Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2251: Checkpoint

   Chapter 2251 Level

  Actually, after digging up so much meat, most of the poisonous meat was cleaned up, but it was destroyed at the end, so it didn't heal well, and the toxins flowed into the body, and his body was still a little poisonous.

  Man Bao turned around to prescribe the medicine.

  At this moment, she really felt that she was too smart, and she had prepared such a complete set of medicine.

  Zhiren saw her luggage wrapped in greased paper and a packet of medicine with the name of the medicine affixed on the outside. It was really too complete, just like a mobile pharmacy.

  Man Bao grabbed the medicine for Jiren in the dark, and personally watched Zhiren take the medicine and take it for him. Then he went to wash.

  After taking a bath, he changed the dirty clothes that were stained with blood. Man Bao did not go to rest, but went to Bai Shan and the others, and wanted to discuss the next itinerary.

  As a result, she only opened the door. Bai Shan turned around in the yard and nodded with her: "Nie Canjun is also waiting for Mr. Zhuang. The way forward may be a little changed."

  Nie joined the army and they weren’t idle when Man Bao treated Jiai’s wounds. They asked the villagers about the way forward, and only then did they know that the way ahead was blocked.

  He said: "Don't talk about going to Anxi, even the road to Qiuci was blocked."

  Man Bao asked: "Why are the roads to the west and north blocked? Is it the horse thieves plundering?"

Nie Canjun said: "It should not be a simple horse thief. According to Master Zhiren, Yutian Town and Qiuci are not very peaceful. Xizhou may send troops, and may borrow troops from Shazhou. Then these thief blockade merchants. Lu is damned."

  In other words, they wanted to cut off the way for Xizhou for help, and also cut off the reinforcements from Shazhou.

  Man Bao asked: "Then how do we go?"

"The people in this village came out of the market near the ancient city in front. The place where they lived was a very big village. It was the place where the merchants mentioned by the heavy rain settled, and now that place is occupied." Nie Joining the Army Road: "But they know that there is a way to bypass those people's barriers, but with so many of us, it is possible to be discovered."

  Actually, this matter was said by Master Zhiren. Although they were generous after they moved in, the villagers would not tell them this kind of thing.

  They only promised to send out the two masters, masters and apprentices of Zhiren. Compared with the hundred people in their team, Zhiren’s two goals are too small and they can easily pass.

   Nie joined the army and said anxiously: “I want to persuade the village chief in the village to let someone take me on a trip, and we will leave after confirming that it is feasible.”

  Bai Shan turned his head and said, "It's just right, it takes time to quit and heal the wounds. The people of the Western Regions have a good impression of the monks, and even the horse thieves will give them a little bit of face."

  Bao is full of suspicion.

Bai Shan laughed and said, "Quie anger will get hurt because the two masters and disciples met the horse thief and slaughtered the villagers. The two masters and disciples couldn’t see that they were injured after they rescued them. Those horse thief finally let them go because Master Zhiren was Monks, persuaded them."

  Otherwise, two monks with only two horses and a pile of dry food, who would rob them?

  So Bai Shan wanted to bring two masters and apprentices. He thought that Zhiren and Jiai must also want to go with them. After all, Manbao’s medical skills have nothing to say, and they also brought so many medicines.

  Zhiren really thought so. He sat on the bedside of his apprentice thinking, and watched him wake up drowsily, so he took rice soup and fed it to him, and he became sober.

   has been in a coma for two days, and it takes a lot of effort to wake him up, Zhiren looked at it. He felt relieved and strengthened his thoughts, "Quit, how about we go with Donor Zhou and the others?"

  Jie 嗔 is all groggy today, and asked puzzledly: "Zhou donor?"

   "It's Doctor Zhou, she will deal with your injuries."

  Jie 嗔 could not help but chant a Buddha. He was groggy at the time, and he felt that someone was cutting his flesh. When he opened his eyes, he seemed to be given a pill of medicine, thinking it was the master.

  He asked: "Why is Zhou's donor here?"

  "This is a long story. It just so happens that they are also going to Xizhou, I think it's better to go all the way."

   Quit annoyed and smiled bitterly, "The disciples may be a drag on Master, so Master might as well go ahead with them."

   Zhiren: "Chi'er, it is for you to walk with them."

  He said: "Donor Zhou’s medical skills are very good, and he has treated the wound for you. You can wake up after two sets of medicine. With her watching over, you are much more likely to heal."

  You can also learn some medical skills when you quit anger. I learned it from my master. When I was injured, I knew that I might not be able to survive. Now I am lucky to be able to wake up.

  Alive, who wants to die?

  So, I opened my mouth and didn't speak.

   But he thought of something, and quickly said: "Master, what about the horse thief in front of you? Can we go there?"

  "You don't have to worry about these things, you have to be your own teacher."

   Quit sneer, then let go, lay down on the bed and fell asleep again.

  The next day, Master Zhiren personally took Manbao and them to a high point. It was a rock wall. He pointed to the distance and said, “That’s the place. Have you seen the ruined wall?”

  Man Bao looked at it for a while and then nodded, "There is a wall like a house." But it was so far away.

"That is the ancient city of Loulan." Master Zhiren said, "That direction is Pu Changhai. You see, this river flows in that direction. After the ancient city of Loulan was abandoned, people gathered and lived there, saying it was just a collection. City, but it’s almost like a small town."

  The Western Regions are not the same as the Central Plains. In the Western Regions, hundreds of families can be gathered together, even if it is a small city, unlike in the Central Plains, such a large gathering place is just a big village.

"When I passed here two years ago, they were still living in that small town. They were driven out by horse thieves half a year ago. These houses were not built for a long time. Fortunately, they had farmland here before. Wandering elsewhere."

  It’s also because of these farms. Although there are wolves on their sides, they refuse to go.

   "So the villagers are familiar with this piece, more familiar than the horse thieves, so we can only bypass the horse thieves if they lead the way."

  Man Bao groaned, "Does the master go with us?"

   Zhiren smiled and said, "Don’t think we are burdensome."

  He paused and said, "If unfortunately, I am found out, I am willing to use a few Buddhist scriptures to try to exchange the way of passage, but Zhou Taiyi also has to be prepared for loss."

  After all, they have too much luggage, and they are very embarrassing at first glance.

  When Man Bao heard it, his heart couldn't help but move.

  She couldn't help turning her head to look at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan looked at her silently, "What's the matter?"

  Man Bao retracted his gaze and thought to himself: It’s important, and I will talk about it later.

  Bai Shan retracted his gaze, thinking about it.

    see you next month



  (End of this chapter)

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