Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2304: the difference

  Chapter 2304 Difference

  They said that Man Bao was a little unsure of herself. She simply gave him a pulse, looked at his tongue and eyes, touched his forehead and said affirmatively: "You have a fever."

  Soldier A became nervous in an instant, and asked: "Then, am I going to get acne?"

  Man Bao nodded, "It should be an acne. Don't scratch it. Scratch it carefully to break the infection, and it will leave scars."

  The others all sat a little farther away quietly. After sitting out, they realized that they had also got acne. It is useless to be close and far away.

  So they sat back quietly.

  Man Bao glanced at them and said, “Stop avoiding a little bit. You will eat in your own house recently. Don’t stop by someone else’s house if it’s okay.”

  So the other five people were driven back to their house by Man Bao.

Because it is only a low-grade fever and only one acne is growing, Manbao did not prescribe medicine. Instead, he planned to prescribe the prescription after the acne came out and looked at the condition and pulse condition. As a result, they waited until the night and didn’t see him have any other acne. , It's just a persistent low-grade fever.

  The next day, he even went away from his fever.

   Then the acne that Manbao suspected of being smallpox slowly receded, until the red dot at the top receded, only a small bag that had been shrunk in half was there.

  Man Bao stretched out his hand and pressed it. Based on her experience, this is definitely smallpox rash, not a bug bite at all.

  But...Why did only one come out?

  Man Bao touched his pulse. It was a bit of a false fire, but it was not serious. She thought for a moment, and said to him: "Drink plenty of water."

  Soldier A: "No need to drink medicine?"

   "No," Man Bao retracted his hand and said, "Just drink more hot water, relax."

  Soldier A breathed a sigh of relief, and then slightly raised, "This, is this a acne?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said, "Wait two more days to see. If there is no more fever and acne, it should be considered as having been out."

  Soldier A looked at Zhou Man in disbelief, "Is this calculated for acne?"

   "Does it count, I will know later."

  Is there any immunity to smallpox from the acne? It needs to be tested again.

  Man Bao received his things and was about to go out. Zhou Liru knocked on the door outside and shouted, "Sister, there is also acne on No.3's arm."

  Man Bao went over to watch immediately.

  Soldier A hesitated for a moment, and followed him to look.

  Since they all had acne, Man Bao did not stop them.

No. 3 did have acne, and one piece grew from the place where the acne was inoculated. The number of treasures was counted. There were twelve. The other party was a little itchy, but he only had one hand, and he couldn’t catch it. I couldn't help but grind on the quilt, but Zhou Liru stopped him and didn't allow him to grind.

  Although he doesn't care about leaving scars on his arm, after all, the other arm is gone. There are big scars on his shoulder, and a few more acne scars are nothing.

  But if Zhou Li refused, she said, “This thing is getting more and more, and the acne paste and acne skin that have been ground stick to the quilt and spread out?”

Man Bao looked around and asked, "I haven't seen it this morning."

  Road number three: "It just popped up. I just felt itchy, and when I lowered my head, I got five or six of them. That's a lot of effort just for a while."

  Man Bao was a little worried, so he touched his temperature and found that it was not high, so he didn't let go of his heart.

  It takes a process to change from low-grade fever to high-grade fever after acne.

  She quietly nodded to him and calmed him: "It's okay, we pay attention to the temperature. If you feel dizzy, nauseous or have other discomforts, tell us, and I will prescribe you medicine as appropriate."

   No. 3 worry, "Are you not prescribing medicine now?"

   "You don't need to take medicine yet," Man Bao said, "First let the acne come out. If the temperature is too high, I will prescribe medicine for you."

   Zhou Man explained very clearly, No.3 and Soldier A both breathed a sigh of relief and agreed.

  As a result, at night, he also had a low-grade fever, and he also had acne on the 5th. It was also because of the one on his arm.

  Man Bao thoughtfully after recording their pulses one by one.

  Bai Shan poured her a cup of tea and asked, "How is it?"

   "The situation is...very good." Man Bao stared at the pulse and said: "Unexpectedly good, this is a bit the same as the human pox we have, but it is very different."

  Bai Shan sat next to her and watched, "Which is the same?"

"The acne we planted, whether it’s the previous human pox or the current cowpox, has a much better fever than the naturally transmitted pox. When human acne was in the past, 40% of people had a low-grade fever throughout the course, and they developed a fever without a high fever. The acne is over." Man Bao said in deep thought, "The difference is, this time the acne appears to be very slow, and the temperature is lower."

   "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Man Bao shook his head, "I don't know. The fever of the first person who had acne has gone down today, and the acne rash on his arm has already matured, and there is no hard point after pressing it down. Generally speaking, it looks like this. The acne is almost healed."

  But he only released one.

  Man Bao sighed: "We can only wait, time will tell us why."

  Bai Shan nodded, and said to Man Bao: "A good news came from the front line. The army has approached Qiuci. General Ashina repulsed the army of the Turkic Chuyue and Chumi tribes."

   "Then they are coming back soon?"

Bai Shan shook his head, "Not so fast. I went to the Duhu Mansion today to talk about the next batch of people who will be sent. When I went to select people in the army, I heard that General Ashina attacked Kucha from the west of Yanqi. In the north, we are now hitting the brown city."

  Man Bao tried hard to think of the map of the Western Regions she had seen in Chongwen Pavilion, but after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't remember where the brown city was.

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “It’s not on the map. It’s a gateway to the northern border of Qiuci. If you capture that city, you can go straight to the King’s City of Qiuci."

  It looks amazing.

  Man Bao asked: "Have you chosen a good person?"

Bai Shan nodded, "It's selected, but the people selected in the army are either old or have a lot of old wounds on them, and they are no longer suitable for service in the army. It's strong."

  Man Bao nodded. The first group of six people are like this. She really doesn't have any hope for the next ones, but it's better to be able to choose by herself than to be always by the Cypriots of the Duhu Mansion.

  Man Bao didn’t know that General Guo had given them a worse group of people, or simply refused to give them.

  Of course, she has no chance to know.

In the next two days, the remaining people developed acne one after another, and Soldier A didn’t have a fever for two days. The acne rash on his hand slowly receded and became scabs. After removing the surface layer, he followed The general smallpox marks are the same.

  What Manbao did not expect was that the twelve pieces had grown on No.2, and after a day and a half of low-grade fever, they gradually receded, and then the acne tended to fall off after maturity.

  The situation of No. 5 is similar to No. 1, which is Soldier A.

  Everyone was shocked, and Man Bao excitedly pulled Bai Shandao: "If this is the case, everyone in the world can be vaccinated with acne."

    I want to go to bed early tonight, so see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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