Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2379: Complain

  Chapter 2379 Complaint

The   Emperor and many princes and concubines were served by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of the Palace. There are Yeting Bureau, Gongwei Bureau, Xiguan Bureau, Neifu Bureau, and Neifu Bureau; Dianzhong Province is Shangshi, Shangyao, Shangyi, Shangshe, and AMTD Monk.

  Both provinces are managed by internal officials. Internal officials are either in-house servants or female officials. Few foreign ministers are in charge.

  However, there is also a chief director above the two provinces. The current chief director is Lord Luo. He is in charge of the royal family, or the emperor’s private property.

  However, he only took his subordinates to take care of external affairs, such as the operation of Huangzhuang and the emperor’s shops, minerals, etc., and he was very busy. Basically, the two provinces belonged to autonomy.

  The officials who have served as chief executives are very self-aware and dare not participate too much in the affairs of the two provinces. After all, it is the emperor’s family affair.

  Furthermore, the general manager is not only the emperor’s courtier, but also the queen’s subordinate.

  Yes, Lord Luo not only obeys the emperor, but also obeys the queen. The queen also has the power to appoint and dismiss the chief executive of Neiku and deal with the affairs of Neiku.

  So after taking office, Lord Luo was conscientious in taking care of the empress’s industries, occasionally taking things home, and communicating with the two provinces was nothing more than asking for money and things. He gave money and things after the approval was OK.

  Of course, he doesn’t have to do this by himself, and most of the chores are left to Xin Chun.

  The imperial palace near the capital was frequented by the emperor and the imperial children, so Luo Da talented the two imperial palaces in the capital to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  Unexpectedly, things that would be convenient for you, me, and him ended up like this.

  Master Luo is still kneeling in the palace.

  Gu Zhong brought a cup of tea in, carefully placed it beside the emperor, and whispered: "Your Majesty, how about you taste today's tea?"

  The emperor picked it up and took a sip, took a sip of tea, and the anger in his chest became more smooth. Then he looked at Lord Luo, who was still kneeling on the side, and snorted coldly: "Get up."

  Lord Luo breathed a sigh of relief, got up from the ground, and stood with his head bowed.

  The emperor said: "I have always believed in you, so I handed over everything to you. The Ministry of Households called for a deficit, and Neiku also called for a deficit. The result was not me, but you!"

  The emperor was angry when he talked about it, and could not help but put the teacup heavily on the table.

  Lord Luo knelt down again and quickly confessed his guilt.

The emperor sneered, and said: "Liu Hui's other things are normal, but he is a good hand at settling the accounts. You go and hand over all the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs to him, and the quick calculation of your Nei Treasury and the household department. I want to see how my inner library is getting worse every day."

  Lord Luo responded with respect, and then got up and slowly retreated.

  The emperor looked at Gu Zhong, "You follow along. If the Inner Servant and Dianzhong Province are not obedient, you can beat them."

  Gu Zhong responded with a smile, bowed and retreated.

  Lord Luo stood outside and waited for him. The two walked out together. When they were far away, Lord Luo spit out the breath in his chest.

  Different from foreign ministers like Wei Zhi, Master Luo often dealt with Gu Zhong, and the two knew each other very well, so he glanced at it and said coldly: "I heard that the only ancient servant is by his side before your majesty became angry?"

  Gu Zhong sighed: "Master Luo, this matter is indeed mine. I didn't expect your Majesty to be so angry."

Lord Luo frowned, "What did you really say to your Majesty?"

  Gu Zhong hurriedly said: "Lord Luo first listened to our explanation, I am not complaining, alas, it is too late to say this, and I am very panicked and feel too guilty."

  Lord Luo also listened to these words. Isn’t he really guilty who knows?

  The lives of these servants are not rare, how much conscience can they have?

  Now Lord Luo just wants to know why the emperor was born so grand.

  Gu Zhong said softly: "It's also me who speaks too much. Your Majesty is in a good mood this morning, and I have arranged for you early. If you are free, your Majesty wants to go out for a stroll."

"It's just that Master Luo also knows that because Master Wei had been impeached in the Zhen Beast Garden, His Majesty did not dare to go there, but the wind was strong outside, and the cold wind in the spring was even tighter than the cold wind in winter, your Majesty. It took two days to catch some cold, how dare I let him out?"

  Master Luo: "Talk about the main point."

  Gu Zhong said with a look of guilt: "In order to prevent your majesty from going out to blow the air, I will tell your majesty some interesting things outside, isn't this only about the doctor Zhou Xiao?"

  Master Luo: "Master Zhou Manzhou?"


  Master Luo: "What does this have to do with her?"

"It's okay," Gu Zhong said with a gloomy look: "It's just that your Majesty likes Lord Zhou, so I will find some interesting things about Lord Zhou to tell your Majesty. I remember that Lord Zhou mentioned before that she has been in business since she was a child. At a young age, the Zhou family and the Bai family vacated a small village for her and Baixian son Ma Ye to take care of. The village not only grows wheat and rice, but also raises many chickens and ducks."

"The eggs with so many chickens can bring the price of two eggs for the county town’s three cents to one cent for one egg, and later it’s even two cents for three eggs. I heard that now their county’s eggs are all reduced to two cents for two eggs. It’s an egg.” Gu Zhong sighed, “Who knows how coincidentally, at that time, your Majesty’s desk at the hospital’s Xiaoyuan just happened to have an account requesting funding. I heard that the Ministry of Households and Neiku allocated the first money to them. The money was spent very quickly, and many people later entered the imperial estate, and the cost was even greater, so..."

  Gu Zhong raised his head and looked at Lord Luo sympathetically, “You should have known why your Majesty is angry? Not only the prices of the things that Huangzhuang bought for the Imperial Medical Office are much higher, but the things bought into the palace are also...”

Lord Luo moved his mouth and said after a long while: "Of course I know that the hands and feet are not very clean, but when the water is clear, there will be no fish. The things in the palace are the best, and the price is higher than the outside. It is also normal. "

  Lord Luo said with a headache: "Just these chicken, duck, eggs, meat, vegetables, and vegetables, even if it is twice as high, how much more can it cost?"

Gu Zhong laughed and said, "It's not only twice as high, it's three times as full. I heard that the eggs on the market are only two cents apiece, but the eggs bought by the purchasing manager are six cents apiece. How many eggs does this entire palace consume every day? The accumulation of this day and day can also be a lot of money."

  He said: "If they hadn't been too much, Your Majesty wouldn't have been so cruel."

  Master Luo frowned, "I can't intervene in the shopping in the palace. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is always doing it. Neiku only allocates money..."

  Gu Zhong said faintly: “Master Xin, who is under Master Luo, has been doing this all the time. I heard that Master Xin has been in charge of the purchase since the child’s sickness.”

  Master Luo immediately stopped talking when he heard it. It was a taboo to intervene in the palace, and even his righteous Neiku chief had to avoid it. Where did Xin Chun have the courage to intervene?

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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