Leave it alone, turn around...we need these when we take the spoils."

  The personal soldiers respectfully put it away for them.

  The prince has hidden the cat's eye gemstones. At this time, the red light came up to greet them, "Come on, everyone, let's count the things in this cave."

  There are more things in the cave than in the tree cave. In terms of value, the box of jewels is worth the gold and silver in the tree cave.

  So Duan Cishi thought that they should have almost finished the stuff of these horse thieves, but he still remembered Bai Shan's inference, and he asked with piercing eyes: "If there are two more dens like this..."

  Bai Shan: "...not necessarily, that's just my guess." He glanced at Man Bao and said: "Yes, I guess there will be one more. After all, there are a lot of things in this cave."

  Man Bao nodded.

  The provincial governor nodded after a little thought, "Yes, they are making money from home and robbery, but they will not be rich enough to go to an enemy country. Another such den should be the limit."

  The governor said with great interest: "Why don't we hand it over to them, and we will search everywhere?"

  Man Bao was also very interested**, and Bai Shan looked up at the sky.

  Everyone subconsciously looked up, and Duan Cishi asked, "What's wrong with the sky?" They can't hide in the sky, right?

  Man Bao: "'s dark!"

  The provincial governor only noticed that the sky was a little darker. He regretted infinitely, "Why are you passing so fast today?"

  Bai Shan frowned and said, “It’s not safe at night in the mountains. Let’s go down and go up again tomorrow.”

  The provincial governor naturally had no objection, so he sent people to the thieves’ den to call down the soldiers who were still demolishing the house, and bring all the gold and silver jewelry they found.

  The things I just moved out of the cave are okay with boxes, but the sacks containing the copper coins are very weak, and even the ropes show signs of decay. If you move it in this way, it is likely that the money will be scattered all the way.

The   Chairman naturally did not allow this to happen, so when people went to call in the thief’s den, he also asked people to find some sacks or boxes to bring down.

  They also rolled up their sleeves and squatted down to pick up money from the ground. Everyone didn't dislike this kind of rough work, and they even got relish.

  Even if it’s copper coins, I don’t know why, it’s happier to count than gold and silver.

  Man Bao picked up the copper coins scattered on the ground one by one and placed them on a piece of torn linen cloth. When they were full, they picked up and dumped them into the empty box. The sound of Ding Ling Dangling sounded particularly nice.

   Baijiro picked one and lost one, and the audience listened to the sound of him dropping copper coins.

  There are too many people, and no amount of money is enough to pick up. Everyone moved all the copper coins into new burlap bags and boxes, and then they began to load.

  Man Bao found a soldier and personally carried the jewels he picked.

  As soon as they reached the bottom of the mountain, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

  The governor obviously didn't have much hope for the treasure hunt this time, so when they came, they rode on horses. The soldiers ran half on horseback and half on horseback, and there was no car.

  The result is now...

  The provincial governor pondered for a while, and he still asked Bai Shan to go back and call a car quickly. He took advantage of this effort to inquire with Bai Shan and divided the spoils...what would they do after the spoils?

Bai Shan smiled and said: "We are crowded, Liangzhou is not very far from Xiazhou. You can send a few people to send some things back to Xiazhou. But if Mr. Duan is willing to settle all the gold and silver to us, we won’t have this. Troubled."

  The provincial governor skipped the last sentence and asked with a smile, "Why, Young Master Bai has someone in Xiazhou?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said: "The newly appointed Xiazhou governor Yang Heshu is our senior brother, and we can temporarily store things with him. The older brother of Master Zhou often travels between the grassland and the capital, and he can take it back with him when the time comes."

  The provincial governor's eyes flashed, so Bai Shan and the others have channels to deal with these goods.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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