Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2240: hidden

   Chapter 2240

Although Zhouman brought a lot of luggage, the heavy rain did not expect that there were fabrics and gold and silver jewels in it, as they were all things they needed for their lives. knew.

  At this time, the people who were chanted by the heavy rain were stationed not far from the town.

  The night in the desert was a bit cold. Jin Kuian took a sip of strong wine and stood on the sand, watching the lights in the distance.

  Erg added a piece of wood to the fire, clapped his hands and walked to his side, staring at the same place, and asked: "Do you suspect they are there?"

  Jin Kuian took another sip of wine, trying to suppress the fire in his heart, but found that he seemed to be getting more and more angry.

He squeezed the hip flask in his hand and said blankly: "I was thinking about where I missed them all along the way. I only remembered it when I returned to the Desert Inn. We were anxious to go. Chasing them, they didn't spend the night in the desert inn or entered this small town while walking this road, but went around and chased them quickly."

  "The people in the desert inn said that they had entered the desert and did not look back and did not go out. Then the route we chased was correct. There were no traces of them along the way, which only means that we were in front of them."

  Whenever he thought of this, he felt as regretful as the fire. At that time, he only had to enter the town, and then he might find them.

  Erg also had this doubt, but... "Are they still in the town now?"

  Jin Kui'an said: "Whether you are or not, as long as you can get their information."

  He said: "I don't believe that they can disappear out of thin air, as long as you know the time they left, you can roughly infer where they are now, not afraid to find them."

   He moved his fingers, looked at the scattered lights in the distance, and said, “Actually, it is best if they are not in the small town. The people in there are not easy to provoke.”

   "Brother, the cake is ready."

  Jin Kuian just turned around to eat dinner, and after he turned around, a sand pile in the distance moved quietly, and the two people smeared and quietly returned to the town to report.

"...To be far away, I can’t see clearly, but we listened carefully. There were a lot of people. It was estimated that there were dozens of horses, not a single car, and no cargo on him. I was so wicked. not to be trifled."

  The mayor drank a bowl of milk tea and frowned, “Why did the bandits come to us? Why, want to rob us?”

  The person who was investigating was also not sure, and said: "This is because life is not easy outside, so I took the risk?"

  The mayor glanced at him and said, “Go and inform the brothers that they will meet at the entrance of the town tomorrow morning. Pick two more teams to guard outside tonight. Once they get close, they will be warned immediately.”


Jin Kuian knows the origin of this small town, and he also knows that the head of the small town is his colleague, so he did not do anything misleading. After daybreak, he asked someone to go to the town to shout to show that they were passing by and wanted Go into town and have breakfast before leaving.

   News spread to the mayor layer by layer, and the mayor curled his lips. Who believed that they were just here for breakfast?

  But the mayor still let people in, "Just ask them to come and order the three of them, and we will send them out."

  There is enough for three people to say.

Jin Kui, who originally wanted to find someone to inquire about the situation after entering the town, settled down for a while, but he couldn't afford to waste any time, so he took out an ingot of silver and put it on the table, ordered a bunch of worthless ones earlier and said, "Brother Wu, brother. I want to inquire about something with you."

  The mayor glanced at the silver ingot that was pushed in front of him, then smiled and said: "It's easy to say, easy to say, the distinguished guest is here, just ask if you have any questions, and I will answer if I can answer."

  Jin Kuian asked: “Did the town have a caravan of more than 100 people, not a caravan, but an official of the court.”

  He paused and said, "But there was a small businessman in it."

The mayor was slightly surprised in his heart, but he turned his head to look at the housekeeper calmly, "Is there such a convoy? I have not taken care of things in the town for a long time. I really don't know for a while. Just ask someone to check it, but what do you want to do with this?"

  He said: "This is the person who came out of the yamen, something happened outside, in case it hurts us..."

   "Brother Wu, don't worry, this matter will not affect you. This is our grievance with them."

  The mayor smiled, turned the teacup in his hand and asked, "Did they commit something to your hand?"

  Jin Kuian said with a gloomy look: "They snatched something from me, I have to get it back."

  The mayor twitched the corners of his mouth to deceive ghosts. If other officers and soldiers were possible, how could Zhou Man’s enjoyable and free children venture to grab a group of horse thieves?

  I'm afraid that they have something that Jin Kuian fancy to, so they have spent so much time in finding someone.

  The mayor groaned for a moment, and according to the schedule, people are early to Shazhou now, they should have been back halfway in the heavy rain, right?

  The mayor took a sip of tea, and he knew it.

   So when the butler came back from the outside and leaned in his ear and whispered a bunch of nonsense, he said to Jin Kui'an with a pensive expression: "There are really such a group of people, but they have already left."

  Jin Kuian asked quickly, "How long have they been away?"

  The mayor smiled and said: "It's been a long time. They only stopped here for two days. After careful calculation, it has been thirty days or so. I heard that they are going to the Western Regions. Now the time should be almost there, right?"

  Jin Kuian was startled, "How is this possible? We chased all the way, but didn't see them..."

The mayor drank all the tea in the cup and said nonchalantly: "Doesn’t that mean that they have gone too far? I said, brother, the time difference between you is too long. In the past 30 days, the sand in the desert is early. Wipe all the traces clean, if it's not something special, there is really no need to look for it, otherwise you plan to chase to the Western Regions?"

  Jin Kuian had cold eyes, clenched his fists and said: "I was originally in the Western Regions, and there is nothing impossible."

  The mayor brows slightly, and then he remembers and asks, "By the way, where is the character of the brother?"

  Jin Kuian twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Brother Wu, don't worry, my people and the site are outside the customs, and I won't grab the site with you."

  Mayor: …I don’t feel relieved anymore, okay, those people should have gone out now?

   is really unlucky, although it has nothing to do with him.

The mayor pondered for a while and felt that he might lose a long-term partner, especially Zhou Man, but agreed to him. When the Western Regions came back, they would return to the town to see him, and he might be able to leave a few more prescriptions. ...

Thinking about it this way, the mayor was too lazy to deal with him anymore and waved: "The brothers are looking for a long distance, so I won’t leave my brothers. There are many young people in the town, all young and energetic, afraid of them. Get together and something happened."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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