Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2366: Ice and fire

  Chapter 2366 Ice and Fire

Man Bao collected the money, and followed the Su family's steward to Pi Guo Gong’s mansion to give Su Jian another injection. After seeing his pulse, she left a prescription, which was the side where she had been with Doctor Ding in the racecourse before. Said: "It can relieve the heat from the organs. At present, this prescription is the most symptomatic for him, so I take it first."

Man Bao counted the time since his illness began, and nodded: "I think he has no previous pain. He should have improved. Let's continue to take medicine and needles. However, recently he has a light diet, eats less meat and fish, and does not drink alcohol. it is good."

Mrs. Pi Guo immediately responded and personally sent Man Bao to the yard, and asked: "Doctor Zhou, I heard that you gave my son a doctor's order in the racecourse."

  Man Bao said embarrassedly: "Please don't blame the madam. I watched the little grandpa's uncontrolled drinking and fun, so I couldn't help but say a few more words."

She said: "After all, the little grandpa was seriously injured. Now he looks like an ordinary person, but in fact, the internal organs are weaker and weaker than the average person, so you should pay more attention. You should eat less meat and fish. It’s better to eat less of the broiled food, let alone drink."

  Man Baodao: "It is not good for the general people to drink too much alcohol, let alone the little grandpa who has suffered such injuries?"

Mrs. Pi Guo immediately thought of the prince. Doesn’t the prince have to give up drinking when he is treating infertility?

  She made a ruthless gesture, and said to Man Bao: "Doctor Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely pay close attention to him in the future."

  Su Jian’s illness is not serious, but not small. It sounds like abdominal pain, but it can really kill people in an emergency.

  So when Grand Doctor Xiao Tan returned to the palace, he recorded Su Jian's pulse condition and reported it to Xiao Yuanzheng.

  The emperor was a little bit cold, so he just called Xiao Yuanzheng to see a doctor. Xiao Yuanzheng then informed the emperor of this matter, and said that the Su family had privately invited Zhou Man to see him.

  The emperor has a good relationship with Pi Guogong, his relatives, so he cares about Su Jian's body, so he said: "Since Zhou Man is better at this disease, let her take over Su Jian's disease."

  This is the shift to make Zhou Man go out for the clinic.

  Xiao Yuan was smiling and replied yes.

The emperor cared about Su Jian’s body, but he was more concerned about the good minister who assisted the prince. Therefore, after the reunion dinner in the evening, the emperor called the prince aside and said, “Su Jian is unbearable. You are giving grace to the prince’s concubine. Don’t send him about anything."

  Prince: ……The meal is good, why do you want to talk about his brother-in-law?

  The emperor raised his eyes and glanced at the prince, "Why, reluctant?"

  The prince asked: "What did Su Jian do to make his father angry?"

"No, it is not me who is angry. It is the couple of Pi Guoguo," the emperor said coldly: "Su Jian can't even do a good job of abstaining from drinking. Obviously he is not a man of self-control. I think he is beside you besides being obedient. There is no other use, so small things can be dispatched, but big things can't be trusted."

   Prince: "Is it bad to be obedient?"

The emperor glanced at him and said: "As a king, you need good and capable ministers, not obedient mediocre ministers. Of course, it's okay to keep one or two by your side. You can feel comfortable and show your love, but you Reusing him will definitely occupy the position of other good ministers, which is naturally not good."

"I know that Su Jian is your companion. You have feelings with him, but the major events of the country cannot be used emotionally. You should have some people around you." The emperor said: "I don't want to interfere with your confidant, what do you want to do? You make your own decision, but Su Jian can't stay by your side anymore. Find an opportunity to send him out."

Su Jian’s companion is different from other companions, like Bai Shan, although they are also accompanied by the Prince, but after they enrolled, the Prince will only have five classes in Chongwen Hall in the first ten days, including one. It was Mr. Zhuang who taught the class alone. At first, he would take the opportunity to take the little companions to the martial arts field for a while. Later, when his son was born, his position was stabilized, and he basically stopped playing with them.

Su Jian is different. Su Jian accompanied him to study when he was young. There were five students around the prince. In the end, two did not go with him. In his hardest time, he chose to be neutral. The remaining three, except for Su Jian They were all released early.

  It is Su Jian who has been with the prince by his side.

  With the relationship between the prince and concubine, the relationship between the prince and Su Jian is even better.

  So after hearing the emperor's comment on Su Jian, the prince was a little angry, thinking that the emperor's father belittled his friends and subordinates just like he belittled him.

  The prince finally brought his wife and children back to the East Palace with a calm face.

When the queen saw it, she said to the emperor: "You and Saburo can coax you when you talk, but can't you be softer with Dalang?"

The emperor said: "If you want to be an emperor, you have to get used to these angers. I'm still quite euphemistic. If Wei knows them, it will only be more unkind. He can't stand it now, and I won't be here in the future. Don't you want to fight with the Manchu civil and military every day?"

  And the emperor felt that he was gentle enough, and even the manpower he replaced was chosen by himself. Not only did he not intervene, but he didn't even mention suggestions. How tolerant of him?

The prince returned to the east palace angrily. The princess also knew what was going on. She was a little bit lost by the emperor’s comments on her brother, but she still said to the prince: "His Royal Highness, what the emperor said is not unreasonable. My elder brother is even more involved in matters such as his own life and death. Don't take it to heart, it's just that it's so hard to stop drinking, how can you shoulder the heavy responsibility given to him by your Highness in the future?"

  The prince has also given up drinking, knowing how uncomfortable it is, so he said: "Stop drinking things slowly, he loves what is in the cup, and it is uncomfortable for people to give up suddenly..."

"His Royal Highness, he has been injured for three years. Zhou Man said long ago that he cannot drink alcohol from this injury. Even if he is completely healed in the future, he should drink less. But look at him, this time he just drank and fell down. I have asked the doctor, most of this disease is caused by poor diet."

  The princess said: "No matter how hard it is to quit drinking, won't your Highness quit? Even the New Year's Royal Highness is just a taste, why can't he quit?"

  The prince opened his mouth, and asked after a while: "Are you willing?"

  The princess said: "I can't bear it, but I can eat as much as I have a bowl. The third brother is not capable, and he can't do well when he is strong. It will be bad if he neglects his duty in the end."

  The prince began to think.

  The princess took the opportunity to say: "His Royal Highness chooses a good place for the third brother, even if it is the righteousness of the monarch and minister, let him go outside, maybe he will grow up after a few years of experience?"

  This is just the crown prince’s extravagant hope. Both she and the prince knew that Su Jian was at this age and his temperament could not be changed, but as long as he went out to be more sensible, Pi Guo and his wife should also be satisfied.

  The prince knocked on the table and thought, "But who can take over his errand in Chongwenguan?"

  The prince concubine looked down and thought for a while and said: "How does your Royal Highness feel about Bai Shan?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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