Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2242: waiting

  Chapter 2242 Waiting

  He Cishi needs the caravans in the past to increase taxes and political achievements, and General Meng also needs to obtain military resources, so even if there is no letter from Bai Shan, the two cannot allow such horse thieves to exist.

The two stared at the rich two together, especially General Meng, who killed countless enemies and guarded the border for many years. His aura and evil spirits were far from comparable to those of Nie Canjun and Bai Shan, so they didn’t say a word. Rich just couldn’t help it. Shocked, couldn't help but shudder slightly.

  General Meng Da Ma Jindao sat, listening to He Shishi and began to inquire.

  Man Bao and they slowly walked to a small town, which is a fairly prosperous town, it is dusty, and their town is beautiful without heavy rain.

The heavy rain said complacently: “That’s natural. I don’t dare to say anything else in our town. Feng Shui is absolutely good. It can not only grow melons and fruits, barley, but also wheat. Set aside some land to try to grow rice."

   Thinking of the white rice they had eaten with Zhou Man during this period, the heavy rain licked his lips, "Rice is delicious."

  Man Bao also thought the rice was delicious, and suddenly became a little hungry. She turned her head and said to Bai Shan, "I want to eat a group."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "As soon as I find a place to live, I will let Sister He do it for you."

  Heavy rain immediately asked: "What is a rice ball?"

   "Rice **** are rice that is kneaded into a ball."

  Heavy rain looked suspicious, "It's all rice, what's the difference between kneading and not kneading?"

   Seeing that they didn't tell him, he snorted, "If you don't tell me, then ask Sister He."

  Man Bao said: “You don’t scare people. Rice **** are just rice **** with some salt. What's the big difference?”

  Heavy rain didn't tell me to go to He's sister-in-law.

Sister-in-law He is the only person in the town who is willing to follow them, but she is very afraid of them in heavy rain. It is said that she is a concubine following the merchants passing through the town, but when they arrive in the town, the merchants are attracted to a gem, just money. It was a little too close, so I sold Sister-in-law He to people in the small town.

The family was well-off, but life was short. Sister He died of illness less than five years after she entered the house. She did not give birth to a son or a half daughter. The mistress was good to talk and didn’t sell her again, but she didn’t raise her in vain. Give her a place to live, but she needs to earn her own food and drink.

Sister-in-law He knows some cooking skills, plus she can barely survive in the small town by washing clothes, but she has always wanted to go back to Central Plains, but she still needs a lot of money to go back to Central Plains even if she is behind the passing merchants. Travel expenses.

  She has no money.

  She also thought of other ways, but for eight years, she was willing to take her but she couldn’t believe it, and she reluctantly believed it and didn’t want to take her.

   Zhou Man, they are the only people she completely believes so far, so at the time, Guan Shi only showed a little meaning, saying that they needed a cook in their team and she immediately recommended herself.

  It’s just that she is still a bit afraid of people coming out of the town, especially those in the mayor’s mansion like the heavy rain. When she can avoid people, she always avoids people.

  Man Bao could also see her fear, so they didn't let the heavy rain frighten her.

  There are inns in the small town, but they are not very big, so many of them need to live in three inns, and the houses here are all on one floor, there are no two floors, and the doors and windows are very small.

   Manager Li took two people around the whole town first, and then decided to live in three inns next to each other.

  It can be seen how small this town is. It is a little smaller than the town of Dayu, but it is indeed prosperous. There are a lot of people inside. The stalls on both sides of the road are full of things, and many customers are choosing things.

  Here, Man Bao and the others finally saw the caravan.

  It’s just that these caravans seem to come from other places and want to enter the customs. There are also people who look like Han people, but they are more of the Western Regions with a high nose and a deep purpose.

  That’s why Manbao and the others are so eye-catching when they appear in the small town, and many people have come to see it.

  Originally, this small town was welcoming and sent, all kinds of people are not rare, shouldn't be so strange, but Zhou Man, they are not merchants at first sight, so everyone can't help but pay more attention.

Man Bao and the others looked back curiously. There are also many people from outside the capital in the capital. Not to mention, there are students who look different in the Imperial Medical Office, but there are so many people who look different and have such obvious characteristics. It was the first time she saw each other together.

  Since people looked at her, she also looked back openly. Everyone was strange to strange, so it didn’t matter how polite or impolite.

  Look at the things on the stall by the way when watching people, and Man Bao discovered that this is simply a large-scale exchange of goods.

  Most people are bartering things, only a few people buy things with silver or gold.

  Furs and fabrics, porcelain and various grains were displayed on the stall the most, among which beans were the most.

  Soy beans, black beans, red beans... all kinds of beans.

  Man Bao looked around and put away his curious eyes, and went into the inn under the guidance of Guan Li.

   Li said in charge: "We arrived early, and we estimated the time. We will wait another day tomorrow. They should be able to catch up in the evening, and we can leave early in the morning."

  Bai Shan nodded, and exhorted: "Prepare more water. We will go to see the camel tomorrow."


  There is a camel seller in the small town, and the scale is not small. Keke likes this kind of creature that has no record.

  Man Bao also likes it. Including this kind of thing can earn a lot of points, so she personally selected it, and Keke scanned it, and through the comparison, we can barely see which one is more robust.

  So Man Bao picked six camels under its guidance. The reason why he didn't continue is because Manager Li said in a low voice that it was enough, and that more camels would be too costly.

  Man Bao touched one of the camels and said, "We will sell it when we return from the Western Regions."

The shop beside    smiled and said, “The lady can find us again when she wants to sell camels. We will definitely give you a reasonable price.”

  Man Bao asked, "Can you buy it back at the original price?"

  The store's face was slightly stiff, and he smiled: "Naturally it is based on its color."

  What will they make when the original price is recovered?

The heavy rain beside    also likes camels. Unfortunately, the town is poor and the eldest brother is unwilling to do this business. He said that it is too expensive to sell and it has no other use in his hands.

   He rolled his eyes, and said to Zhou Man: "You can bring it back to our town and sell it to us."

  Man Bao glanced at him and said, "Can you pay the original price?"

  Before the heavy rain answered, Bai Shan already said, “I’ll talk about this later. We haven’t gotten to the place yet, so why do we always think about the things after we come back?”

The shopkeeper beside    couldn't help it, and said: "If the camel is not damaged, we can talk about the price."

  Man Bao reacted right now, and nodded to him: "We will talk about this when we come back."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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