Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2356: Travel

  Chapter 2356 Traveling

Mrs. Liu smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "I thought that there was only you in the family, and we had a bad relationship with the family, so Da Lang and Er Lang could help with you. I didn’t expect that Man Bao could also be there. The officialdom has something to do, but it’s good now. With her, you will only respond more in the officialdom in the future."

   "The officialdom is not calmer than the battlefield at all, you must be careful in the future..." Mrs. Liu exhorted a lot, and she didn't let Bai Shan leave and return to the house until late at night.

The light was on at the main courtyard, and Man Bao was writing under the light. May Jiulan and Xihua Xihua stood aside, pouring water and rubbing ink for Manbao’s tea, which was a red-sleeve scent, but Man Bao Bao couldn't bear it a bit.

  She looked at them with a pen holding her face, and asked: "Aren't you tired? Do you want to rest for a while?"

  The four shook their heads together, indicating that they were not tired at all.

  Man Bao had no choice but to let them go.

  The house is quiet again, but Man Bao is surrounded by a lot of excitement, and four little maids follow her every day, wishing to leave the road for her.

  Bai Shan and the others looked very happy, even the people outside knew that Zhou Man had added two new girls from the Western Regions to be girls, which made the girls beside them jealous, and they were fighting for favor recently.

The people outside knew it because when it was Manbao’s turn to be on duty at Huangzhuang, the four of them brought her things, changed clothes, all kinds of daily necessities, and food and drink. They wanted to move her home. .

  At that time, Taiyi Liu and others came over to check the situation of the cow. Before leaving, they saw a scene where four little girls were jealous for another little girl.

  This is really...too rare.

On the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, all five cows had acne, but the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the first lunar month were on holiday, and it was just the turn of Dr. Zheng and Dr. Lu for these two days. Fortunately, Man Bao returned home and said to Bai Shan as soon as he got home. We took cakes and they went out together."

  Bai Shan puzzled: "Why?"

  Man Bao casually searched for a reason, “They are here for the first time in Beijing, we will take them to enjoy the scenery of Chang'an.”

  Bai Shan: "You just need to give them a holiday. Every year during the festival, grandmother will give the family a holiday and let them go out to play. There are so many people in the house, where can you take it?"

"Okay," Man Bao can only tell the truth, "I don't know who it is. I'm spreading bad words outside. These days, as long as I enter the Taiyuan Hospital and Chongwen Hall, everyone is staring at me curiously. There are a few people. I also asked me in person, I’m not stalwart and handsome, why are there girls who are jealous for me? Humph, I think they are jealous, so this time I’m going to take them out for a stroll, and I’ll go to places like Qingfeng Building, the champion building."

  The most favorite restaurants for officials in North Korea during the Chinese New Year are these two places, except for these two places, which are the horse farms in the eastern and western suburbs.

  Man Bao decided, "I will take them to the racecourse during the day, and I will take them to the restaurant in the evening."

  Man Bao did what he said, but the four people who made ointment in the shop also called back, and brought ten girls from the Western Regions, plus May and Jiulan, and a total of twelve people were about to go out.

  When Zheng saw it, he was refreshed, and grabbed Man Baodao: "What's the point of going out like this? You have to dress up well."

  Man Bao tangled, "Is it too late to make new clothes now?"

"There are ready-made ones at home," Zheng said with a smile: "I will have someone make new clothes for them after they come, and this year the girl Xiaosi has also made a lot of clothes for the season change, and I can get them now. Come out and give it to them in advance."

   So Man Bao returned with twelve people and asked them to go to the sewing room to pick up new clothes and put on them.

  The clothes of the servants of the Bai family are all similar. They are all waist-length skirts, the tops are tender green, and the lower body is a rose-red skirt, which is particularly dazzling.

  The fabric of the clothes was chosen by Zheng. She likes to look at bright girls. Therefore, the clothes that the girl at home changes every year are selected by her and handed over to the stewards to buy and sew.

  Twelve young girls in their teens and twenties put on the new clothes, and it suddenly became a beautiful landscape.

  Zheng looked like he liked it, and said to the big girl next to him: "I have some silk flowers in my house. You can bring them to wear."

  She and Man Bao said happily, "This is how you can save face when you take it out."

  Bai Shan looked at the smile on his mother's face, and when he moved in his heart, he smiled and said, "Mother, why don't you go with us."

  Zheng cried slightly and said with a smile: "What am I going to do?"

"Go play," Man Bao also kept her arm, and happily said: "Let’s go to the racecourse first and take them around. I heard that the Western Suburbs Racecourse and the Eastern Suburbs Racecourse are grabbing guests. Horse racing has been set up on both sides in the past two days. Among them are women’s horse races. Only those who win will get the prize. We take them to races for a few races, and we will leave after taking the prize. When we come back, we will go to the restaurant to stroll around..."

  Zheng was a little moved, but he still shook his head, "Forget it, you guys play, I'll go there to beat you up if you are uncomfortable."

"It won't be uncomfortable," Man Bao said, "We don't play with unfamiliar people. We are all acquaintances. The three of us are with Yin or Liu Huan. By the way, Liu Huan doesn't know if he can come out. If you can’t, let us play."

  Zheng's heart is getting more and more, but he still refuses to respond.

  Bai Shan ran to find his grandmother, and Mrs. Liu smiled and said, “You can go with the children. During the Lantern Festival, you will follow them.”

  Zheng only agreed. She checked her clothes and touched her hair, "I'm going to change my clothes for going out..."

  Comb another hair or something.

  Zheng turned and quickly went back to the house, and her girls immediately followed.

  Man Bao also went to join in the fun.

  Although Zheng is a widow, his clothes are light, whether it is at home or when he goes out, but he still has bright clothes.

  There are some things she really likes to do, and some Mrs. Liu deliberately chose to make them for her.

  Lao Mrs. Liu does not restrict her daughter-in-law to wear plain clothes. In her opinion, people have been dead for so long, so it’s okay to be lighter on the anniversary of her death, and do whatever she wants.

  She wears plain clothes herself. One is that she is older, and the other is that she likes it, but Zheng is different. She has a simple temperament and people also like bright things.

  It’s clear that she made clothes for Man Bao every three to five. They were all brightly colored clothes, and even the shoes had large paintings. If it weren’t too extravagant, she would still like to put pearls on Man Bao’s shoes.

  Standing in front of the cabinet, Zheng had a headache and didn’t know which clothes to wear. Man Bao squeezed it up for her to choose. She and the two girls directly ordered them down, “Aunt Zheng, you must look good in this suit.”

  Zheng hesitated, "Will it be too bright?"

   "No," Man Bao said, "Now is the spring when everything is resurrected, and the peony flowers are about to bloom outside. It is the time to look good. When you wear this set, it will be just like spring. You will definitely look good."

  Zheng's whispered: "But I'm a widow, it's not easy to wear such bright clothes."

   "Be happy for yourself," Man Bao said, "We don't just wear clothes for others. The most important thing is not to please ourselves? You like it, and your happiness is more important than anything else."

  Zheng thought for a while and felt that it made sense, so he took the clothes and changed them in the maid’s service.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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