Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2311: be terrified

   Chapter 2311

  A torch was inserted in the medical tent, and the lamp was turned on. It was considered brightly lit. The military doctors had been waiting, but when they saw the arrows on General Guo and General Guo, his expression changed, "This..."

  How to cure this?

  Fortunately, the military doctor has rich experience, and he quickly reacted, and immediately ordered: "Take the scissors, cut the arrow feathers first, and go to boil the hemostatic medicine..."

  Man Bao also hurried in, rolled up his sleeves and said: "I have urgent hemostatic pills. The hemostatic medicine needs to be boiled, but now I will take the medicine for anger and blood."

  She read the name of the medicine, and said to Zhou Liru: "Go grab the medicine and boil it now."

   Zhou Liru repeated it, and after confirming that there was no problem with his sister-in-law, he went down to grab the medicine.

Man Bao first went to see General Guo. She touched his pulse and turned to see General Guo. He was still a little conscious. He was trying to open his eyes, seeing Zhou Man vaguely, and his mouth moved. , But no sound can be heard at all.

  Little General Guo didn’t know that his voice was not coming out. He only felt that someone patted him on the shoulder. Amidst the blur, he could vaguely heard someone say to him: "Don’t worry."

  So he fainted with confidence.

   Seeing that Zhou Man gave up General Guo directly, the military doctor could not help but touched General Guo. He could hardly hear his heart pulse. Looking at the position of the three arrows, he gritted his teeth, turned and left, and ran to see General Guo.

  The soldier in the medical tent brought the scissors, Man Bao took it, held the arrow shaft and cut the arrow feathers, leaving only a short section.

  The military doctor was shocked when he saw it, and asked, "How can I draw an arrow?"

  Man Baodao: "Drawing an arrow at this position is equivalent to death, so dig it out."

  There are barbs in the arrow. Pulling it out can bring out a lot of flesh and blood. It's nothing else, but this position is very dangerous.

  The military doctor also knows, but dug it out...

   "I'm afraid it will hook up more flesh and blood."

  Man Baodao: "I will carefully separate some meridians."

  Man Bao has quickly peeled off the armor on his body, holding scissors to cut all the clothes on his upper body.

  Bai Shan came in with her medicine box, took a look and then took out a hemostatic bag to replace the medicine bag on his chest.

  Bai Erlang and Liu Huan also brought in a pot of hot water, and they methodically wiped the blood from his body.

  Manbao gave him an injection to stop the bleeding and protect his heart pulse.

  Little General Guo had two arrows, one on the right back and one on the left chest. Man Bao and the military doctor directly dealt with the one on the right back first.

The military doctors are very familiar with the task of drawing arrows. Among the ten wounded patients who are sent to him, at least six need to draw arrows, so he is very experienced. Before Manbao can hold his back, he Already supported his back with one hand, and pulled out the arrow directly with one hand.

It was a coincidence. There was not much flesh and blood that came out, but the blood still went out with a grunt. Man Bao quickly took the medicine packet with his eyes and hands. After waiting for a while, he found that the bleeding was slightly slow. After there is nothing left, quickly clean up the wound and suture it.

  The military doctor saw her stitching so fast, he couldn't help but was stunned for a while, "Will the wound not split like this?"

  Man Baodao: "If the texture is right, it won't be. The meridians and flesh and blood are symmetrical..."

  Man Bao was stitched in half, touched his pulse, her face changed slightly, she turned her head and Zhou Liru, who came back after grabbing the medicine, said: "You come to test his blood, he needs a blood transfusion."

   Zhou Li, as his eyes lit up, he immediately responded.

  Shirajiro was very interested**, put down the tub and said, "I'll help too."

   Liu Huan also put down, "I will go too."

  So the three of them ran away.

  The military doctor's eyes brightened when he heard the blood transfusion, but he had specifically inquired about the doctor Zhou, and knew that she had a magical skill of blood transfusion in the treatment of trauma, he also wanted to go, but...

  He looked at Zhou Man, who was sewing with his head down, and wanted to see her sewing.

  He thought for a while, then stepped forward to squeeze the lantern-carrying Bai Shan, stretched out his hand to grab the lantern in his hand, and smiled and said, "Master Bai, I'll do this kind of work."

  Bai Shan:...

  He simply turned around and went out, looking at the distant city of the king's city with flames in the distance. Little General Meng did not come back, obviously they were still fighting.

  He felt a little bad, and called Nie to join the army, "Who is in charge of the army now?"

Nie Shenjun said: "I've inquired, General Zhao and General Li are under General Guo, but both of them have entered the city together. I don't know if there is any danger. At present, it is General Meng who can call the shots. NS."

  Bai Shandao: "The medical account is not allowed to be spread out. You let our people keep the medical account. The news here is not allowed to be spread out. If someone asks outside, it will be said that General Guo is still rescued."

  They all knew that General Guo had no possibility of rescue. Just now, Bai Shan touched the opponent's hand. It had already begun to get cold, and he couldn't feel the pulse at all.

  But if something happens to the general, the army is likely to be in chaos.

  Nie joined the army to respond.

  Bai Shan turned around, still said: "Where are the two commanders?"

  They were responsible for taking Zhou Man and the others to find General Asina, so they were not under the control of General Guo, and naturally they did not go to the front line. They have been protecting Zhou Man together in the army of Nie.

  Nie joined the army and turned to find the two of them.

  Bai Shan wrote a letter now, and took out a full seal to stamp it and hand it to them, “You set off overnight to find the chief executive and report the matter to the chief executive.”

  The two soldiers looked at each other and did not move.

  Bai Shan said: "General Guo... was killed."

   surprised the soldiers, their complexion changed drastically.

Bai Shandao: "I think you guys also know that Qiuci was only captured. The general manager spent two months going to the five cities. The hearts of the people in the city have not settled. Once this happens, the five cities are likely to rebel. In charge of their back road is cut off."

   "There is a Western Turk in the north, Yanqi in the west, and Khotan in the south. The way out of Qiuci must not be cut off, otherwise..."

  Otherwise, the 20,000 army will be packed with dumplings. I am afraid that they can only penetrate the vast desert to break out of the encirclement. But the desert is so terrifying, how can they pass through?

  The two commanders shuddered, and immediately reached out to take the letter, and solemnly responded.

  Bai Shan said to Nie Canjun: "Prepare horses and water for them."

  Nie joined the army and took the two people down to make arrangements.

  A quarter of an hour later, one person took two horses to say goodbye.

  Bai Shan sent the people to the intersection and watched them quickly disappear into the night while pulling a horse after they got on the horse.

  Nie’s joining the army is actually a bit worried. They are not very far from Xizhou. Now they can escape from Qiuci if they turn around and run, but after they escape.

  If the five cities of Qiuci rebelled and the army fell inside, Xizhou would definitely not be able to keep it.

  Be aware that there are now only a thousand troops in Xizhou.

  The nearest city of Dajin and Xizhou is Yizhou, there is no need to think about it, there are not many garrisons at all.

  Nie had a headache in joining the army, but at the same time he was terrified. Once the army fell, his majesty's scheming in the Western Regions over the past few years would be wasted, and so much manpower and material resources were spent.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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