Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2384: meet

  Chapter 2384 Meet

  Not knowing that he can cure chickens, and is about to cure pigs, Man Bao is now standing on the ridge with his hands together, watching people in the distance turning the straw that covers the wheat field.

  The weather has been good these past two days, and it seems to be warming up. Turn the straw out and let the wheat seedlings grow faster when exposed to the sun.

  The fields in front of Manbao are empty, and should be reserved for planting rice.

  The cake stood behind Man Bao and said with envy: "My lord, your fields are really nice here, and the weather is nice."

  No wonder they always heard that the Central Plains is very rich when they were in the Western Regions. It turns out that their fields are so good.

  Man Bao smiled at her, and exclaimed: "Spring is here, how many days before the Ming Jing exam?"

  I don’t know the cakes, Jiulan replied: "There are still seven days."

   Jiulan glanced in the distance, walked to Man Bao’s side and whispered: "Manny, look over there, there are two people who have been looking at you."

  Man Bao turned his head and saw a man carrying a hoe. There was a person standing beside him. Because he was too far away, Man Bao couldn't see people clearly, but from the deportment point of view, he seemed to be an old man.

  Man Bao squinted his eyes, and couldn’t help asking Jiulan and Xibing, “Do you see who they are?”

  The cakes had the best eyes. After looking at them for a long time, they said: “One looks at the age of thirty or so, the other looks at the age of sixties, like grandparents, and the old one is well dressed, like silk and satin.”

   Few people in this Zhuangzi can wear silk and satin except for work.

   Jiulan said: "Lady, they are looking at you, looking like two father-in-laws."

  There are quite a few father-in-laws in this village.

  Man Bao thought for a while, and said to Jiulan: "Go and ask."

   Jiulan responded and walked towards them.

Seeing Jiulan rushing towards them, the boy's waiter took a kerchief and covered his mouth and coughed softly, his voice softly said: "Young people are curious, this is not a good thing. In that palace, the least It's curiosity."

  The little boy said: "God father, I saw Doctor Zhou in a while. You can say something soft. If you can't tell her, you will be cured."

  Tong’s inner waiter said faintly: “It’s not cured. Didn’t you ask Mrs. Liu for help before, it’s just a few prescriptions.”

  "Jingli and Gongli both said that Zhou Taiyi was a little genius doctor."

Attendant Tong smiled and said, "Silly boy, Jingli called her a genius doctor because she can open an abdomen and treat infertility. How much is it related to my disease? Regarding my internal disease, the most effective means is It's Xiao Yuanzheng and Liu Taiyi."

  The little boy's housekeeper was a little annoyed, "Xiao Yuanzheng couldn't ask for it..."

Tong's attendant said indifferently: "How many people can get Xiao Yuanzheng in this capital? Except for those super-class masters of the country, Houye, only third-class foreign ministers have the opportunity to get him, that is It is difficult for the ladies in the palace to invite him, let alone me as an eunuch."

  The boy's maid's face flushed, and he wanted to talk, the boy's maid said faintly: "Here is the person."

  As soon as he raised his head, he saw a maid next to Imperial Doctor Zhou, who had walked cautiously with her skirt.

  But before she approached, the guards who came on patrol saw it, and immediately rushed to stop him, pointing at them and shouting: "What are you doing, you are not allowed to cross the fence, and offenders are to be killed."

   Jiulan was taken aback, stopped, and waited for the guards to rush over before patting her chest and saying: "You scared me to death, I didn't even think about crossing the fence."

  The guards who were about to reprimand her choked, and then they looked at her and became familiar with them. The blue veins on their foreheads couldn't help but jump, "Miss Jiulan, why are you?"

   turned his head to look at the father and son in the opposite side of the boy, frowning, "Who are you? I don't know if this is an epidemic area. Shouldn't I approach it?"

The boy waiter covered his mouth and coughed. The boy waiter immediately put down his **** and supported him with both hands. He said, "My lord, we didn't cross the fence and didn't dare to go in. It was the old doctor Zhou who had a care, so we came here. Yes, I just want to send one thing to Doctor Zhou."

   Jiulan looked at the guards with an innocent look, and pointed to Zhou Man and said, “Nuo, our lady is over there. She has never been close to outsiders, and only asked me to send a message.”

The guards were used to passing things and letters to Zhou Man during this period of time, and they were too soft on their lips. They couldn't speak hard at the moment, so they could only stand aside and stare at the two children in the room, making a rough voice. Said: "If you have anything to say quickly, and also, you can only go to the checkpoint in the future, and you are not allowed to come over privately."

  Although they surrounded the epidemic area with wooden sticks and twine, even the children can step over it as soon as they lift their feet.

  This thing can't stop people at all. It just lets the people in the imperial house know that people inside must not cross these fences to the outside, and people outside must not cross these fences to go in. It depends on everyone's consciousness.

Although the guards are patrolling, they can't always stare at such a large epidemic area with good eyes, so they are very dissatisfied with the behavior of the children's servants.

  Although Imperial Doctor Zhou always communicates with the outside world, only letters are always passed to the outside world, and they are always sent through formal channels—their checkpoints, and they always send beautiful and enthusiastic cakes. They don't find it troublesome.

  They felt that Dr. Zhou was a rule-abiding person. Had the two children been tempted here, Dr. Zhou would not do anything embarrassing for them.

  So they glared at the two children, the father and son, and looked very unfriendly.

  Children's housekeeper:...

Even the waiter Tong was silent for a while, then took out a veil from his sleeve and handed it over, and said to Jiulan, "This veil was given by an old friend of Imperial Doctor Zhou. The little lady will give it to Imperial Doctor Zhou. clear."

  The guard stepped forward, took the veil, looked back and forth, and saw nothing, so he handed it to Jiulan.

  They mainly prevent the contents from being handed out. As for the outside things, as long as they are not contraband, they generally don't care.

   Jiulan took the handkerchief and asked: "I don't know what the two masters are called?"

  The little boy's servant bent over and said: "Don't dare to be, our father and son are surnamed Tong."

   Jiulan looked at them in surprise, looked at them up and down, nodded, and went back after saluting.

She handed the veil to Man Bao, with a curious expression: "Miss, I listen to them talking softly, just like the maids who have been to the house, and they don’t need to face them. I thought they were too...who knows them? It turned out to be a father and a son. It's strange, why doesn't that old man keep his beard and son?"

Man Bao took the veil and looked at it. He didn't see anything. He explained indifferently: "Who said that the servant can't be a father and son? They all said that the surname is Tong. It should be Tong and his godson. "

   Jiulan: "...The child's servant?"

"Oh, you don’t know, it was the young inmate of the Ministry of Internal Attendance. Hearing from Doctor Liu, the man was put into our imperial house. But he is getting older. Your Majesty is kind and he didn’t punish him for work. Let him come to the imperial house for the elderly, his godson will serve him."

  Man Bao pondered for a while, and slapped his mouth: "It's also from the fourth rank, and it's as old as my official position. Unfortunately, it's gone now."

   Jiulan and cakes: ...there is half of your reason, right?

    I’m so happy. Tomorrow is the 4th. My niece and niece are going to school! ! !

     It’s too tired to take them out to play today, so I won’t change it tonight. Starting from tomorrow, I’m going to start fulfilling what Mo Yan said for five days!

     Mythical beast is finally going to be locked in a cage, happy!



  (End of this chapter)

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