Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2282: Want to seduce you

  Chapter 2282 I want to seduce you

  Keke didn’t speak, Man Bao didn’t know it, but it knew that since the host came out of Beijing, it had reported once in accordance with the established procedures.

  After all, collecting these meteorites has been written into its attention program.

  So the main system and the alliance know it.

  The main system is still good, but the alliance has ordered it to urge the host to speed up the process through the encyclopedia several times. This action aroused the dissatisfaction of Teacher Mo and some school researchers, who believed that the alliance would interfere with too much and damage the order.

  Then Mr. Mo’s right to speak in the laboratory is diminished. Although he is still one of the leading people, the leading scientist has increased from three to five.

  And the two newly added scientists have recently added medical courses in the encyclopedia. You must know that the teaching content they uploaded to the encyclopedia before was all about biology and physics.

  Obviously, they want to attract the attention of the host.

  If it weren’t for its program that only the main system can change, and the alliance cannot command the main system, I’m afraid the alliance still wants to force the host to contact them by ordering it.

Teacher Mo can be one of the three leading people. In addition to his professional qualities, there is another reason that at present, only he can exchange "learning materials and materials" with the host. If he wants to replace Teacher Mo, someone needs to get it. The host's courses have become her highly intimate teachers, and the encyclopedia believes that they can exchange materials within a certain technological category.

   Zhou Man and Teacher Mo can have the current intimacy, which was practiced since childhood and was established by continuous teaching every night.

  And now...

  The host is so busy that he rarely visits the forums. Every night he goes online to teach in the classroom for up to one hour, and he also exchanges professional issues with Teacher Mo. There is no time to pay attention to a few more teachers in the encyclopedia.

  In Zhou Man’s heart anyway, Teacher Mo has always been a very good teacher at that time. She has not learned one-tenth of his ability, and she has never thought of changing a teacher.

  So this series of actions in the league was just to be seen by blind people, and it was in vain.

  But Teacher Mo is not stupid. Naturally, these things can't be hidden from him, so he was a little angry, so he noticed things that he didn't pay much attention to before.

  He and Man Baodao: "I communicated with Dr. D. We all feel that the current research progress can be accelerated, but it needs a more detailed simulation of the ecology of your world, which requires a large amount of expenditure."

  Man Bao looked at her total points subconsciously.

Teacher Mo saw her movements and couldn't help but smile, and said: "But don't worry, these points will have their own alliance to pay for you. This is a contract signed at the beginning. You are about to find a meteorite, Gu This kind of research naturally also has to speed up the progress."

  Man Bao's heart was surging and asked: "Mr. Mo, can the rice seeds that have been researched by then really maintain their superiority? What if the superiority of the cereal seeds degrades severely after 134 years?"

  Ms. Mo smiled slightly and said, “You can ask Dr. D to sign a supplementary agreement with you to let her guarantee the after-sales service.”

  As for the after-sales fee, it is natural to ask for the alliance, and that is the matter of Dr. D and the alliance, anyway, it has nothing to do with Manbao.

  Man Bao doesn’t know this, and there is an after-sales guarantee when I hear it. I am happier and want to find those meteorites quickly.

  Although these meteorites cannot be included in redemption points, the benefits they can bring to her are the greatest since childhood.

And Teacher Mo pondered about other things, "Be careful after entering the contaminated area. If the meteorite is buried underground, it may also contaminate the land. Correspondingly, its pollution radiation will not be too great. Your system It should be scannable, you have to pay more attention."

  Man Bao responded.

  "Unfortunately, your world order is not perfect, otherwise these pollution sources can be dealt with..." Teacher Mo said here, if their world has this order, these things may not be their turn.

So Teacher Mo didn’t talk about this topic any more, but started talking about blood again, “You first listen to the lesson I uploaded today. I have tried it on cows with the smallpox scab you gave me. It is best to plant from the sinuses of cattle. As for how to plant cattle on humans after vaccinia, only you have to experiment."

  Because not to mention that it is impossible for them to do this experiment with humans, even if they can do the experiment with humans, this virus is useless on the human body.

  They have studied that it is impossible for the virus to survive and manifest in their current human body. The vaccine they were given as soon as they were born was not in vain.

  And Ms. Mo has searched for the history of cowpox records, and found that there are very few. Basically, only the effect is described, but the method of vaccination is not described, so all he can help her is to do the first half, and the second half is done by herself.

  Man Bao responded, and waited for Teacher Mo to go offline to watch his newly uploaded course.

  Man Bao received a box of test tubes and syringes from Teacher Mo early the next morning. She took the things out and put them on the bed, and then began to look at the room.

She pulled two pieces of cloth and put it up on a corner of the house. After creating an independent space, she put a small table and a small stool behind, and put a stool outside the curtain, and then gestured to cut one. The hole where one can reach in.

  Then she went to ask the village chief to organize all the people, "Go in one by one, and the next person can go in when they come out."

  She did not let the guards in, only let Bai Shan into the house to help maintain order.

  Bai Shan went in and saw the curtains raised, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Blood is not what you want to study?"

  Man Baodao: "I can't study it."

  Bai Shan thought, the little father-in-law seems to be much better than he thought, is it possible that he also learned medicine in that world?

  He was curious, "How do you draw blood?"

  Man Bao stretched out the back of his hand and clicked: "Just stick it."

  As long as there are blood vessels, just blink it. The needle is very small, like a fingernail. There is a thin tube connected to the tail. After a puncture, the blood will flow out automatically, and then connect the thin tube to the test tube.

  After the needle is pulled out, the coagulation potion will be automatically released on the needle, leaving only a small spot on the wound, which will disappear after a short while.

  Manbao has operated on his own hands after watching the video operation, and it doesn’t hurt much except for a little fright at first.

  And she has grown up now, so she is not afraid.

  The most important thing is that this time it was someone else who got stuck, so she didn't even feel it.

  She was very confident, and asked Bai Shan, "Would you like to try it?"

  Bai Shan remembered the experience of being pierced with a needle in her fingertips when she was a child, and immediately shook his head, “Forget it, let’s pierce them. I’ll just check it out.”

So the first person came in, and the village chief came first. When he saw the curtain for a while, he became a little nervous and couldn't help but stammered, "Sir, we who are older can't have children anymore, or should we just forget it? "

   See you at nine in the evening

     Alliance: I want to seduce you



  (End of this chapter)

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