Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2391: Find

   Chapter 2391 Discovery

Man Bao took out a concave porcelain piece the size of a fingernail, drew out a very thick short needle and pierced his finger. She raised her head and glanced at the patient. Because he was piercing the needle on his stomach, his back and head were both There was a needle, so I didn't dare to move, naturally I didn't know what Zhou Man did.

   Perceived that his finger had been pressed several times, he did not dare to move, thinking Zhou Man was getting a needle.

  Man Bao took the blood and put the things in the classroom under the cover of the quilt. Just as he was about to press his fingers with gauze to stop the bleeding, Man Bao saw that his fingers were yellowish and the nails were dark.

  Man Bao seems to have seen it on 121.

Man Bao frowned slightly, because the people who came in were all slaves. When they were rehabilitating their bodies, they would also pay great attention to hygiene in the hospital. They not only let them wash their hair and bath, but also put on clean clothes, as well as their fingernails and toenails. Repaired.

  They don’t have to do any work during this period, basically just eating, chatting and sunbathing. They have cut their nails twice. Why are they so dirty?

  Man Bao put down his hand and turned to look at the other person’s hand, and he found that his fingers were also slightly yellowed, and there were stains in his nails.

  Man Bao frowned and asked the two of them, "What did you do yesterday?"

  The two lying on their stomachs looked inexplicable, "We haven't done anything."

  Man Bao paused and asked, "Do you recognize Fang Xu?" Fang Xu is number one hundred and twenty-one.

  The two dared not move their necks, so they could only repeatedly say: "Know, know, we often eat together."

   "You were also together yesterday?"


  Xiao Yuan was waiting for someone to discuss a good prescription and walked in. It happened that Man Bao asked the two of them, "What did the three of you do yesterday? Just talk about it after you get up."

  The two were a little nervous and said: "They didn't do anything, just wash, eat, and then walked around. We didn't go out and didn't dare to approach the fence."

  Man Bao asked: "I think your fingernails are a little dirty, how did you get it?"

   "Oh, that was probably made when the gate was straw."

   "What are you doing with straws?"

   "Feed the cows," the two said, "Didn't there be cows in the cowshed not far away? We saw that the people who looked after the cows were too busy, so we helped him."

  Xiao Yuanzheng's face changed slightly, and he lowered his head to face Zhou Man, and then stepped forward and asked, "You are just grass, aren't you close to the cow?"

  They were repeatedly questioned, and became a little frightened, and quickly denied: "No, we didn't get close to the cow."

  The doctor Lu slapped the table with anger, “Don’t tell the truth, tell me, what did you do in the bullpen? If you don’t tell the truth, you will be served directly by the torture.”

  Xiao Yuan glanced at him, implying that he should keep a little bit, and there should be some degree of scaring people. Now that they are sick like this, don’t you say that they can really drag people down and hit the board?

  Who knew that before his warning gaze had been taken away, the man lying on the bed shouted with tears: "I said, I said, we all said."

  One said: "We really went to feed the cows. They all said that the cows with acne would not be needed anymore. When we finally leave, these cows will let us divide."

  He said: "We thought that although this cow can get smallpox, we can get it too, so we are not afraid. If we can get a cow back, it will be convenient for farming and work. I, let's just go and see."

The other continued: "There are a total of seven cows in the cowshed. There is a lot of straw to eat every day. After the gate, they must be mixed with beans to feed them. The soldier taking care of the cows only has one hand, so we went to help. In fact, we didn’t do much, so we blocked some straw and stirred two buckets of forage to eat."

  Xiao Yuan asked them, "How many cows did you feed yourself?"

   "Just, just two ends."

  Man Bao asked, "There are seven cows in total, why do you only feed two?"

   "The two cows are cooked and they are not the same as the other five. The other five cows looked cumbersome, and we all thought it was difficult to plow the land, so we didn't feed them."

  Xiao Yuan turned around and left, Man Bao wanted to follow, Xiao Yuanzheng ordered: "You stay here and watch them take the needle, and wait until the needle is over."

  Manbao can only stay.

  Man Bao sat in a chair and looked at them.

  The two were very anxious and asked in sweat, "Oh, sir, can't we touch the cow?"

  Man Baodao: "It shouldn't be a hindrance in theory, you have already had acne, but...but the acne is not healed, the antibodies in the body may not have formed yet, have you touched the acne rash on the cow?"

   "No," the two of them immediately said: "We have acne on our bodies, and this thing looks disgusting, why would we touch it?"

  They said: "We just touched its neck, mouth and nose to avoid its acne rash."

  Man Bao was speechless for a while.

  Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, the two of them were anxious, "Big, sir?"

  Man Baodao: "There is also our negligence in this. I thought that you have been inoculated with acne and you don't need to avoid it, but it turns out that we were wrong."

  Man Bao calculated the time, then pulled out the needle for them, and asked, "Apart from the three of you, who else has touched the people in the bullpen?"

  The two looked at each other, bowed their heads under Zhou Man's gaze, and said several names.

  This is everyone they know.

  Man Bao nodded, touched their body temperature and got up to find Xiao Yuanzheng and the others.

  They are standing in the cowshed, and the situation is almost understood, Xiao Yuanzheng said: "Seven cows have acne. These two cows had acne only the day before yesterday. Yesterday was when the high fever had acne."

   "Is it infected because of this?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "It's not necessarily. You have to continue to check. Let's check everyone."

  The cause of disease is the most difficult thing to determine. People are not roundworms in their stomachs, and they can see the contents inside. They also know the whole process of their illness from the beginning. Vicious things can only be guessed.

  Xiao Yuan is instructing the guards of the bullpen, "Take a good look, no one is allowed to approach the bullpen anymore."

  He turned around and took everyone back, and said to Zhou Man: “Continue to check, group all people with similar conditions together, and take a look at a few repetitions.”

The four of them had been busy for a day and reviewed all the patients. Finally, they sat in a chair to gather together, Bao Bao said, "There are 27 people who are still feverish. Except for those two, everyone else has a low-grade fever. Signs of repeated acne."

  Xiao Yuan is taking notes, Man Bao said: "I asked them, there are twelve people who have been in the bullpen recently, except for three of them, everyone else has no abnormalities at the moment."

  “It has been determined that there are 67 people who have acne scabs to fall off when they are mature, and 58 people have matured.”

   Doctor Liu sighed: "It's almost done."

  Man Bao nodded, “In terms of the proportion of the two sides, vaccinia has not failed, but now there are deaths, it is not a success.”

  Xiao Yuan Zhengdao: "Find out the cause of the disease. In a few days, the vaccinia will mature, and the next group of people will be vaccinated."

  Man Bao and Liu Taiyi Lu meet.

   See you at seven in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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