Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2261: On Buddha (April monthly ticket plus 1)

  Chapter 2261 On Buddha (April monthly ticket plus 1)

Master Zhiren checked it again and thought it was not bad. Then he took out his luggage and changed into a monk's robe, and sat in the car with veils and satin with Jie An. He pointed to his suitcase and Zhou Man Bai Shandao. "The inside is a gift I received when I traveled to the Western Regions. There are a few musical instruments in it. You can take them out and play with them."

  Man Bao curiously opened the suitcase and took out a...little pipa. Unfortunately, she couldn’t play, but Bai Shan searched for a pipe, which resembled a flute.

  Since they don’t know how to see them, he stretched out his hand to take the piano in Manbao’s hand and said, "This is called Dongbula, and the sound of the piano is very good."

  He can play some, although he is not as good as Master, but it is also pleasant to the ears.

  The sound of the piano ding, ding, dong, dong, is a very simple Buddhist music, Man Bao, they have heard it, and they will hum along with it.

There are also many people among the horse thieves who worship the Buddha. This piece of music has been widely spread and they have all heard it. Before thinking about what they did this for, they fell silent, and their mood gradually calmed down with the Buddhist music, temporarily forgetting. The situation at this time.

The convoy started moving again and continued to move towards Gaochang. Only Dongbula Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding D sound was the only group in the group. Come down.

  Mr. Zhuang stood next to Wei Xingren and encouraged him to come forward and ask questions. There is no way. Among all the people, his Hu language is the best, and he can also speak various nonsense.

  Well, except that he is Master Zhiren, but it is not good to let Master Zhiren come first, so Wei Xingren can make a head first.

  Little General Meng also knelt on the carriage. He also changed into a normal uniform. At this time, he was acting as a servant of Zhiren. The most important people were gathered in these cars, in case of an accident, they could escape collectively.

He quickly glanced at the galloping soldiers and horses, lowered his voice and said Bai Shan who was kneeling in front of him: "It's really a Tubo soldier, grandma, Jin Kui'an is sick, his master was killed by Tubo. He actually cooperated with Tubo."

  Bai Shan's mouth moved slightly and said in a low voice: "As long as the benefits are sufficient."

  And that's just the master, not the parents, what's wrong?

  Jin Kuian's surname was given to him by himself, and Bazhuo didn't seem to be very good to him, and he didn't even give him a surname.

Little General Meng stopped speaking. Seeing the rushing soldiers and horses stopped, he raised his head and looked at them openly, glanced at the rider, and then squinted at the distance still rising. In the dust, he lowered his voice again: "The cavalry is eight hundred up and down, and the infantry behind should be about one thousand and two. I'll go, we are the light truck just now and can't escape one step first."

  They are just such a few people, not to mention the infantry behind, the 800 cavalry alone can kill them, and it takes only a moment to catch up with them.

  Bai Shan was also thankful that he didn't run just now. You can cut off your line of sight in the desert, but it's harder in the distance. As long as you find a high enough point, you can easily spot those who are running away.

  And Mr. Zhuang and the others are obviously not suitable for hiding under the sand with them for refuge. They are so young that they are a bit embarrassing.

The Tubo soldiers who wanted to charge directly stopped seeing Zhiren in the car. Although they did not share the same spirit with the Dajin, they had no hatred with the monks, especially the monks on the Western Regions. Instead, they had the same lineage. Kindness.

Not to mention that the leader of the army this time will be Tubo's Qiangpa. He looked at Master Zhiren, then glanced at their team, kicked the horse's stomach, stepped forward and bent over slightly, touching his chest. Salute, "I don't know what the name of the Venerable is..."

  Finally, Wei Xingren, who mustered the courage to step forward to speak, suddenly withered and couldn't help but raise his head to look at Zhiren.

  Zhiren smiled, and first calmly nodded his hand at him, and then smiled with Qiangba: "The poor monk's name is Zhiren."

  His gaze glided over Qiangba’s wrist, and he smiled and asked, "Is this benefactor serving Maitreya Buddha?"

  Qianba's eyes brightened, his waist bent a little further, and he proudly said, "My name is Qiangba, my honorable person."

  In Tubo, Qiangpa means Maitreya Buddha. It can be seen that not only he, but his family also believes in Maitreya Buddha.

Zhiren nodded slightly, and talked to him about Maitreya Buddha's Five Theory of Maitreya. Qiangpa obviously believed in Maitreya Buddha. Only the "Mahayana Sutra" and "Vajra Prajna Sutra" talked with Zhiren for half of the time. Hours.

  Man Bao and their hearts raised up high at the beginning, but they have already fallen. After half an hour, they didn't move and their legs were so numb.

Several people complained in their hearts, but their kneeling movements changed and remained unchanged. Although Man Bao and Bai Shan didn’t understand the two of them talking about Buddhism, they would look at their faces. Seeing Qiangba getting more relaxed, they also More and more respectful, the two quietly glanced at each other.

  Nie Junjun’s tight body also slowly relaxed, otherwise he would have cramps for so long.

Bai Erlang, who was hiding in the carriage, exhaled. As soon as he looked up and saw that Jin Kuian was waking up on his stomach, he immediately took out the medicine packet Manbao gave to cover his nose and mouth, but moved to wake up. The spinning Jin Kuian moved a bit and then lay down again to be quiet.

   and Jin Kuian face to face, Ergo, who was not far away, didn't move, and didn't seem to wake up, but Bai Erlang also smoothly covered Jin Kuian's medicine packet on his nose and mouth.

   Liu Huan saw it, and couldn't help but lower his voice and asked, "What are you doing, he didn't wake up."

   Bai Erlang said: "It should be about the same. They were all smothered at the same time. Jin Kuian is about to wake up, how long can he get away?"

  He complained: “The medicine pack has to be put in a box and placed on the stove to heat it for good effect. This is a lot of trouble up and down. Isn’t it good to cover two at a time?”

   Liu Huan: "What if I get sick?"

  Yin, who has been silent for a long time, could not help but persuade him, "Stop arguing, we know what we should know, and keeping him is of little use, there is something wrong..."

  The remaining words slowly faded away, and Ergo could no longer hear them.

  Yin or looked at the two lying down, then looked at the two sitting down, and said in a low voice: "Don't make any noise, it will be done outside."

  Bai Erlang and the others pricked their ears to listen. Sure enough, they had stopped talking about Buddhism outside. Qiangpa was asking where Zhiren was going, and by the way invited him to teach in his fief in Tubo.

  The Hu language spoken by Qiangpa happened to have been learned by them, and they could understand it, but they didn’t understand Buddhism.

  They all find it difficult when the Buddhist scriptures are Chinese characters, let alone when it is nonsense.

  But they understood this kind of ordinary conversation, so they lifted their spirits to listen to Zhiren’s answer.

Zhiren thanked Qiangpa’s invitation and said that he would definitely go if he had the opportunity, and then said: "The fifth day of October is the birthday of Master Bodhidharma. Buddhists from all over the world are invited to go to Gaochang to discuss the Buddha. The poor monks miss the Bodhi in the national temple. Shu, so I went to prepare early, and wanted to have a hand-in-hand with Venerable Zhihao from Dabolu."

  (End of this chapter)

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