Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2217: Inclusion failed

  Chapter 2217 failed to be included

  Nie joined the army and started thinking.

   is different from Zhou Man. He is responsible for the safety of the entire team. Everywhere he goes, he will subconsciously investigate the local forces.

  In some large places, they only need to stay for a day or two. This time they are going to live here for a long time, and this small town is not big. Some natural and man-made disasters will affect them, so it is still necessary to understand.

  Join Nie rubbed his chin for a moment, and said, "I'll visit the mayor. Do you want to be with Mr. Zhuang?"

Mr. Zhuang thought about it seriously, and then said to him: "Yes, let someone deliver the post tomorrow morning. We will go fishing and visit around noon. If you don't get a good deal, just pack two bags of tea. ."

  Man Baodao: "Take two more fishes."

  Nie was about to nod when he joined the army, Mr. Zhuang smiled and patted Man Bao’s head, and said with a smile: "Naughty, how can guests from far away come to visit with ingredients?"

   is not a relative.

  Nie joined the army also reacted, glanced at Zhou Man sadly, and then said: "Listen to Mr."

Mr. Zhuang called Bai Erlang and Liu Huan Zhou Liru, and said with a smile: "You also go to see and see."

   Liu Huan pointed at Bai Shan and Zhou Manyin or asked, "Sir, don’t they want to see?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled and shook his head, "They don't need it."

  Yin or weak, the family has decided to let his six sisters set up a household. He can do whatever he wants throughout his life, and he doesn't need to care too much about managing these people's sophistication.

  He is smart, and he is not bad on the big picture. There is no need to care about such small things.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man have seen the ups and downs in front of them a long time ago, and Man Bao has been in officialdom for several years. The past two years have not been bad in terms of human relations, so there is no need to experience them here.

  If it is not for Bai Erlang and Liu Huanzhou Liru to learn, Mr. Zhuang would not want to go. Just as Man Bao said, they are guests, so just do their duty as guests.

  But it’s not bad to be able to meet the mayor of the town and talk about the local customs here.

  So the candidates to visit were decided.

  The next day they still went fishing on the lake, but they changed their position.

  Man Bao also wanted to taste that rare fish, and there were three other fish in the water that she hadn't recorded, so she asked Koko to scan the location for her. She basically chased the fish with a fishing rod.

  Unfortunately, not all fish love the same kind of bait, so Man Bao bought four kinds of bait in succession. After trying all of them, only two kinds of fish were included, and one kind of bait couldn't be caught.

According to Koko, they live between the rocks at the bottom of the lake. Even if the hook is lowered to the area where they are active, they bit the bait, and the fish can quickly react to the fishing rod, and then slip into the rock again. middle.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan hooked the stone several times, but in the end they had no choice but to replace the hook they brought up.

  I gave up after being filled with treasure several times in a row. It seems that this kind of fish is not suitable for fishing.

  Bai Shan thinks so too. He pondered, "Are there any other fishing methods?"

  Man Bao also thought, "Wait for me to find it."

  Looking for it with Keke, I don’t know what to do. Since I know that there are species that she hasn’t listed below, I won’t be able to encounter it again if I don’t include it this time, whether it’s for her or for Keke.

  Keke said that its mission in this world is to collect all the species in this world, and only after reaching a certain point can it go home.

  At that time, she didn't remember much when she was young, but she should need a lot of points.

   Ask whenever you think of it, and Man Bao directly asked Keke.

  Cocoton said afterwards: "The recorded species reaches more than 80% of the detected species before they can choose to leave the world and return to the main system."

What it does not say is that there are various harsh parallel conditions below. If the points obtained by the collection do not reach a certain number, the main system will judge them as unqualified, and would rather destroy the core chips directly and let them fall out. It will not be recycled, let alone optimized chips.

  In addition to this, there are also various performances during the execution of the task, which are the content of the assessment. In short, it is very complicated, but the points are indeed the first priority and the most important.

  On this basis, as long as the operation of the subsystem does not violate the principle, the alliance will not care about many things.

  This is also the root reason why it would rather bind a child to Zhou Man before it runs out of energy than recycle it as the main system reports an error.

  If an error is reported, based on the distance it has fallen into this world, the main system is likely to judge it as unqualified, directly destroy its chip and cut off the connection, rather than waste manpower and material resources to recycle it.

  These memories flashed through the Keke chip with a string of data, and then it said nothing. After burying the data deeply, it focused on the business, "Host, I will check all kinds of fishing equipment."

  Man Baodao: "Be inconspicuous and easy to operate, but also cheap."

  Keke expressed his understanding, and then divided the data to find relevant information.

Seeing that Manbao had taken the fishing rod, Bai Shan followed it. He looked around and saw that they had run far without knowing it. Apart from the two of them, there was only Daji standing far away, so he turned his head. Asked: "Shall we go back?"

  Man Bao looked at the time and nodded again and again: "Go."

   So the two of them looked back together carrying the barrels.

  Daji stood aside, and when they came up, he would reach out and take the wooden barrel in their hands.

  Bai Shan handed the two fishing rods to him, "You carry this, the fishing hook is broken again, we will change one later."

  Daeje, who had changed two hooks for them, took it silently and nodded.

Back to where they were stationed today, Mr. Zhuang and the others are no longer there. Yin or sitting on a stool alone with a fishing rod beside him is closing his eyes slightly. He doesn’t know if he is sleeping, in a daze, or thinking. .

Hearing the movement, he slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw the two of them, he stretched out his hand and greeted lazily.

  The two came forward with wooden barrels and asked, "How many fish did you catch?"

  Yin may lift the fishing rod, move the empty hook to Changshou, let him put on the bait without looking at it, and then said: "I have fed the fish eighteen times."

Changshou beside    put on the bait and complained, “Our young master didn’t catch a fish. All the bait we put was let the fish eat.”

  Man Bao put down the barrel and flaunted: "Look, we caught a lot of fish."

  Yin or took a look, smiled and nodded, "There are fish to eat again at night."

  Man Bao taught Sister He to make brine yesterday evening, and then soaked beans overnight. Before going out today, she had asked her to grind beans, and when they went back, they would just order tofu.

  She nodded and said: "The tofu soup is delicious."

  Bai Shan said, "I want to eat bean curd."

  Man Bao immediately said, “Let Sister He make it tomorrow morning. There is brown sugar in the luggage. Let’s cook brown sugar water and mix with bean curd to eat.”

   Yin or his expression was a little blank, and he asked for a while: "Should I not put onion and **** soup?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked disgusted, "We only like sweet ones."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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