Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2255: Ambush

  Chapter 2255 Ambush

  After three or four days of walking, they entered the desert from the Gobi grassland. Master Zhiren said: “I heard the people in the village say that after entering the desert, you only need to walk north for another three or five days to reach Gaochang.”

  As everyone listened to their spirits, they could not help speeding up.

After the lunch break, everyone drank the water and started to sway forward. Man Bao was sitting in the carriage and napping. Because she was sleepy in the afternoon, her head was little by little. Suddenly, the Keke alarm sounded loudly, and Man Bao was frightened. , Raised his head at once.

   Zhou Liru, who was sitting opposite and dozing off, was taken aback, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Man Bao tilted his head, and Tingke broadcasted a report with no emotion: "Unidentified forces were found within the scanning range, and it is determined that it will have a bad impact on the host’s life and safety. Please take refuge after the host receives the warning. Emergency avoidance."

  Man Bao was sober in an instant, she asked Keke with a calm face in her mind, "What kind of power is it?"

  Keke said every word: "Unknown..."

   "Is it a man or a wolf or something..."

   "People," Keke simply went into more detail, "It's 20 kilometers southwest of the host, and now it's only 19 kilometers away. There are a total of 189 people..."

Coco had a meal and scanned two familiar creatures, so he said: "One of them is the person the host encountered in the desert inn, and the other is the person encountered during the suppression of bandits. According to the name recorded in the video, the latter It's Ergo."

  Man Bao immediately opened the curtain and shouted outside: "There is an enemy attack! Nie joins the army--"

Nie Cengjun was taken aback, and the team was immediately on guard. Nie Cengjun controlled the horse and ran by, but he only came to the front. He went to explore the way in advance and waited for the quick horse to come back. When he got there, he rolled off his horse and said loudly: "My lord, there is a team coming at us thirty miles away from the southwest. The speed is extremely fast and there is no flag."

  Nie Cengjun turned his head and glanced at Zhou Man. Seeing her nodding, he knew that they were talking about the same thing.

  He frowned. If there is no flag, then he is not a person in the barracks. In such a place, there may only be caravans and horse thieves, but it is obviously not a caravan at such a fast speed.

  He glanced over the surrounding environment, immediately selected a place, pointed to a place and said: "Everyone speed up, move on to take it out, hurry!"

  The carriage speeded up instantly, and the soldiers and guards guarded the carriage around the carriage and quickly moved towards the direction Nie Canjun pointed out. This is a depression with high sand dunes. They are not in the depression, but on the spine of the depression.

  The high sand dunes facing the south will block the impact of the horse team. No one dares to ride down from above. If someone comes down from above, horses and people are also easy to fall.

  So they can only come from one direction...

  Nie joined the army and ordered: "Lao Lu, take your man to ambush with a tripping horse. Be sure to stop the horse in front of you."


  One person clicked on his soldier and ran to the picking place with the tripping horse.

   "Zhang San Wu Si, bring your bow and arrows and two wings to ambush."


  Joining the army, Nie looked at Zhou Man who had gotten off the carriage and got on his baby Ma Diandian. He drew the corner of his mouth and ordered: "Everyone will guard the carriage behind."


  Everyone changed their formation. Most of the soldiers stood in front, the carriage was led to the back, and the guards of the Bai and Yin houses were tightly protecting them, and a small number of soldiers were on both sides.

Nie Cenjun ordered them to protect the water. As for the luggage with gold and silver jewelry, he glanced at the aftermath of Baishan and then let people give up. This was what he said at the beginning. The most important thing is to protect the water. This is their life.

  After the arrangements were made, he said to Zhou Man who was standing behind him: "Master Zhou, you should return to the car, right?"

  Man Bao refused, "We want to ride a horse, and we can escape quickly."

   "Then you guys also go to the back, it's too dangerous here."

  This is no problem, Manbao and the others are still very obedient, so they turned around and rode backwards. "

The heads of the carriages behind are all facing the north, but they are on guard towards the southwest. Nie Cengjun’s order is that if they can’t resist, the coachman will take the carriage to the northeast. Whenever I walk toward the northwest, I can always walk back to Gaochang again.

  The arrangements were made, and the scout rushed back to report again, "My lord, they are here!"

Nie Shenjun and everyone raised their heads to look at the high sand dune head. Sure enough, people appeared on the top in a while, and the people who had just walked on the sand dune didn’t expect them to stop. The leader raised his eyebrows. They whizzed up, and the people who ran up followed "oh oh" and hurried towards them with a long knife in their hands...

   "Woo, Erlang, go on--"

The eyes of the three headed by the three were shining strangely. The horse thieves screamed for each other, and everyone was arrogant. The soldiers and horses of the convoy were uneasy for a moment. The horse stepped on the spot, but Nie Cengjun stood firmly in place. Everyone slowly became quiet.

  Man Baoxin also lifted it up, tightening the rein, and finally reached out and touched Chiji's neck to soothe it.

Hidden under the sand, the soldiers with only half their heads and eyes exposed saw the horse galloping down, and couldn't help but clenched the rope in their hands. Suddenly they heard Nie Chenjun's shout. The rope was tight, and the horse rushing down saw the rope suddenly rising from the sand. Some crossed directly, and some wanted to stop, but the one who wanted to stop caught the person behind, and also stopped. If it is not in time, the horse's leg trips on the rope, the horse stumbles, and the horseman flies forward...

  The soldiers who held the rope just felt a strong pull that made them rush forward. They knew they had tripped the horse, and they didn’t miss the horse. They just turned around and rolled down the sandy slope, got up and ran towards the team...

  The horse thief broke more than 20 horses at once, and the people behind reacted, and they were going to chase after them. Nie Shenjun drew out his long knife and shouted: "Let--"

  While the tip of the knife moved forward, he shouted: "My sons, this is the time to make meritorious deeds, rush--"

  The soldiers snorted and followed Nie Cengjun to meet the horse thief who was rushing down, and the ambushing archers with two wings also lifted up from the sand and divided into three teams to shoot arrows at the horse thief...

  Heavy rain It was the first time that they saw such soldiers and thieves fighting against their horse thieves and horse thieves, and horse thieves fighting with the caravan's guards were not the same.

  Don’t talk about the blood, just say that the casualties are very different.

  Heavy rain saw Nie Canjun leading the soldiers to meet the horse thief, and mixed with them to rush to kill, he hesitated for a moment, turned his head and asked Zhou Man, "Are we going to help?"

  (End of this chapter)

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