Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2313: consensus

   Chapter 2313 Consensus

  The military doctor could only find a piece of cloth to temporarily cover General Guo, and sighed to see General Guo, who was still alive or dead on the other side.

  This pair of father and son are also unlucky, why did something happen together?

  Bai Shan and Man Bao stood at the intersection looking at the direction of the city gate, where they still shouted to kill the sky.

  Man Bao was silent for a while and asked, "What time was it?"

  Bai Shandao: "It's just too ugly."

   is when people are asleep the most.

  Man Bao: "It's been three hours, haven't the outcome been decided yet?"

  Bai Shan sighed: "Where it is so easy, I don't want General Meng to quell the rebellion, just bring back enough people."

  So that they will be able to fight the chaos afterwards.

As I was thinking, the faint shouting of killing seemed to disappear, and the two couldn’t help but look at each other. They were about to send someone to look at each other. There were many injured and they were delivered immediately, and you will be ready immediately."

   Let the soldiers know the whole battalion.

  Bai Shan stopped Lingbing who was about to go back again, and asked, "Is the war over?"

   "The rebel army retreated to the city, and the city gate was closed." He paused and said: "Little General Meng went in and out three times, and brought out all the people who were trapped inside."

What    can’t bring out is not dead, so you can only surrender.

  Lone army included, surrendering is not a shameful thing. It’s just to go back and go back to the camp. They are familiar with this kind of thing, and it’s not a big deal.

  Bai Shan let him go, and after a glance with Man Bao, he turned around to arrange the medical account, and all the soldiers and guards began to get busy.

  Bai Shan arranged for people to fetch water, find firewood, prepare to start a fire and boil water for cooking, and hot water for the wounded to wash.

  Now there is General Guo in the medical tent. Obviously, no one can enter it. Therefore, the medical tent has to be rebuilt. If there are too many wounded, they will directly rescue outside.

So medicine is very important at this time. Man Bao visited their pharmacy yesterday and had a general impression of their existing medicines, so he thought about prescribing two prescriptions, one for hemostatic decoction, and the other for qi continuation. The decoction of life.

  Zhou Liru dragged Liu Huan to grab the medicine, and now he will make it.

  They were only ready, and General Li returned with a large army, with a bunch of wounded soldiers behind.

When they arrived at the camp, everyone pulled off the wounded soldiers from the horse and the car. Bai Shan immediately rushed up with the guards and pulled them one by one. Outside, this one goes to the second medical account..."

  The guards took orders one by one to where they should be placed.

  The military doctor took his assistants, Man Bao also called some people to listen to instructions, Zhou Liru asked Liu Huan and Bai Erlang to listen to instructions.

  No way, she is not very skilled yet, and someone familiar with her can help.

  The three-person team gets busy.

  General Li opened his mouth, and found that he could not find the person to question, so he frowned to enter the middle of the medical account.

  Nie Canjun, who was ordered to guard the medical tent, stopped him and looked at him with embarrassment.

  Fortunately, Bai Shan rushed over quickly and entered with General Li.

  General Li saw the silent General Guo lying on the bed. He was shocked, and at the same time he was a little scared, "The news of the general’s accident..."

  "Only in this medical account."

  General Li quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Bai Shan seriously, and after a long while, solemnly said, "Thank you, Mr. Bai for helping."

  Bai Shan said: "The general is polite, there are no eggs under the cover of the nest, not to mention that kindness is a jinshi under the order of the Ministry of Rites, and even the husband has a heavy responsibility in this situation."

  He paused and said, "Before the general returned, Shan asked Lingbing to chase the general manager for help."

  General Li lifted up his spirits and asked: "Is General Han sent to ask Zhou Taiyi's commander?"


  General Li heaved a sigh of relief, "Okay, so we should be able to turn around if we guard for a few days."

  Bai Shan asked: "How are our casualties this time, how many days can the rest of us stay?"

  General Li sighed, "We rushed into the city gate and found that we were in the middle. Fortunately, the general saw the opportunity quickly and immediately asked me to quit. It is a pity that he and the major general were at the end..."

That’s no way. Although General Guo was ill, he always took the lead in the battle. Not only would he rush to the forefront, but he would also carry his son to the forefront. Therefore, the front team changed to the back team at that time. He and Guo Xiao The general bears the brunt.

With the effort of General Li sighing, Bai Shan had already weighed the pros and cons in his heart. He solemnly saluted General Li and said, "Next, there will be General Lao Li and General Meng. We have to guard for at least five days. Even if Qingqi comes to the manager, it will take time."

  General Li can only nod his head, and at this time he can only get on.

  Bai Shan asked, "Where are General Zhao and General Meng?"

   "Little General Meng is cleaning the battlefield behind and counting the wounded, General Zhao, he..."

  General Li shook his head, "The man fell in the city. We saw him being chopped twice and couldn't get him back."

  It was mostly killed in battle.

  Bai Shan also fell silent for a while.

  The two discussed about the guards, “The most urgent thing is to cut off their information. Things that have changed in the royal city must not be spread out. It can be cut off for a few days or a few days.”

  General Li knew that this was to prevent the other five cities from following the rebellion, and if that were the case, their back path with the army would be cut off.

General Li did not leave, and immediately discussed with him in the medical account. He took a knife and stroked the ground a few times, then clicked a little and said, "These two roads are okay. We should be able to hold on, but this time The rebellion has the shadow of the Turkic army. Obviously, the rebels in the city have contacted the Turkic army. If they pass from here, we can't stop it at all."

  Bai Shan seriously thought about the location on the map, and said, "Will you take a detour?"

   "Yes, the journey will be a bit further."

   "Then send people to notify the cities, close the city gates, and be careful, just say that when General Guo is well injured, he will go back to the king city after reorganizing the team, so that other cities will not move."

  General Li thought for a while, there is only this way at present.

  The two finally came out of the medical account. General Li said with a calm face: "The general only woke up for a while and then fell asleep again. Don't disturb the general with the affairs of the army for the time being."

  The soldiers responded and turned to pass the order.

  General Li again sent someone to replace Bai Shan's manpower, and his personal soldiers guarded the medical account.

  Nie joined the army and couldn't help but look at Bai Shan.

Bai Shan nodded and asked Nie Canjun to take the people away, leaving only two people. Bai Shan’s excuse was, "General Guo has only had a blood transfusion. These two soldiers and Zhou Tai have undergone some medical treatment. They stay to take care of."

  The two soldiers looked dumbfounded, but when General Li looked over, they straightened their backs immediately to show that they understood, although they didn't.

  General Li had no doubts, nodded and let them stay.

  Anyway, their purpose is the same, and news of General Guo’s death must not be spread at this time.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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