Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2296: Farewell

   Chapter 2296 Farewell

  Man Bao took the problematic stone from the frame of the excavating robot, put it on the side of the pile of stones, and then picked up the small broken stones under the guidance of Keke.

  There are many rocks in this sinkhole. Among them is a big rock that is too broken. Even if it is smashed into a big hole, the bottom is still a rock.

  It should be that the falling meteorite smashed through the sand and encountered it. The two stones collided and fell apart together.

  Except for a few shot stones that were shot under the sand, the other meteorites were all floating on the surface and very broken.

  Bai Shan put the stones he picked up on the pile of stones. No one pointed him, but after seeing more, he can tell which are meteorites and which are ordinary stones.

  Man Bao was looking for meteorites sunken in the soil. Those Bai Shan could do nothing, after all, his eyes could not see through the ground.

All the meteorites Man Bao found out were received in the classroom. Teacher Mo had been waiting a long time ago. He took the things and installed them with them. After blocking the radiation, he emailed Man Bao and asked: "All of them are here. NS?"

  Manbao asked Keke to reply with a "yes".

  Ms. Mo asked her, "Is the mining robot still useful?"

  Man Bao replied: “It’s too old. It broke when I dug a meteorite before.”

   Teacher Mo said: "If it breaks, it will be broken. If you treat it as scrap, it was originally a thing to be eliminated."

After   Mr. Mo replied to this email, he decided the ownership of the excavating robot that was temporarily borrowed at that time, and the alliance and encyclopedia that gave him permission have long forgotten this.

  In other words, now there are more important and more things for them to pay attention to and worry about, this big thing is not enough to attract their attention.

  How to distribute the meteorite given by Zhou Man? I don’t know where the news came out. Now several planets are robbing this thing.

  I want to get post-meteorite research, to be able to explore the secrets of genetic mutations faster, stabilize the genes, benefit all intelligent races, by the way, become famous and live forever...

  Even Teacher Mo and Man Baodao: “I’m going to be very busy lately. If you have something to do, email me, and if you don’t understand your schoolwork, I will give you an answer.”

Then he said: "I recorded a lot of courses some time ago. I listened to the lessons by myself first, and I have homework later. I will also email me when I finish. The recommended books for the next year have been sent to your mailbox. You have finished reading this year. For the recommended bibliography, just buy the next year’s and take a look. If you don’t understand, you still write down and send me an email. Of course, I suggest that you first find a way to answer it yourself.

  Man Bao knew that starting from today, she was going to be a semi-stocked student.

  I don’t know why, she was not disappointed, she was faintly excited and happy.

  She quietly said to Bai Shan: "When we return to Xizhou City, let's find Mr. for a trip."

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about cowpox?"

  Man Baodao: "The news should reach Xizhou City. If it doesn’t, it’s nothing. We just said that we met someone outside and knew the general method of vaccination. When you look back, you will know the true and false by trying it yourself."

  Bai Shan asked: "Where can I try?"

   "What do you propose?"

   "I propose to try it in Xizhou." He said: "Since we came for the cowpox method, we naturally have to have definite news before we go back."

  Man Bao groaned, "It's better to say, I have smallpox acne on my hand, I can test it after I buy two cows, but what should I do?"

  Man Bao was a little sad. “This is not the capital after all. We have a bad relationship with General Guo.” In the capital, there are the emperor and the prince, and there is a hospital underneath. As long as her advice is reasonable, they will always help her.

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "Let’s talk to General Guo first. It will be good. If we don’t get to work with the capital, we just have time to study this method in detail."

  Man Bao is still a bit distressed, "Who should I use?"

Bai Shan laughed and said: "Naturally, it is a prisoner. Xizhou was originally the country of Gaochang. After being captured, many prisoners were detained in the city. There are other prisoners exiled here, anyway, no less than in the capital. ."

  There are indeed many prisoners in Xizhou, but except for a small number of prisoners who were detained in jail, or were directly taken to the vegetable market to behead their heads, the rest were all taken to the army by General Guo to serve as soldiers.

  They are still criminals. They can only rely on military merits to reduce their crimes. If they are lucky, they are willing to work their lives. After a few years of fighting, they are all reduced. Then General Guo assigns them to military status and is still a soldier.

  It's just that no matter how much meritorious work is done, it can be rewarded by meritorious deeds.

  But General Guo was stingy and treated the soldiers he recruited and recruited by the imperial court harshly, and he was even said to be soldiers who were criminals.

   But no matter how harsh it is, it is better to fight a war than to be a medicine person, and it is still a smallpox medicine person.

  Daily hit them, "Master, those prisoners are not necessarily happy. The prisoners in the capital have no other way, so they will choose to fight, but the criminals here have other choices."

  Bai Shandao: "The big deal is to give money, and there must be a brave man under the reward. I don't believe that no one will come."

  Anyway, what are they afraid of if they have money?

  Man Bao felt sorry for the money, "Let’s see if we can recruit among prisoners."

  Bai Shan glanced at her, then smiled and nodded.

  The meteorites in the three sinkholes were all processed, and everyone was relieved.

  Back to Danshi Village, Man Bao sought out the six villagers, and finally took their blood once and asked Teacher Mo to help with the test.

The results obtained by    are good, their rejection effects are good, and the medicine has also repaired a little of their physical damage.

  Man Bao simply prescribed a few prescriptions for them, “This time I came out in a hurry without the medicinal materials. This is a prescription. You can take it and grab the boiled medicine to eat. It will be easier to have children after recuperating your body.”

   said again: “If it’s not convenient for you to go out, it’s okay. We will ask someone to send you something when we return to Xizhou, and the medicinal materials will be prepared. Then I will write the name and you can make the medicine.”

  The village head and the villagers are very grateful.

Especially the village head, he relied on bidding farewell to send people out for ten li, and then ten li. When he insisted on sending the third ten li, Man Bao couldn’t help but stop him, “Send the monarch from thousands of li to the end, or the village head wants to make peace. Shall we go to Xizhou?"

  The village chief was still a little timid about the outside, shrinking his neck and declined.

  However, when Zhou Man and they were leaving to leave, he still gritted his teeth and asked inexplicably, "Sir, can they really have children at their age?"

  Man Bao: …just ask her this question in the village, why bother to ask her out of twenty miles?

  Man Baodao: “This kind of fertility is something healthy people cannot guarantee, but their fertility is not bad, and normal couples should be able to give birth.”

  The village chief breathed a sigh of relief, and solemnly bowed to Zhou Man and others before watching them leave.

  (End of this chapter)

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