Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2257: Casualties (March monthly ticket plus 9)

  Chapter 2257 Casualties (March monthly pass plus 9)

Nie Shenjun counted the number of casualties, and only then took the knife forward and kicked Erg out, and put a foot on his head. He leaned over and stared into his eyes and asked, "I can catch you once, can it? Can't you catch you a second time? Fool, you should stay away from me."

Ergo looked at him with red eyes, spit out a **** saliva for a long time, and said dumbly: "You too look at yourself too much. If it weren't for your luck, you just happened to get out of it several times. You think you can get in alive. Desert?"

  Nie joined the army furious and had bandaged the wounded. Bai Shan, who was covered in blood to see the situation, said lightly: "Luck is also a kind of strength."

Erge tried his best to raise his eyes to look at Bai Shan at the feet of Nie Canjun, grinned, and swept towards Nie Canjun, "It's nothing but brute force. If it weren't for the two of them, I would kill you in Liangzhou. "

Bai Shandao: "Although I am very happy that you agree with me, you are wrong about this sentence. Even if you were not paralyzed by us at the time, you immediately started. Our number one hundred people is not a decoration. Who died? It's not necessarily alive yet."

Bai Shan stretched out his hand and patted Nie Junjun and said, "Don't step on him. It doesn't make sense. The most urgent thing is to ask him clearly where he came from the prison in Liangzhou, and where did he come from? I remember that time. The governor said that the horse thieves in the whole mountain have been wiped out. Even if there are omissions, there will not be so many, right?"

   "I know!" Little General Meng who had been sitting silently interjected: "But can you heal me first?"

  Everyone saw his waist and abdomen being scored. He was pressing it at this time, but his clothes were also dyed through.

  Bai Shan was taken aback, and hurriedly said, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, I can’t handle this, you wait, I’ll find Man Bao.”

  Man Bao took a long time to come. There was no way. The patient in her hand was at a critical point, and she hurried over when she finished dealing with the person in her hand.

  Little General Meng's face was a little pale, but he pressed properly, the blood has slowly stopped, and the main incision is not very deep.

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, carefully untied his clothes, and then began to clean up the wound. Bai Shan moved a torch over to illuminate her.

  Little General Meng watched the two leaning together in front of his stomach to discuss, “It’s a good risk that the cut is not deep, and it’s not very long, otherwise it will leave scars and make it look bad.”

  Bai Shan: "Who will look at his belly?"

  Man Bao: "His wife?"

   "That's also their boudoir appeal. Don't be suspicious, in case they just like it. After all, this is a trace of meritorious deeds."

  Little General Meng:...Can we not discuss it in front of him?

  He simply "hissed" to indicate his existence.

  Man Bao, who was sewing him up, looked up at him, "Does it hurt?"

  Little General Meng nodded, "It hurts."

   "The pain is right," Man Bao said, "How can it not hurt to have so much blood?"

  Little General Meng: …He thought she asked that there was a way to prevent him from hurting.

  Man Bao speeds up, fills up his stomach with his hiss, and then puts on the hemostatic medicine. She handed over the dressing to Bai Shan, turned around and went back to see the other injured.

  Bai Shan saw that his gaze had been following Manbao’s Beiying, and asked him, "Does it look good?"

  Little General Meng nodded, and said: "This doctor Zhou is indeed well-deserved, and he is very courageous. He is different from the little lady I have ever seen."

  Bai Shan tied a knot and smiled at him slightly: "It's my future lady."

  The smile on Little General Meng's face fell off, and he became serious, "Brother White, don't want to misunderstand, I have no other meaning. I have heard that Doctor Zhou has made a marriage appointment, and it turned out to be Brother White."

  Bai Shanbian smiled slightly and said: "I know, but I am glad that you agree with her so much. We are going to Gaochang, and we will go together next time. It is a good time for everyone to have a good relationship."

  Little General Meng frowned, "How do you know we are going to Gaochang?"

  He remembers that he didn’t say it?

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "Isn't it? By the way, has their thief's nest been suppressed?"

  His eyes smoothed over the soldiers he had brought, and he asked, "Would you not only bring so many people when you came from Yumen Gate thousands of miles away?"

  Of course it’s impossible. They came to support Anxi. He brought a thousand troops and the rest were behind. These were cavalry. They came to rescue urgently because they knew they were here to pursue the envoy team.

  But before he had time to say these things, how did Bai Shan know?

  Bai Shan already asked, "Just now the major general said that he knew the origin of these horse thieves?"

Little General Meng returned to his senses, and said afterwards with a "um": "The leader was called Jin Kuian, who was originally a general under the hands of Dezhuo. He was a slave before, and he was promoted because of his bravery. "

  Bai Shan deliberately did his homework before coming to the Western Regions, and he still understood the forces on the Western Regions. He understood immediately after hearing it, "So he became a horse thief after Bazhuo died?"

General Meng nodded, "The two people you sent back have very hard mouths, and they didn’t want to recruit after the punishment. But when they were talking about them, they also revealed a lot of information. We have been paying attention to those people, and we knew when they entered the city."

   General Meng said: "Later, we caught them in a trap outside the city, but unfortunately let him escape with a few people. We captured some people at the time. As there were too many people, we asked them out without much torture."

  Little General Meng glanced at Jin Kuian, who was still in a coma, and he actually felt a little sympathetic to him. He already knew his experience during this period from his subordinates, which can be summed up in three words-bad luck!

  He has never seen anyone worse than his luck when he grows up. Really, he ran back and forth three times. Obviously, he didn't run the wrong way on the first trip, but he was stunned.

General Meng was also frank, pointing directly to Erg, who had a swollen nose and swollen nose, and said: "This man was also a confidant who was also a confidant. Come back in the future."

  Jin Kuian’s subordinates also know a lot, mainly because there is no need to hide this kind of thing. They went to Liangzhou this time for gold and silver jewelry, and such a happy thing must be publicized.

  So many people know the whole story. As soon as General Meng interrogated them, he told them all as if they were pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

He said: "He took away a group of people back then, but was separated a lot. When he arrived in Liangzhou, Bazhuo was killed by Tubo. When the news came, he hid the batch of gold and silver. I know. He was the only one, and later he joined a caravan nearby and became a horse thief with them."

  (End of this chapter)

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