Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2244: Escape

  Chapter 2244 Escape

   "What's this called screaming, I haven't let them see the two people in the prison."

  The two people were also stiff. Although they confessed a lot, the key thing was that they refused to say a word. They only revealed some news when they couldn't hold it back.

  General Meng knocked on the table, and said: "Investigate this matter to He Shishi, he will determine the people, we are only responsible for sending troops."

  Partially understood, and went away.

From the rich left behind, Jin Kuian finally got news from Zhou Man and the others, “I heard that I was going to the Western Regions nine days ago, but I can’t figure out the specific route. Wealthy brother followed them out of the city. He took a few of them. Pibu said that he would find a way to get in between them."

   Jin Kuian ran two more times and smashed the table angrily, "Let’s go after it!"

  He sneered: “Outside the customs is my territory. Even if we can’t catch up, the wealthy will have the opportunity to transfer our people back. Their team is slow, and we will definitely be able to catch up.”

  Jin Kui'an thought about the more than a month that they had been running back and forth, Zhou Man and the others had left the city nine days earlier than them, and it was only ten days today, so they would definitely be able to catch up with them.

  Only when his mind was settled, there was noisy in the courtyard of the inn, Jin Kuian looked up, and Erge had taken the initiative to look down at the window.

  He turned around and said: "There are officers and soldiers to check our horses."

  Jin Kui An'ao got up and said angrily: "This is the grassland, not the Central Plains. You have to keep records when you buy a horse. What do they want to do?"

Ergo quickly stopped him, "This is still in the city, don't be impulsive."

  Shazhou is different from other cities. This is an important border town. Except for the Yumen Pass, they have no channels to exit. Once they kill people in the city, they can't get out.

  Erge said: "You wait here, I will go down to deal with it."

  But Ergo was also very difficult to deal with. There was a full hour of trouble, and finally Ergo gave people two silver coins before sending them away.

   After the cursing Yaye went out, he went back to the governor's mansion with a look of irritation. They immediately put away the arrogance on their faces and handed over the money they had collected to He governor.

  He Jishi asked: "How?"

"They came in from outside the customs, saying they were visiting relatives and changing some goods by the way, but the younger ones forcibly removed three bags, one of which was filled with a thin bag of noodles, and the other two were filled with wheat bran. It was said that it was food for horses, but from a small look, the bags that said they were filled with cloth were mostly wheat bran."

"The leader is called Jin Kuian, but he didn't show up. The one who came down was Erge, and his guide was no problem. However, the younger one said that they had a rich name when they had a drink with him. Generous, unlike other people who are becoming more and more stingy nowadays, Nargo gave the small two silver coins, and also hinted that they knew the rich and were also rich friends."

   "In other words, is it them?"

  Yaye thought for a while and said: "Even if it's not them, they are not good people, they are bloody."

  He Shishi understood it, and made people retreat.

  Jin Kuian and Erge were afraid of long nights and dreams, so they took people out of the city the next day after getting the customs clearance documents in the evening.

  The official road outside the city of Shazhou is very spacious, with green mountains on both sides, they galloped up as soon as they left the pass, and at a glance, there were no people on the whole official road, and a few people even let go of their horses...

Suddenly the horse's hoof fell, and the people on the horse flew out. The fast-reacting people immediately hugged their heads. When they fell to the ground, they did not break their necks. When I was trampled on by chaotic horses...

There was chaos on the scene, Jin Kuian yelled, and first controlled the horse to cross the fallen horse on the ground, and then the knife was taken out, instructing everyone to calm down, and the horse was controlled to hide aside, and the green hills on both sides appeared together. Soldiers, condescending hands aimed at them with bows and arrows.

  Dozens of horses came out of the forest to stand in front of them. Little General Meng waved his hand and two people were thrown out of the team. He sneered and asked, "Rich, are you talking about them?"

The team that barely managed to control the horses was frightened and angry, and some people couldn't help shouting, "Rich, you betray us!"

  Fu, who was thrown on the ground, had a pale face and no blood at all.

  Jin Kuian's face changed, and he shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, rich will not betray us."

  But what went wrong?

   confirmed their identities, Little General Meng gave a sneer, flicked his spear, and pointed straight forward, "Fill the arrow!"

  The army who came prepared and was still in ambush confronts the unprepared horse thief, so does it need to be said?

   is simply a unilateral slaughter.

  Erge cut off the flying arrow and shouted at Jin Kuian: "Go, rush out, hurry up—"

  Jin Kuian took twenty or thirty people who could cope with it and rushed forward, and the little General Meng greeted him with someone...

  A group of eighty horse thieves is not enough for his father to come in person, he will be fine with this kind of thing.

Then Jin Kui'an and Erge escaped with three wounded. Little General Meng chased them for a long time. When the accompanying guards saw that it was getting dark, they immediately stopped him, "Major General, we can’t chase anymore, we have to get back. The city reports."

  The little general hated him and asked, "How can I let go of the bandit leader?"

  What can I do if I can’t beat that? Who knew that Jin Kuian could be ten?

  The little general Meng was very angry, and he waved his gun fiercely, and had to go back and beg his father.

  General Meng frowned, "You took three hundred people, half of them brought bows and arrows, and also lay in ambush in advance. Can't you catch anyone?"

  Little General Meng knelt on the ground and bowed his head and said: "It's his son who is not good at martial arts. Please father to punish him."

  Pianjiang hurriedly explained: "General, that Jin Kuian is very brave, and the humble post only took him a knife, look."

  General Meng took a look at his tiger's mouth and found some cracks and bones that should have been injured, so he frowned slightly.

General    hurriedly said: "The major general can not only catch his knife, but also hurt the opponent is already very serious."

  General Meng coldly snorted, and said to General Meng: "You go and receive the punishment."

  Little General Meng lowered his head to respond and got up and went.

  General Meng then asked the general, "How many were captured?"

   "Twenty-six people were caught. I don't know how many are still alive."

"Jin Kui'an?" General Meng frowned. "Jin? This name is familiar. I remember that there was a slave general named Kui'an under Pazhuo. He was very brave. The left-leader used to remind me before, but he pulled out. Zhuo ran to Huihe and was killed, and his men descended and dispersed. Did they run out of the gate to become a horse thief?"

  I will think for a while, "It's really possible that it is him. The knife in his hand is very good. It can't be attacked by ordinary horse thieves. General, the man has already run away. Do we still chase?"

    ask for a monthly pass, let’s say hello

     See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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