Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2359: Missed lucky money

  Chapter 2359 Missing New Year's Money

  One even asked Xiao Si directly, “Is there any non-drinking alcohol in the previous doctor’s order of the Doctor Zhou?”

  Xiao Si cried.

  Everyone knew it was there at first glance, so they all turned to look at Su Jian, this is a true warrior.

  Su Jian's face was ugly, and when he came into contact with the faces of his friends, he couldn't help but yelled back: "Is this to blame? It's just some light drinks, and I'm not drunk..."

  Su Jian became guilty as he spoke, and his voice gradually became quieter.

  Su Jian felt a faint pain in his stomach and couldn't help covering his stomach.

  The pain that was originally tolerable became more unbearable now, and his face became harder and harder to look.

  His friends didn’t look very well, they were very scared, and quickly went to look at his stomach, “You, you won’t be really...or else go and ask Master Zhou to come and have a look immediately.”

   "Please, please, people are now from the fourth grade."

   "Oh, regardless of so much, she will also see it in the face of His Royal Highness, I will invite it."

  "Don't go," Su Jian grabbed the person, his face flushed red, "I, I just ate my stomach, so what should I go, I am not allowed to go."

  "But..." Everyone looked at his stomach and was still worried. After all, it was an opened stomach. I heard that the internal organs were a bit torn in the past, and it was sewn with needles and threads.

  They were a little trembling just thinking about it. Although they are friends with friends and dogs, they hire cats and dogs every day, and Su Jian is a more promising one among them. After all, he has an errand with the prince...

   But no matter how young they are, they also know that if Su Jian drank with them to death, not to mention the Su family, they would not be able to pass this level in their hearts.

  So after a few people looked at each other, they persuaded Su Jian, “You don’t want to see Lord Zhou. Then I will send someone back to the city to ask a doctor to come and see?”

  "Yes, yes, go back to the city and ask a doctor to come out and have a look. Even if you have a bad stomach, you have to take medicine, right?"

  Su Jian was silent and didn't object. If Zhou Man was not allowed to watch, then he would not be so embarrassed. He was still reluctant to take his life, so he didn't mind other doctors watching.

  Hubs, friends, friends, immediately ordered the subordinates to drive back to the city to invite the doctor, and said: "Please a good doctor."

  Man Bao, although they don't like to bet on the team, they like watching polo. They scored the first goal. Man Bao cheered and screamed.

  The next time another team scored a goal, they also screamed. They are not very familiar with the two teams, so if there is no team, whoever scores will be encouraged, and there is no standpoint.

  Zhao Liulang and others ran over and saw them, very angry, "How do you encourage Wei Fengyuan's team? We bought Yu Jiang to win."

  Bai Shan knew Wei Fengyuan and met with Zhao Liulang. He knew that they were at odds, and he often fought during the Imperial College, so he asked, "Who is Yu Jiang?"

"Last year, a new student from the Imperial College, his father was Yu Xin, the provincial governor. He didn't deal with Wei Fengyuan as soon as he entered the Imperial College. I heard that they have three games to determine the outcome today." Zhao Liulang said, "I bought Yu Jiang to win. , It's twenty taels, don't applaud Wei Fengyuan."

  Man Bao: "...We can't affect the result of his game even if we applaud him?"

"That's not okay, we are still not in the same group?" Zhao Liulang said he was about to go in, but as soon as he turned the screen and saw the person sitting above, he was taken aback and reacted and hurriedly saluted, "I don't know Bai Madam is here too, rude and rude."

  Zheng smiled and said to him: "You guys have fun with Shanbao, I just come out and have a look."

  Zhao Liulang looked at more than a dozen beautiful girls around her, and was speechless for a long time. Is this just coming out to take a look?

  He smiled and retired, and when he retired to the railing, he pulled Bai Shan and asked, "So you guys said that there is a visitor with more than a dozen beautiful girls."

  Bai Shanle said: "It's all passed to you? Isn't it that most people in this racecourse know it?"

  Zhao Liulang: "Almost."

  Bai Shan turned his head and Man Bao said: "Congratulations, you have reached half before the goal of the game."

  Zhao Liulang was surprised, "What's the purpose?"

   "The purpose of anger," Bai Shan laughed: "She is angering people, and I will be happy when the goal is achieved."

  Zhao Liulang pondered for a while, and also thought of the recent private rumors, he couldn't help but glance at Bai Shan, "Why is she fighting against others, shouldn't it be you?"

  Bai Shan was taken aback, "What is my business?"

   "It is said in private that you can't support your husband in the future. After all, your girl is jealous for her, not for you."

  Manbao said, "Is there any future situation?"

  Bai Erlang Le Taotao, "This post is good."

  Bai Shan ignored them, but turned to the subject: "You lost Yu Jiang in the first game. Did you only vote for this game, or was it Yu Jiang who voted for the championship?"

   Zhao Liulang was shocked, and immediately looked up, and saw that the end drum had already sounded below, and Wei Fengyuan had won.

  He couldn’t help but jump his feet, “How can Yu Jiang lose? Isn’t he claiming to be No. 1 in Polo State?”

Ma Run beside    said: "Wei Fengyuan's polo is not bad, and you have to lie on your stomach when you first arrive in the capital?"

  Zhao Liulang couldn't help turning around and punching him, "Which side of you, didn't you also vote for Yu Jiang just now?"

  Ma Run jumped back to avoid his attack and laughed loudly: "I voted for Yu Jiang in the position, but after I came out, I went to find Wei Fengyuan, who had voted fifty-two for the guard."

  Zhao Liulang:...

  Bai Shan couldn’t help asking him, “Where did you get so much money?”

  Shirajiro also returned to his senses, "Yeah, where did you get so much money? By the way, you still owe me money."

   Ma Run immediately said: "I owe you the money, but I don’t want to pay it back. I can’t pay you back when you are not in the capital. I won’t pay the interest in the middle."

   Shirajiro was choked, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, then you give me the interest and principal after I come back."

  Ma Run slapped his hand and said: "I don't have it now, all bets are gone, and I will give it to you when the comparison is over."

   Shirajiro didn't mind, and withdrew his hand and asked, "Where did you get so much money?"

  Zhao Liulang said: "Don’t ask, this is just the New Year. Who has no money, and Ma Run’s uncle will return to Beijing this year to report on work, and he must have given a lot of money for the new year."

  Man Bao and the others were shocked, "Yes, the New Year's money, we don’t seem to get the New Year's money this year."

  Zhao Liulang couldn't help but look at her, "You still get the new year's money after you got the fourth grade? We only got it because we were still studying."

   "That's your lazy, even if you can't be a civil servant, can't you still be Eun Yin as a guard?" Man Bao said: "You are so much older than me that you can get lucky money, why can't I take it?"

  She confidently said: "Everyone gave it back to me last year."

  Bai Erlang: "Yes, last year the Prince, Tang Xuexi, and Yang Xuexi all prepared New Year's Eve money for Man Bao. How can we not give it this year?"

  Mainly he wants it too.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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