Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2389: No solution (April monthly ticket plus 23)

   Chapter 2389 No solution (April monthly ticket plus 23)

  The two of them stepped forward to take a look, and immediately said, "Pour the medicine. If this dose doesn't work, then give it a hard dose."

  Man Bao looked up in shock. This was the first time she heard from Xiao Yuanzheng that she wanted to administer tiger wolf medicine.

  The front of Xiao Yuan was very calm. After Zhou Man had the needle, everyone looked down at the person lying on the bed.

  He is shaking!

  Man Bao's face changed, he immediately removed the two needles from his body, and then pressed his head and slowly pierced in, but the person was getting hotter and hotter, and more and more acne appeared on his body.

  Xiao Yuanzheng's face became heavier and heavier, and said: "Prescribe the medicine first to suppress the acne, and give me a strong medicine."

  So the four of them discussed the medicine to be added, and Xiao Yuan was writing down the prescription by himself and handing it to Zhou Man, "You and Doctor Liu will take the medicine yourself."

  Man Bao looked at the needle on his body worriedly.

  Xiao Yuanzheng said: "You have even pierced these two needles, can you have a better needle method? Keep it, Doctor Lu and I can watch."

  Man Bao took the prescription and Doctor Liu went out, carrying a dim lantern to the medicine hall to grab the medicine.

  Mr. Liu whispered as he walked, “Why don’t you write these types together when you take the medicine in the afternoon?”

  Man Bao said depressed: "We didn't even think about giving him this kind of medicine."

  Liu Taiyi comforted her and said: "He is burned like this, even if he doesn't need strong medicine, he will probably burn stupidly."

   "It's just possible."

Grand Doctor Liu shook his head and sighed: "I remember him, he is 21 years old and he is not a child. It is difficult to survive at such a high fever at this age. You even gave him a life-saving needle. You have tried your best. "

  Man Bao realized that Xiao Yuan was pointing her out to grab the medicine, and his eyes were red, "Are you sure he can't live?"

  "Isn't this a prevention just in case?"

  In fact, it is not a case of prevention, because the possibility of his survival is just a case.

  Man Bao went to the medicine hall to grab those medicines. After thinking about it, he grabbed all the medicines in the medicine hall, and then went directly to the kitchen to make them boil them.

  When the two returned to the ward, Xiao Yuanzheng and Doctor Lu were still standing as they did before, but they sighed and shook their heads when they were back.

  Man Bao immediately ran up to look, and saw that the hand was still slightly twitching, and the needle on his body was also pierced, but when she opened his eyelids, she saw that his pupils had been dilated.

With a water basin beside   , Xiao Yuanzheng’s sleeves were all wet. He should be trying to cool him down and get wet.

  Man Bao silently retracted the hand supporting his eyelids, but still unwillingly touched his veins, she turned around and still did not think of a good way.

  She encountered this situation many times when she was in Xiazhou. At that time, she was numb, and the one who died had no time to be sad, so she continued to see the next one.

  The living person is more important than the dead, but now she feels very weak and sad, and tears fell drop by drop without reacting to her sadness.

Xiao Yuanzheng was also in a bad mood, but he could only say, "Take the needle."

  The person on the bed is no longer moving, and he doesn't even breathe. Man Bao can only take the needle.

  But they couldn't just sit down, and checked all the remaining patients overnight with the lights on, and found that two of them also had abnormalities. When they were about to be transferred to a ward alone, and then consulted together.

  Xiao Yuan was carefully looking at their acne spots under the light, and it was indeed a little red. After touching their body temperature, they were a little higher than others.

  Xiao Yuan is checking their vaccination record, which is also the vaccinia of No. 3 vaccinia.

  He exhaled, turned around and took the people out, and walked around the yard twice, saying, “Is the problem with the vaccinia of No. 3 cow?”

  Man Baodao: "Because it has more acne, so it is more toxic?"

  "Are you sure they were all mature pimples when you collected them?"

  Man Bao glanced at Doctor Lu and nodded.

  The cow was collected by the two of them. They had checked before the collection. They had seen so many smallpox and it was impossible to admit it wrong.

  Xiao Yuan was turning around twice, still a little undecided, "Is that to administer medicine now to stop it from getting acne, or let it come out?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "The principle of vaccination is to let them get smallpox. Only those who have had smallpox can be immune to smallpox, so should they be treated the same as ordinary smallpox patients?"

  Liu Taiyi thinks so too.

  Xiao Yuanzheng closed his eyes and said: "Okay, then let's open the medicine."

  He said: "Even if we let them get acne, it must be under our control."

  As soon as the other three people felt refreshed, they followed Xiao Yuanzheng to discuss the prescription.

  Xiao Yuan said to Zhou Man, “Now their temperature is not very high. It is not easy to suppress with medicine, so let’s use acupuncture and moxibustion first.”

  Man Bao nodded, and discussed the needle technique with them, mainly she suggested, and they would help advise.

  Wait for confirmation before Manbao went in to give them medicine.

  It was early in the morning. The two knew that there was a high fever and serious illness in the ward tonight. Seeing that they were brought up alone, they were a little frightened.

  Man Bao took a clean needle bag, and said to the anxious them: "Don't be afraid, your temperature is higher than others, I will give you acupuncture and moxibustion to cool down."

  Man Bao comforted them while giving them needles, and asked, "Do you feel anything uncomfortable with you?"

   The two looked at each other, and said in a little fear: "Yes, I feel a little itchy on their bodies, and their heads are a little dizzy."

  Man Bao pierced all the needles and looked at the place where they said itchy, she vaguely saw the red dot.

  Man Bao frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. He was so anxious. Could it be that the cow was like this when he had acne?

  Man Bao loosened his eyebrows and turned around to give the two acupuncture needles. After guessing that the time was almost the same, he took the needles. The prescription that Xiao Yuanzheng and the others had discussed was also boiled out, and the two drank a bowl.

  At this time, light appeared on the horizon.

  Xiao Yuan looked out, and said to the two patients: "You go to sleep, you have someone to guard you, it's nothing serious."

  The two patients looked at each other, and both lay a little nervous, but they drank the medicine after tossing for half the night. As soon as the sleep came up, they couldn't hold back their heads and fell asleep.

  Man Bao waited for them to fall asleep before stepping forward to lift the clothes on their arms and beckoning Xiao Yuan to look at them.

  They carried the lamp and looked at it carefully. Sure enough, the skin was a little red, and after touching the temperature, it was still a little hot. This is still in the case of Zhou Man’s needle relieving fever, otherwise...

The four of them carefully withdrew. Xiao Yuanzheng had no better way. The doctor was also a human being. He wanted to heal people with a wave of his hand. But at this moment, he really can only wait for the smallpox in their bodies. Only by tricks can they come up with corresponding tricks.

  Man Bao said his own guess, Xiao Yuan just said: "Emperor Lu and Dr. Liu go to check the record of No. 3 cattle, and I and Dr. Zhou are here to guard."

   Another officer said: "Take my hand letter to the guards outside, and said that Dr. Liu and I will not go to the hospital today."

  The manager responded, bowed and took the letter and retired.

  Man Bao casually dragged a piece of wood and sat down on it. Xiao Yuan was sitting on the stone beside it. It was a bit cold, but he didn't want to move. The two of them didn't speak for a while.

    I think you would even want to read two chapters at once, so I just posted it after I finished writing it. It was half an hour late.

     Okay, the first day of Riwan is over, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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