Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2267: Father and son are different (April monthly ticket plus 4)

  Chapter 2267 Father and son are different (April monthly ticket plus 4)

  After all, even if the Tubo army does not **** it, the luggage lost on the battlefield is unowned, and their Anxi army coughs up some.

But Guo Zhao, who knew the truth, frowned slightly, thinking that their things had been robbed by thieves before, and the things in the luggage were replaced with stones and hay. Although he didn't know why he had to bring these cumbersome things, it didn't get in the way. He sympathized with them.

  So soon after he left, people sent Cheng Yi, two silver coins, and ten taels each.

The young man who came to give the money lowered his head and said: "Our man said that if the adults want to go to play in the future, we can wait for him to be busy for a while and then show some way to be a guide and so on, and also invite the adults. Don't dislike it."

  Man Bao doesn’t dislike it, but it’s not good to take people’s money for no reason, right?

  It’s not good looking to refuse to refuse...

Thinking about it this way, Man Bao stretched out her hand and took her eyes to Bai Shan. Seeing that he agreed with him, she took it with joy, and said to the young man: "We know, thank you, Mr. Lang, for us. By the way, in the future, if he has any injuries that are not easy to treat, he will come to me. I don't have anything to do with me, so I can barely use my medical skills."

  This is the first time someone has expressed gratitude by seeing a doctor. Xiao Si did not find a good word back and forth for a while, so she bowed her head and responded dryly with a "yes".

   and the others left, Man Bao divided Bai Shan a silver coin.

  Bai Shan smiled and took it, and said to her: "This little General Guo is different from his father."

  Man Bao also felt that they were different, although they had never seen General Guo, but...

  Man Bao thought for a while and whispered: "I always feel that General Guo is a bit stingy."

  Bai Shan nodded.

   is stingy, how can the grievances between adults involve small ones?

  The grievances between them and King Yizhou did not involve their peers, but he was an adult, because of the contradiction with Liu Shangshu, he wanted to embarrass Liu Huan who was not aware of it several times, which seemed too stingy.

What's more, Liu Huan is not only Liu Shangshu's grandson, but also the grandson of their aunt Guo's grandmother. How can Liu Huan be embarrassed by Liu Shangshu's face, but don't look after Liu Huan's grandmother's face and take care of Liu Huan?

   is not only stingy, but also bad.

  But so far, the other party hasn't been too malicious, so they don't care.

  White Jiro and the others finally washed out, almost peeling off a layer of skin. When they came from the backyard, their hands were soft and they almost couldn't stand. He said, "Is there anything to eat? I'm almost starving to death."

Man Bao looked down at the empty plate on the table with a guilty conscience. He looked around and said, "The post is not good at this point. After the meal, I won’t provide meals, otherwise I’ll go out on the street to give it to me. Would you buy something?"

  Shirajiro, who was about to refuse, thought of Yin or the others who didn’t know when he would come out, and immediately nodded, "Okay."

  "You don’t know, Yin or it’s slow. I washed and wiped my hair. He only finished a bowl of custard. We only took a shower after he ate."

  Bai Shan said, “That’s because he is weak, so he can live a long life and be more careful. Didn’t I let you eat something before washing?”

"What you brought out is dry food, which has been left for a few days? I can't eat dry food in the desert. Why do I still eat such stubborn dry food when I get to the place?" Bai Erlang thought of what, and said to the two of them. : "By the way, Liu Huan is not happy to eat, so I passed out just now."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao, who were getting up to buy something for him, were surprised when they said, "What? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   Bai Erlang waved his hand and said: "Liru rescued the person, I naturally won't say anything, you guys go get me some food, my eyes are starving from hunger."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao just went out.

  Outside the station is a lively street. There are many stalls as if they were picked up. In fact, there are not many to choose. Man Bao simply ordered noodle soup for everyone and asked the vendors to send them directly to the station.

  As a result, when the vendors listened to the quantity they ordered, they directly ordered the stall to the side of the station, took up a piece of space, and immediately slapped it, and sent a bowl in as soon as it was made.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao sat in the lobby to eat noodle soup, which was very convenient.

The steward Li, who was on the go, arranged the meals for the soldiers. When I was about to come back, I saw the young master and the others eating noodle soup. They were distressed for a while, "Young master, Miss Man, Master Tang. There is a restaurant in the distance. The food at his house is not bad, but it is past lunch, and there is no time for dinner at the moment, so there is no light in the back kitchen."

  This is a common thing. After all, except for the very prosperous restaurants, most restaurants and restaurants are like this, and they only open for meals.

   Li said in charge: "The little one has already ordered the food, and they have re-fired at this moment, but they have to wait about half an hour."

  Because all the ingredients must be prepared now.

  Man Bao saw that Guan Li was about to cry, so he smiled and said, “It’s okay, let’s eat this first, and then go to eat later.

  Man Bao asked the staff at the station to help take the noodle soup to Mr. Zhuang and others who were resting in the house. Liu Huan and the others only came down, and they speeded up as soon as they smelled the scent.

  Lian Yin or even sat down at the table and said, "I’m hungry in my belly."

  Zhou Liru stopped talking, he just served a bowl of noodle soup and started eating.

  A bowl of noodle soup is just an appetizer for them. Several people put down the tableware and chopsticks unsuccessfully. Man Bao called Liru last week, “Let’s go and see the medicinal materials bought by Guan Li.”

  Bai Shanze and Shirajiro said, "Let’s go for a walk and take a look at the yard. If it is suitable, we will settle down and we will move in tomorrow."

  So everyone moved separately.

  Mr. Zhuang is preparing the things needed for the evening banquet. Although the souvenirs are missing, he still has to bring gifts.

  Everyone was busy for half an hour, and then they met in the lobby of the post station, and then went to the restaurant to eat together.

  Nie joined the army and Da Yu were also invited to go, mainly to discuss the next thing.

  The heavy rain asked them, "Is the business between us finished?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "It's over, do you want to check out and leave?"

The heavy rain thought for a while. The cloth they brought out from Yumen Pass was still there. They didn’t have many things, and they were all lightweight cloths, so they were tied to the top of Baishan’s carriage. At that time, Baishan’s carriage was It was the seriously wounded sitting, the man came out, the car came out naturally, and the cloth was there naturally.

  So they decided to sell the cloth.

  He said: "Let's stay for a few more days. By the way, see if there are any suitable things to take back. Let's take some back."

  Even if there are few people in the town, they can’t sell it, but there are many merchants in Yumen Pass. Many of the original merchants are afraid to go out, so they will go back after replacing some things at Yumen Pass.

   is the same as Master You.

  (End of this chapter)

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