Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2269: Beauty (April monthly ticket plus 6)

  Chapter 2269 Beauty (April monthly ticket plus 6)

  The two people chatted a few words, and then General Guo and his son came.

  Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao, and the two of them turned around and stood up, smiling to the door.

General Guo brought Guo Zhao in with the same smile. As soon as he came in, he clasped his fists and greeted everyone. After seeing him one by one, he took the lead in front of Zhou Man. He said with a smile on his face: "This is the doctor of Zhou. , We have all heard the name of Emperor Zhou’s genius doctor in the Western Regions."

  Man Bao immediately stated that this was an exaggeration and should not be praised by General Guo. After speaking, he praised Guo Zhao behind him, "It is the little General Guo that is well-deserved, and it is really a tiger father without a dog son."

  Guo Zhao: ...I always feel that the seniority is inexplicably lower by a generation.

  Not only Guo Zhao, but General Guo also felt this way, and he always felt a little uncomfortable looking at his colleagues who were younger than his son, so he laughed and skipped the matter, and then turned his head to say hello to Mr. Zhuang.

  The last General Guo saw General Meng, but he was not the same as he was facing Zhou Man. He seemed to be much closer to General Meng, and he also stretched out his hand and patted the opponent's shoulder vigorously to show his appreciation.

  Man Bao's eyes couldn't help but fall on his abdomen, showing sympathy.

  The little general Meng did not change his face and complimented him. As soon as he raised his head to meet their gazes, his stomach that had only felt a little pain instantly felt sore.

General Guo laughed and sat back in his seat. Then he looked at the young people that Zhou Man had brought and asked: "I haven't been back to Beijing for many years, and I don't recognize my cousin Liu's nephew. I don't know which one is? "

   Liu Huan had to stand up and salute: "General Guo, it is right here."

"What is the name of General Guo? I should be called my uncle." General Guo laughed and patted the couch next to him, and said with a smile: "Come on, our uncle and nephew have not seen each other for many years. I didn't expect to be in a place like the Western Regions." See, come to my uncle, our uncle and nephew talked affectionately."

  Man Bao's eyes widened, and Liu Huan also looked like he was struck by lightning. How do you pick this up?

In the silence, Mr. Zhuang glared at the children secretly to make them regain their senses. Then he raised his head and smiled and said to General Guo: "Let General Guo laughed, this child is young and innocent. The first time I saw the general, I was a little excited and discouraged. How dare I let him sit next to the general like this? Liu Huan, why don't you punish the general?"

   Liu Huan returned to his senses and immediately bent over and confessed.

  General Guo looked at Mr. Zhuang and said amused: "Hey, Master Zhuang is a grandson who can manage his life while walking in Hongyou Temple?"

  Shangshu of the Ministry of Households has the reputation of "planning," which is really a good name, but I don’t know why there is a smell of irony from General Guo’s mouth.

  Mr. Zhuang's face remained unchanged, and he explained with a smile: "Thanks to Liu Shangshu for not giving up, I will return to Liu Huan as a husband for a few days. I will take him this time out, and I want to take him out for a long time."

  The same father, Mr. Zhuang has this status, he can really be Liu Huan’s master, and even in the eyes of people who don’t know the depth of their relationship, he is more legitimate than General Guo’s cousin.

  General Guo really smiled and stopped worrying about this. Guo Zhao also made a timely relief, "Father, it's time for a banquet."

  General Guo just smiled and let the steward serve the food and wine, of course, also the beauty!

  A line of beautiful maids filed in with wine and vegetables, graceful in posture, and every move is as beautiful as dancing. Many people watched again.

  Man Bao Baishan and Bai Erlang, who thought they had seen enough in the palace, once again felt that they were hillbillies, and their knowledge was far from enough.

  Yin or Liu Huan both watched.

  It was Zhou Liru who looked up at them and then stared at their clothes, thinking that their clothes are so beautiful.

  She feels that she has little knowledge, so this kind of thing should be normal. Maybe the big family like to serve people like this?

  Man Bao also regained his attention from their graceful movements, staring at the wine poured into her glass. The wine was clear in color and smelled very fragrant, but no matter how fragrant it was, it could not hide the fact that it was white wine.

  And it should be the craftsmanship of the Central Plains. It smells a bit familiar. From her experience, it must be very bitter. She doesn't want to drink it.

  Bai Shan doesn’t like to drink, he always feels that the drinker has a stinky smell, so he didn’t move, and planned to drink it later when he needed to toast and drink.

Looking at the food and drinks on the table, the friends couldn’t help but rejoice. Fortunately, they had a good meal in the afternoon and it was long enough. They are not hungry right now. That's too bad.

  But other guests didn’t think so. Someone praised it after a sip, “This is the bar in Yicheng? Good wine.”

General Guo smiled contentedly: "Yes, it's the wine from Yicheng. This is the general's collection. I wouldn't be willing to take it out if there are no distinguished guests today. Come on, Lord Zhou, cousin, I'll toast you a glass. , If we have the fate to meet for thousands of miles, we all have fate."

  Man Bao and Liu Huan raised their glasses and even said they were afraid. Seeing that he raised their heads and drank the wine, they could only drank all the wine in the glass.

  Then they have to offer General Guo a glass of wine in turn.

  Okay, just two cups.

Nie Canjun, who was sitting behind them, drank with relish, and couldn’t help but communicate with Wei Xingren, “This is a good Yicheng wine, even in the capital, I didn’t expect Gaochang to be so far away. Shouted."

  Wei Xingren seemed to be unhappy when he saw the generals beside him, and he whispered to Nie Cengjun, "Nie Cengjun is not called Gaochang now, but Xizhou."

  Nie Junjun also caught a glimpse of the cold face of the person next to him, sneered in his heart, but said with a smile on his face: "Yes, it's Xizhou."

  Mr. Zhuang sitting in front of them moved in his heart and looked down at the wine in the glass.

   "It's boring just to eat wine, let them come up and dance."

As soon as they looked up, Man Bao saw another group of beautiful little girls slicing in from outside with a smile, and then with the music, they danced along with the music, and when someone turned in front of them, they glared at Baishan. Eyes, no way, who makes him the most handsome?

  Bai Erlang and Liu Huan also gained a lot of winks, even Man Bao gained two, but Yin or none.

  Man Bao counted carefully and felt very strange, "Why is no one to seduce Yin or?"

  Bai Shan:...

Yin or on the side of   :……

  Bai Shan turned his head to look at Yin Or, and finally burst out with a laugh, "Probably because he is whiter than them?"

  Everyone stared at him.

   Yin or glanced at them and ignored them.

General Guo had been in contact with several people. After drinking a pot of wine, he turned his head and saw them whispering. He also looked at the dancers in the lobby from time to time. He was happier, "Why, nephews like it? Simple, come on. people--"

  (End of this chapter)

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