Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2306: bribe

  Chapter 2306 Bribery

  On the fifth day, the six of them did not have any abnormalities, and Man Baoxin let go of most of them, but they were still not allowed to go out, and they were still kept in the house.

  But the six of them are not lonely. They got in touch with their colleagues in the yard next door, and it was quite lively to talk to each other across a wall.

  Man Bao does not stop them from chatting across the courtyard wall, and the virus will not spread through sound.

  She kept the people for ten days, and none of the ten people had acne. Only then did she announce the success of the test, and Man Bao wrote down their pulses carefully before letting them go out.

  Bai Shan gave them the cloth prepared early in the morning and said: "This is what I promised you in the morning."

  The eyes of the six were bright, and they wanted to stick to the cloth.

  The six people hugged the cloth and asked, "My lord, are we going back to the barracks?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Your body is fine, and you will be immune to smallpox in the future."

  She paused and said: "After you go back, you should also take care of your body. I will bring you some medicine bars."

  Those medicinal wines are useful for their old wounds, but they are not very useful, but the six are still very happy. They have used them and think they are very useful.

  For them, useful medicine is easy to use, no matter how useful it is.

  Send them away, Man Bao distributed 18 people to each yard, and he was about to start vaccination against cowpox.

  Eighteen people, only three of them used the medicine in the end, and the other fifteen people were the same as the first six, all of whom had low-grade fevers, and they survived on their own.

Man Bao summarized these data and said with Bai Shan: "It can be seen that cowpox is much less toxic than human pox. When we are growing human pox in Beijing, basically every patient needs medication, and 60% of patients will have a high fever. , And half of these 60% will be dangerous, and finally..."

After a pause, Man Bao continued: "Unfortunately, there are not enough basic data. Whether a large-scale vaccination can be done requires more data, and it also depends on the sequelae."

  Bai Shan: "Will there be sequelae?"

  Man Bao shook his head and said, "No in theory, but who knows in reality? So we have to wait, time will tell."

  Bai Shan looked down and thought, and asked: "Then are we going to bring back these people who are being tested?"

  Man Baodao: "Didn't we write down their household registration? Even if you don't bring it, you can check it later."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “Then take it home, and let them go back to their hometowns when they arrive in the capital. It will take half a year, let alone, you can observe carefully.”

  Man Bao looked at him in surprise.

  Bai Shan blinked at her, "These people are considered patients of your hospital too, should you pay the travel expenses if you are too hospital?"

  Man Bao thought about it, "Anxi is at war, and the household department has a lot of expenses. It is not easy to repay the account with the household department, but half of the hospital’s expenditure is from your majesty’s internal library..."

   More than twenty people went back with them again. The cost should not be very large. Your Majesty should be able to afford it... right?

  Man Bao, who wanted to continue the experiment, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Do you want to experiment?"

   Two more calls, it will be difficult to bring.

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "Since the success rate of vaccinia is so high, then I will choose eighteen people?"

  It’s good to take more people back. Many of the soldiers in the Anxi Army were transferred from the Zhenbei Army in Fengzhou, Xiazhou. The older ones have not returned to the village after guarding the border for 20 years.

  Now in his 30s and 40s, he has gray hair, and he is obviously about the same age as Da Ji, but he looks like an older generation.

  Man Bao nodded, "Okay, this batch will have to wait eight days to be released, so let's select 18 people to raise their bodies."

  Bai Shan went to the barracks to pick people, and by the way, told the people in the Duhufu that they would take these test soldiers away when they left.

  The people in the Duhufu were taken aback, "take it away?"

Bai Shan smiled and nodded, "They are all the first people to be vaccinated. Your Majesty and the Tai Hospital must see real people, otherwise we will give them our papers. Everyone will be a fool, so we have to bring people. go."

  He said by the way, “I don’t know how they are preparing for their settlement expenses. The veterans will also have to pay for the trip back to their hometowns? Let’s prepare them together. Then we can leave as soon as possible.”

The people in the Duhufu had a headache after calculating a sum of money. Although the money is not very large, there are only 24 people at present. If you choose 18 more, there are only 42 people. But everybody in the Duhufu A sum of money has a place to go, where can I squeeze out money for them at this moment and a half?

  Bai Shan doesn't care about them, this is what they need to deal with headaches, he goes directly to the army to choose people.

  The military camps dedicated to the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled were very lively, and one after another crowded in front of Bai Shan to recommend themselves.

  The first group of six people came back and learned that they really got the cloth, and the vaccination seemed not as dangerous as they thought, so many people were willing.

There are not many of these people. After all, the soldiers who were injured on the battlefield either died or were able to continue on the battlefield. Only if they were missing their arms and legs, or their bodies could no longer be on the front lines would they be left in this camp. Some logistical matters.

  So there are not many people who can choose from Bai Shan.

As soon as he heard that he was going to choose 18, the general in charge of this battalion put on Bai Shan’s shoulders and the two brothers said as if: "Master Bai, look at the remaining people, no more, no more than twenty-two. Yes, you think you have chosen 18, so just take the remaining four away, or else it would be boring to leave them four in one camp?"

  Bai Shan: "...This is a kind of acne. If the body is really inappropriate, it will kill you."

   "Hey, this person has a death. It is death in the barracks and death on the battlefield. This death is also death under smallpox. Don't worry, they are not afraid of death."

  "Yes, yes, Mr. Bai, we are not afraid of death."

   "Young Master Bai, please take us all. Don't worry, we don't eat as much as them, and we don't need cloth."

  "Yes, yes, it's okay to pay the resettlement and travel expenses to me by the Metropolitan Government."

  Obviously, they all heard about the settlement and travel expenses of Baishan and Duhu.

  Bai Shan: …This is the front and back thing, is the Duhu Mansion done by the sieve?

  Bai Shan frowned.

  Pulling him aside, his sleeves flicked, and a purse was squeezed into Bai Shan's hands, his eyes widened in an instant.

  Growing so large, it was the first time that Bai Shan was bribed and stunned.

He forced the money bag into Bai Shan's hand, and whispered: "Young Master Bai, you can do it well, pull people away, and you and Master Zhou can plant anything on them. It will be better if you live or die. Don’t be afraid, turn your head back on fire, turn people into ashes and send them to their respective homes as soon as they are sent, that is, their settlement expenses and travel expenses..."

The smile on Bai Shan's face has already fallen, and he lowered his voice and said: "At that time, I will trouble Young Master Bai to take the money back and send it to each house with the ashes, but you can rest assured, everyone has discussed it, don’t let it go. You are in vain. How about taking half of the settlement fee?"

  Bai Shan: ...Does he look like someone who lacks money?

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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