Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2213: fishing

  Chapter 2213 Fishing

The fish in this lake are not very good to catch. If you want to catch certain kinds of fish, it is even more difficult to catch. The hook that Manbao dropped was pulled four times, either because the action was slow and there was nothing or the fish that came up was not. What she wants.

  But being able to catch fish is still a joy.

  Man Baoxing rushed to untie the fish and threw it into the wooden bucket, and even carried a little water to the water to make it live a little faster.

  Bai Shan threw the hook up. The earthworm on the hook was gone, but a piece of waterweed was pulled up on it.

  He paused, then took another look at the place where he had hooked. There was obviously not much water weeds there.

  Bai Shan didn't take it to heart, added a bait, walked to the side and hooked again, then went to wash his hands, and sat and waited when he came back.

  Man Bao, under the designation of Keke, moved the hook to the fish. Keke told her: "It passed by... it was gone, and it was eaten by other fish..."

   Before he could say a word, Man Bao immediately pulled up the hook, which was quite heavy. A fish was struggling in the air and flicking its tail. After slamming on the grass, it bounced a few times unwillingly, and wanted to jump back into the water.

  Man Bao Wow, Bai Shan immediately threw down his fishing rod and rushed to help. Da Ji, who was sitting under the tree and closed his eyes, opened his eyes and closed his eyes again, and continued to sleep against the tree.

  Man Bao pulled the fishing rod while Bai Shan held the big fish with his hands and took the hook out of its mouth before throwing it into the barrel.

  Bai Shan was envious, "You have already fished two."

  Man Bao also felt that he had good luck fishing this time. Although he did not catch what he wanted, the fish was so big.

Bai Erlang, who was far away from them, heard the movement, his buttocks moved, but he couldn’t help but ran over to see. He probed the two fish in the bucket, turned and ran back, "You wait, I can catch it in a while. stand up."

   Zhou Liru’s voice has been heard from there, "Your bait was eaten—"

  Shirajiro runs faster.

  Bai Shan also went to pull his hook to see the situation. He felt heavier, and when he pulled it up excitedly, the expression on his face collapsed.

  Man Baohe said, "Who throws melon skin into the lake?"

  Bai Shan expressionlessly pulled the melon peel up, and threw it under a tree to make fertilizer for it. After changing a bait, he looked at Man Bao, "Where do you think I should hook it?"

  Man Bao thought for a while, and then whispered: "You come with me, we will strike back and forth."

Koko gave them instructions on how to pinch their target fish back and forth, but it was useless. The other party seemed to be not interested in these bait. He went through several times without even looking at it. Instead, he caught a lot of other fish, which are very common. The grass carp and the like.

  Man Bao is also depressed, holding the fishing rod very sad, "Can't go on like this."

  Bai Shan sighed, “No wonder the fishmonger said that the fish is not easy to get. It turns out that it is really not easy to get. Man Bao, does Uncle Zhou only like that kind of fish?”

  Man Bao glanced at it and said, "He has all these fish."

Bai Shan thought hard and thought of some traces, "I remember, we fished for fish every winter when we were young. You always picked some small fish from a pile of fish and said that you would take them to our Zhuangzi ditch and release them in the future. There will be big fish in the canal."

  Man Bao glanced at Da Ji in the distance, and whispered: "I did release my life."

  Only one will be included before the release.

Bai Shan smiled and walked to the lake to look down. It took a long time to occasionally see a fish passing under the water. "On Tuesday, brother taught us to use straw to make a fish basket. Although it is not very strong, it should be able to fish. , Shall we try this method?"

Man Bao also squatted by the lake and looked down. After a while, he shook his head, "No, it seems to be a bit deep where it appears. It doesn't like to go upstream. Fish also have their own water layer that they like to live in. The fish basket can't reach us. It’s too short."

  And the town is strictly forbidden to fish from outsiders. Although there are only them here, no one will know, but it is not good.

  The best way is to fish, but unfortunately they don’t seem to be interested in bait, so what do they like to eat?

  Where does Keke know what they like to eat?

  Although these two kinds of fish have not been included, the encyclopedia can find the information, but there is no food they like to eat on it, but they are omnivorous and can eat food.

  Earthworms are naturally included in their recipes.

  Man Bao asked in his heart: "Perhaps we can try other fishing lures, but there are only earthworms here. Keke, you can open the mall and search for fishing lures."

  Kekoyi did so, and in a short while, he searched for a row of bait for her. The price varied, and the target fish varied.

  Man Bao lowered his eyes and sank into the system, so he was dazzled by the selection, so he didn't choose any more, "Keko, you can choose."

  Keke chose a similar fish according to the type of fish to be included. I don’t know if it’s useful, it depends on the situation.

  Manbao placed an order directly. After waiting for a while, her hand moved and when she took it out of her sleeve, she pinched two bait. She gave Bai Shan one, and she hung one on the hook.

  Bai Shan, who was thinking hard, suddenly received such a bait, raised his eyebrows, looked at Man Bao and asked nothing, just hung it on the hook and put it down.

Both of them quietly glanced at Daji in the distance. They just looked for the best fishing position, and they gradually moved away, but they were not very far away. Obviously, Daji was not very reliable. He needed it from time to time. Look up.

  Daji was also looking at them when they looked over.

   Seeing the two little masters look over, he thought that something was wrong with them, so he got up to walk over, but the two looked back as if frightened, and then leaned together and bowed their heads, not knowing what they were guilty of.

  Have a good footsteps, then turned around and sat under the tree. Forget it, it’s all grown-ups, and he can’t follow too closely.

  Actually, his eldest son is not young anymore, he is a bit older than the young master, and he should find a wife for him when he returns from the Western Regions this time.

  The money he has saved over the years, plus the money his son made by playing the dart himself, should be able to buy a small yard in the outer city of Beijing.

  He can help some in the first few years, and in the future, he should be able to support his own family. Although the youngest son is not too young, he is a scholar, and he can get married later and save some money for him...

Daji was planning in his heart, and Man Bao and Bai Shan, who felt the fish bite the hook, immediately pulled the hook. The beautiful whitebait flashed a dazzling light in the sun. Man Bao and Bai Shan were not sure what the fish they were catching. Not the fish he wanted, Keke was already happy and said: "It's it!"

When the fish landed on the grass, Man Bao immediately ran up and held it down, and then carefully took off the hook. The whitebait is not big, only the size of two palms, and the struggle is not strong, but when it is put in the bucket, it is lively Bai Shan jumped up and sprinkled water on their faces. Bai Shan looked at it and laughed, and put the fish on his hand into the wooden bucket, and asked in a low voice, "Is it it?"

  He thinks it is very similar to what he saw in the morning, but the fish actually look alike.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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