Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2253: Leave

  Chapter 2253 Leaving

   Bai Erlang stayed, "I can't know either? No, what if something happens to both of you?"

  Bai Shan confidently said: "We will not have trouble."

  It means that he will have an accident and Baobao will not have an accident. With Uncle Zhou, he is afraid that few people can hurt her, so he feels relieved.

  To drive the people out, Bai Shan and Man Bao packed about half of the boxes together, and only after they were closed and locked, Bai Erlang and the others came in to help stuff stones and hay and leather together.

Even Yin might be a little skeptical of life. While awkwardly wrapping a large amount of hay with dirty wolf skins and then tying it up and putting it in a box, he asked, "That's it? Isn't the stuff still in the luggage? What if we want to scoop up a box of gold and silver, but what we get back is a box of hay or stones?"

  Bai Shan confidently said: "No, I’m right."

  Okay, since the little friends have said so, everyone can only believe it, so the six people worked together to forge all the boxes, and then they handwritten the seals and pasted them.

  Bai Shan admired his words and was very satisfied, “I am afraid that there are not many such beautiful seal incidents.”

  Man Bao looked down at his own handwriting, and secretly decided to go back and lengthen the time to practice handwriting, otherwise the gap between the two would get bigger.

  The seal was put on, and everyone opened the door to let the soldiers come in and put the suitcase back on the car.

When the soldiers carried it, they found out that some boxes became heavier, and some boxes became lighter. Although they didn't understand the meaning of this, they didn't ask, so they honestly listened to the orders and put the things on the carriage. Tied up.

  Naturally, Mr. Zhuang couldn't hide these things. Although Mr. Zhuang was also curious, he didn't ask, but discussed the departure time with Master Zhiren.

  Quie's injury is getting better. I don’t know if the medicine was inadequate before, and the medicine used was not very good. This time, with good medicine, he healed very quickly.

  Although there is still some low-grade fever, the wound is indeed healing, and even a hole so deep in the leg is slowly growing and shrinking.

  Man Bao was very happy to see it, and He Zhiren said: "It's so fast, we can set off in two or three days."

Zhiren also breathed a sigh of relief, and more actively discussed with Mr. Nie Canjunzhuang about exploring the way.

Nie Canjun took the people to walk the road in person, and when he came back, he said with Zhou Man and others: "It takes two days to get around their checkpoint. The shortest distance from them is only about eight miles. In other words, they ride horses. , You can arrive in a quarter of an hour, so you must be careful when crossing the road and not let them find out."

  Bai Shan asked: "When did we pass the shortest distance?"

   "It was three quarters wrong when I passed by."

  Bai Shan said: "Then we will leave in the afternoon, so that it’s already dark and it’s not easy to find out there."

  Nie joined the army in amazement. He didn't expect this, so he couldn't help but ponder, "But marching at night is afraid it is dangerous."

"Find a few guides who are familiar with this road. Although it is cold at night, it is summer. No matter how cold it is, it is limited. The distance of eight miles is not long, but it is not short. It is very likely that they will not notice here at night. We are crowded and dynamic. This is the best way I can think of."

  Nie joined the army after thinking for a long time and there was no better way, so he nodded.

  Zhiren and Mr. Zhuang had no objection, so everyone set the departure time.

  Bai Shan took out two relatively good silk cloths to the village chief, and asked him to ask two more powerful guides to guide them.

The old man looked at the silk cloth in his hand, then turned to look at Zhou Man, and finally nodded and agreed. He found two people, one of them was his grandson, and he said to Zhou Man and them: "They often go there. Herding and hunting are the most familiar with that road."

  Then everyone is waiting to quit and move.

Man Bao and the others are still very curious about quitting hatred, mainly because they heard from the villagers that he was particularly brave and excellent in martial arts. At that time, he picked a long stick into the middle of the horse thieves, and when he became ten, he shook it away with one stick. The big swords to the villagers, and then beat the horse thieves to the ground.

  The little grandson of the village chief said, screaming, and gestured, holding a fire stick in his hand, climbing up the wall of his house and jumping from the top with a loud noise, to show that the abstinence had fallen from the sky so badly at that time.

  Manbao and the others are now barely able to understand some of their words, and with the hand-to-hand, everyone can communicate smoothly.

  Man Bao gestured and asked, "Are those horse thieves going to grab you?"

  The little grandson curled his lips aggrievedly, and pointed to the cattle and sheep outside the village and said: “They want to eat our cattle and sheep, but if the adults don’t give it, they will kill with a knife, which is very bad.”

  Man Bao nodded, feeling that they were very bad too.

  Bai Shan said privately: "If the Anxi Protectorate can't kill the horse thieves, the village will be destroyed sooner or later."

  Man Bao thinks so too, but even Master Zhiren cannot persuade the villagers to leave, because once they leave here, they may not be able to live elsewhere.

  Migration requires a lot of capital, but the villagers in this village obviously don't.

Bai Shan sighed in his heart, and couldn't bear it, so when he left, he gave the remaining silk cloth left by the two horse thieves to the old man, and smiled: "Thank you for the hospitality of the folks in the past few days. These are just gifts from us. ."

  The villagers who came to say goodbye to Yiyi's eyes lit up when they saw them, and their eyes became more cordial.

  Naturally they don’t need these silk cloths, but they can exchange them for food and don’t need to travel far. They know that there is a big collection on Pu Changhai, which can be reached in a day on horseback.

  The silk cloth can be exchanged not only for food, but also for drinks and medicinal materials. There are so many things that can be exchanged.

The village chief was also very grateful. Thinking of the horse thief not far away, he did not reject Bai Shan's kindness.

   Really compelled, they can still rely on these silk cloth to leave here and live elsewhere.

  The injury of Ji 嗔 couldn't move too much, so it was carried to the carriage by someone.

  Bai Shan generously gave up his and Bai Erlang’s carriage, spread out the seat, spread a layer of bedding, and let Jiai lie on his stomach to heal his injuries.

  Height and long legs, so even if you sleep diagonally, you can't put your legs down. Fortunately, the other uninjured leg can be stored, which is better than sitting and can barely set off.

  Bai Shan went to ride in a carriage with Manbao. We had lunch in the village, rested for a while, and then left.

  They didn’t walk fast and tried not to make too much noise. Bai Shan and the others were incredibly quiet. They just **** the curtains and looked out the window, or played chess in the rook when they were bored.

  Man Bao also asked Keke to stare at the level over there from time to time. If they were discovered, she would know as long as the horse thieves changed.

  (End of this chapter)

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