Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2233: Live next door

  Chapter 2233 Live next door

Before Ren Ergou recovered from the shock that his boss was the emperor, the post-cheng came in from the outside with a smile, and saluted them all the way, "Excuse me, adults, I just went out on business and I didn’t have time to meet them. How can the adults sit here? Ergou please invite the adults to the main hall..."

Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at each other and stood up. They did not follow the Yi Cheng's words into the hall, but stood aside with a smile of estrangement. However, Mr. Zhuang who heard the sound came out of the hall and took a couple of cups. Nie Canjun of tea followed out.

Yi Cheng's gaze shifted from Bai Shan to Mr. Zhuang, and he saw Nie Canjun carrying a knife behind him. He was wearing a sixth-grade martial arts uniform. He couldn't help but jumped his brows, but he still didn't change his face and was enthusiastic. Go to Mr. Zhuang, and ask after saluting: "What do you call an adult? Where is this going for business?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded slightly, and said in a distant way: "My surname is Zhuang, and he is going to the Western Regions. You are a post station, right? I wonder if we can arrange for us to stay?"

  He pointed to Bai Shan and the others: "They are all accompanying family members, where do you think the arrangement is appropriate?"

"It turned out to be Master Zhuang," Yi Cheng said with a look of embarrassment: "My lord should have seen it too. This station has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is really unable to live in. Alas, I am also incompetent. I have no personal connections in the yamen. I want to apply. Repairs are not always necessary. I'll tell you the truth, I just went to the county office to do this. It was so late and delayed to meet the adults."

Yi Cheng Road: "Adults are on business. Although our inn is broken and small, we can't wrong the adults. In this way, I recommend an inn for the adults. Then I will settle the paperwork with the county office, and the adults only need to pay the excess. ..."

   "It's just unreasonable," Mr. Zhuang said angrily before he finished speaking: "I didn't expect that there would be such a malfeasance county office in Shazhou, and the post stations were damaged like this, but they still weighed on your repair money."

  Yicheng’s words were cut off, and she could only nod her head and continue crying poorly, “Yes, but adults also know that we are very small officials and we can’t speak to adults.”

   "It's okay," Mr. Zhuang said: "When we see the Shazhou governor, we must say something fair for you. Maybe we can pass the county government and put the repair money directly to you."

  Yi Cheng’s eyebrows throbbed, and his heart began to feel uneasy. He raised his eyes and looked at Mr. Zhuang, "Master Zhuang knows our Citizen?"

  Mr. Zhuang did not say whether he knew or did not know him. Instead, he said: "You always have to come to visit. Don't worry, I will definitely mention it when the time comes."

  Can they not see the governor if they want to leave the customs?

  While talking, Guan Li came back lightly, just because the post cheng was standing on the side, he couldn't come forward and bite his ears, so he just nodded at him.

Bai Shan knew it in his heart. Before Yi Cheng had continued the topic, he stepped forward and said respectfully: "Sir, Manager Li has already booked a room elsewhere. Mister, you are in trouble. It's better to go to rest first, and then talk to Yi Cheng later. In detail, it’s not very far away anyway."

   "Alright," Mr. Zhuang nodded, turned his head and said to Nie Canjun: "Let's go."

  Nie Cengjun couldn't help showing his teeth, and smiled and led people around Mr. Zhuang and Zhou Man to go out.

  Bai Shan stayed behind, smiled and nodded and said: "My husband has always promised, since it is said, he will definitely do it, don't worry."

  Yi Cheng opened his mouth wide and wanted to say that he could not do it, but the guards of the Bai family had already escorted Bai Shan out, and the soldiers and guards also escorted the carriage out.

  Heavy Rain, a few people looked at Yi Cheng's face curiously, and then chased them out with a smile, and their mood improved a lot.

  Manager Li didn’t reserve a room at all, but it’s not difficult to stay. In a word, are you afraid of not living in a place if you have money?

But the shopkeeper and the buddies next door were standing at the door, and saw a group of them coming out of the inn hurriedly. They did not go to the opposite side, but came towards them, and the leader was the manager who came for the questioning just now. , Immediately refreshed, and immediately greeted him with a smile, "Please come in quickly, please come in quickly, the guests are going to stay in, right, come here, quickly vacate the back two yards for the distinguished guests..."

  Man Bao and the others had already entered the gate of the inn next door when the Yi Cheng took Ren Ergou to chase them out. The first carriage followed the man’s instructions into an alley, which could lead directly to the back two yards.

  Yicheng opened his mouth, looked back for a while and then looked back at Ren Ergou, "What did you tell them?"

Before Ren Ergou realized that his boss was the emperor, Yi Cheng was so careful in front of Bai Shan and his group that he was shocked so carefully. When he was asked such a question, he said in a daze: "Nothing to say. Let’s say there are four brothers in my family, I have to save money to marry a daughter-in-law..."

   "Okay, okay," Yi Cheng interrupted him, frowning for a moment. Although he wanted to pull people out of it, he knew it was impossible.

  Don’t say that robbing customers like this is a big taboo in the industry, and it’s not that he can grab customers unscrupulously behind being transported to the inn.

  Yicheng frowned and thought for a long time, then turned to ask Ren Ergou, "Did they say that I opened an inn opposite?"

  Ren Ergou is naive, but not stupid. Although he has not said directly, but...

   means it should be there, right?

  He stubbornly lowered his head, not daring to look up, he could only say vaguely: "I haven't said..."

  Yicheng breathed a sigh of relief, but the shopkeeper Zhang might take the initiative to mention it when he thinks that the person is next door now.

  He frowned and asked, "Did they say that they would stay here for a few days?"

  I didn't say this, so Ren Ergou shook his head firmly.

  Yi Cheng frowned and left. Really, how come these officials are so real, and the post is so broken, shouldn’t you not even enter the door?

  It’s so good to go directly to the inn, but it seems to be investigated.

Although it is troublesome, the postmaster is not flustered. He has not encountered such things, but they are all solved easily. Those officials who go on business will not stay with him for such trivial matters, so most of them can't. Over.

  The few who couldn’t stop, he gave some gifts, said more good things and it was over.

  Yicheng left with his hands on his back, but the shopkeeper Zhang at the Yunlai Inn carefully arranged their accommodation, the two yards, and the remaining upper room, and all the rooms underneath were also ready for them.

  He said that even if he gets out of the room, he will not cram many people in. He will only arrange ten people in a room with twelve people, and the room rate is the same.

  Free hot water, hot soup, etc...

Because they even stayed in his inn after the post cheng came, he felt that they were predestined and also like-minded, so he warmly entertained them all the way, and said: "The distinguished guests are going to have dinner here, and I will see them off tonight. A table of shredded radish is an appetizer in our shop, it's delicious."

  Man Bao, who planned to go out to eat after a break, heard this and immediately decided to eat here tonight.

  So the shopkeeper Zhang smiled and ordered his buddies to prepare meals.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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