Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2364: Exhort

   Chapter 2364

  Professional watching the doorway, after Zhou Man pulled out two needles, Doctor Ding said to the onlookers: "Okay, people are fine for the time being, take it when the medicine arrives."

  Su Jian still had a needle in his belly and waist, and he asked, "What does it mean to see?"

  The Hupengou friends who hadn't believed Su Jian's improvement at first saw that he was able to speak. They put aside their hearts and looked at Doctor Ding curiously.

Doctor Ding hesitated for a while before he said: "Intestinal carbuncle...but you can also use decoction to treat it, but if you are in an emergency like Xiao Gongye, most of the intestinal abscess is serious, so it is necessary to clear the organs and drain the pus. Dr. Zhou Xiao again uses needles. Grooming the menstrual flow and diarrhea for the little father-in-law is the best therapy. It should be effective after being mixed with the medicine. After waiting for ten days, with a needle every other day, it should be cured."

  "But if the painkiller is taken out after the medication and the condition has not improved significantly, then the small intestine at the abscess may be necrotic, so it can only be cut off."

  Everyone's eyes rounded, Su Jian almost moved back, and asked in shock: "You, you want to open my stomach?"

Doctor Ding immediately calmed him and said, "Don’t worry, Dad-in-law, it’s just a small opening. Ulcers do this, and Dr. Zhou Xiao can even open the abdomen to remove the child. Naturally, this kind of bowel cleansing technique is not worth it. carry."

"That's because it wasn't your belly!" Su Jian was unhappy. It was forgotten last time. It was because he was in danger and he was in a coma. This time he said nothing would be opened unless... choose.

Man Bao sat aside and calmed him: "It's okay. It's not sure yet. Maybe it's not necrosis. It's just an abscess, and it might be cured. It's a big deal. I'll just go to your house to give you an injection tomorrow. NS."

  Man Bao’s comfort made him feel a little better, he dared not move, and asked: "Doctor Zhou, do you want to stop giving me a few more shots?"

  Man Bao: " need, the more needles the better, I'm afraid I will give you another good or bad one."

  The steward ran up quickly and happily told them that there was medicine in the storeroom. At this time, he had caught it and boiled it, and he could drink it after another two quarters of an hour.

  So many people were sitting or standing staring at Su Jian's belly, and even the neighbor Cui Gongzi and the others leaned against the screen and stared at Su Jian's belly.

  This is the first time they have seen Zhou Man give someone a doctor, let alone, they still have a different feeling in their hearts.

Looking at Bai Shan standing aside, he didn’t seem to react at all to Zhou Man’s touching the belly of another man. He took out a veil from his body to soak Zhou Man’s hands and wiped his hands, leaning on her. He asked him, "If you need to open your stomach and clean your bowels, where do you want to clean your bowels?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said, “Naturally, Ji Shitang is the best, but if he doesn’t want to, he can do it in the Su family.”

  Bai Shan asked: "Where to cut?"

  Man Bao clicked on the deepest place where he was pierced, "Here, it doesn’t need to be too big, just a small hole."

   also comforted Su Jian, who had an ugly face, "Look, it's far from your original wound, it won't overlap."

  Everyone looked intently, and vaguely saw a long and winding wound in the clothes he lifted up, which was stitched together before.

  Everyone swallowed.

  The medicine was delivered, Man Bao did not take the remaining needles, and let him drink the medicine directly. After drinking it for a while, he would go to the latrine, and Man Bao pulled the needle for him.

  Man Bao and Doctor Ding sat and waited. After he was helped back, he pulsed and pressed a button on his stomach. After seeing his reaction, congratulated him, "It seems that there is no necrosis. Congratulations."

Su Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

Man Bao said: "Don't rush to relax, so you can tell the little grandpa that this intestinal carbuncle is caused by improper eating and uncleanness, not to mention that you have drunk so much wine, you have had a knife in your stomach, and you have lost blood back then. So much, in fact, it has some effects on the body. It looks like ordinary people on weekdays, but it is necessary to control eating, drinking and abstinence, otherwise things that the internal organs can’t stand will eventually accumulate and become sick, especially alcohol. That’s a big deal."

  She glanced at the wine on the table, and said to him: "The little father-in-law should be more restrained in the future."

  Man Bao has a normal relationship with him, so she is willing to persuade and persuade her in the face of the prince and the princess. Otherwise, why did she persuade her in such detail now as the doctor's advice was given earlier?

  Su Jian finally went home clutching his stomach.

  Doctor Ding turned his head and said: "He has to be careful about this disease. If the decoction is useless, cut it off as soon as possible, otherwise it will hurt people to death."

  Man Bao nodded, and said to him: "Are you going back to Su's house?"

  Doctor Ding smiled and said: "My prescription is still good, but this acupuncture is far worse than you. I just saw you use three more acupuncture points than I know..."

  The two of them stood in the stands and discussed, Bai Shan ignored them, took Zhao Liulang in and sat down for dinner, and ordered the steward of the racecourse, "Bring my mother a table of wine and food."

  The steward bent down to respond, saying that Zhou Man's consumption in the racecourse today is regarded as a racecourse, and it can be regarded as thanking Zhouman for the little father-in-law.

  Zhao Liulang immediately asked, "Then do I count the expenses here?"

  The manager looked embarrassed, "Oh, Liu Gongzi, the small ones here are all small businesses..."

  Zhao Liulang chuckled, “You’re still a small business here, okay, okay, it’s not difficult for you, let’s get out of here.”

  The manager happily gave a "hey" and then stepped back.

  Man Bao and Doctor Ding talked about the carbuncle for half an hour, staying here for lunch and let him go.

Man Bao and the others stayed until the evening. Not only did they watch several polo matches, they also went to the horse race in person. Liu Xiaoniang came to her to go to the game. Man Bao looked at the lottery and didn't need the registration fee, but it was a pity. , She didn't get the ranking.

  Zheng also ran a circle on horseback. The main reason was that he made a lot of friends this time. They exchanged door posts and made an appointment next time to go out for tea and go shopping in the flower street.

   is a real flower street, the peonies are about to bloom, and it's time to fight once a year.

  Zheng has always been back home, still full of excitement, Bai Shan smiled and said: "If mother likes it, we will take you out next time."

  This time Zheng no longer hesitates, but softly said: "If I don't disturb you, I will follow."

  Only entered the door, Wu Lang and the steward came over together, "Man Bao, you are finally back, there are guests at home."

  Man Bao asked: "Who?"

"It's the steward of Piguo Gongfu. I brought a box of silver," Wulang said in a low voice, "He said that he wanted you to come to see their little grandpa. If you are not at home, I don't know whether to pick it up or not. , I haven't dared to take it all the time."

The steward is also here to report this matter, but what he said is, "The young person wants to send someone to invite the young master and Miss Man back, but the steward stopped, saying that it is not good to disturb Miss Man when the Lantern Festival is coming. We don’t have to ask, he just needs to wait at home, so..."

  Illness should not be urgent.

  Man Bao was relieved when he heard it, and looked at each other with Bai Shan, guessing that it was for the follow-up treatment.

    It will be added tomorrow, for the monthly pass, red duck

     Hmm, so I'll be lazy again tonight, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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